Sunday. Not a day of rest in our house...
Up at 5.45am to watch the MotoGP - I won't spoil things if you haven't seen it, but what a race!!!! If you don't have BT Sport, try to catch the highlights on ITV4 tomorrow.
After the race, I was getting ready to go out on the bike (road bike again, the hybrid must think it's done something wrong...), Mrs ND shouted up did I want a bacon sarnie for breakfast? Now i was planning to be good and have a big bowl of cereal before heading out, but I didn't want to appear rude, so grudgingly accepted
Anyhow, Peter Gibbs doing the weather forecast on BBC breakfast said it would be a grey day but that you'd be unlucky to get caught in one of the few isolated scattered showers that were about. I think we'll return to this later.
Out up Coal Road, then Skelton lane and down lumpy bumpy hill to Thorner, where the church bells were ringing and the smell of woodsmoke was in the air - a very English autumn day. Out up Milner lane and then turned right at the fork towards Bramham but took the left to Collingham.
This is usually a very quiet almsot single track country lane, but it was positively busy this morning. First a jogger, then two horse riders, then a car, another jogger, then two more cars! Oh, and it started raining. Not to worry - this must be one of those isolated scattered showers and must surely soon pass...
Onto the A58 and turned left this time for the run down into Collingham itself (the A58 is a narrow road and not much fun, but at least it was quiet this morning), then right at the Old Star before taking another right for the road to Linton.
I know I wasn't overly impressed by Linton in yesterdays post, but it's a handy way to add a few extra miles on generally quiet roads so what the heck.
Into Wetherby and up Horsefair, then out towards Walton before taking the fork to Thorp Arch and on over the river to Boston Spa.
Did I mention it was still raining at this point? Perhaps the shower was following me?
The long way to Clifford, then Bramham, up Town Hill and out on the Tadcaster Road.
Then right again, leading to the bridge over the A64 where I stopped for an energy bar and this photo:
Back on the bike, I flew down the hill to Stutton, taking the obligatory plunge down Fanny Lane, then out to the A162 and the uphill drag to Towton. Heading down the hill was a decent sized mixed peleton, got quite a lot of "hello" and "morning"s. As I reached the top of the hill a police van on blues and two's headed the other way after the peleton - what had they been up to???

At this point a large goldish circular shaped thing appeared to be trying to get through the clouds - was it the sun? At least it stopped raining !
Through Towton, past the battlefield site and down into Saxton and back out along Coldhill Lane (no sportives today, thank goodness), then right to Lotherton Hall and the run into Aberford.
Then the usual route back via Barwick and Scholes - two very nice drivers between Aberford and Barwick, one in a Renault Captur hung back on a twisty bit of road until I waved him though (being on the bike I could see further ahead) and I got a cheery wave, then a flash of the hazards as he pulled back in. Then a Peugeot driver hung back as I took the S bends at the bridge over Cock Beck as fast as I dare in the damp conditions and then gave me loads of room when she passed afterwards.
Heading up to Scholes a muppet in a Jag XF passed within millimeters of my elbow though, so there are still some drivers who haven't been to Specsavers yet.

Down Leeds Road and then I took a detour through the Pendas and Manston to avoid the Ring Rd/ Barwick Rd roundabout as I was going to get my new mudguards fitted (third time lucky?). Onto the £29 million cycle way and it's still as lumpy and poorly laid out as ever.
Dropped the bike in and they said to give them 40 mins, so I nipped to BK to get a drink and use the free wi-fi, although I did feel a little overdressed in my bib tights and fluoro top.

Back in, picked up the bike and having checked the price of the mudguards online and got them to price match - then apply my BC discount

Cycled back via Cross Gates and out on Manston lane to test the mudguards and push the miles over 40.
Loop back via Pendas Fields and up to home.
42.16 miles (new record distance) in 2hr 50m at an average of 14.8mph, with 1722ft climbed.
Really, really pleased with that - so my next challenge is an imperial half century.
And I was only stuck in an isolated, scattered shower for 16 miles........
Report on the mudguards (Road Racer 2's) - seem great so far and rattle free, so fingers crossed they've done the trick.