here today - it wa only 12°C when I started out but slowly warmed up. Saillat-sur-Vienne came and went and I crossed the river on a bridge I've only discovered in the last month

. We must have gone past the junction dozens of times, but I 'assumed' the road just went back to the bridge at Saillat.
After that it was uphill to cross the new N141 - it's about 09:30 on a Monday morning and this is the traffic
There is a car, but it's way in the distance

Onwards to Etagnac, where I had a rest on a bench, round the back of the chateau (they are very rare in France, benches not chateaus)
Here is the view I had
I suspect the bench was there due to the Resistance monument hiding to my left.
Next village was Saulgond, which is very old and has really narrow streets in the centre. This is the church
A few more forested km away is Brigueuil, which is advertised as a fortified village. This was always a bit of a puzzle to me, as I've never seen any walls on the approach roads or even in the centre. However, if you bother to read the information panel in the main car park all is revealed

The only part that is fortified is the area around the church and associated buildings. here is one of the 11th century gates, with the church inside.
Next stop was Montrollet, which we've been to many times - mainly due to the restaurant that is at the side of the lake in the centre of the village.This one is just outside the village.
Spoilt for choice for benches here
Had a snack here then crossed over to Oradour-sur-Glane via Javerdat. Starting to warm up now, but the wind is fairly strong and blowing with me
This is the church of the "new" village - a bit brutal for my taste.
Back home via Saint-Brice-sur-Vienne and Saint-Martin-de-Jussac
72 km in 3 3/4 hrs - av. 19.26km/hr