Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
It is a great place to visit. We can't actually work out how long we have been coming here but we are certain it is more than a decade. It's one of those places that the first time you visit you think there is not much to do, the next time you visit you find something more and the more and more you visit you realise there is loads to do in the area.
There are a couple of cafes which you can venture into as well. The one at Rannoch Station is open 6 days a week (closed Fridays) and the one in Kinloch Rannoch is also open 6 days a week and closed on Mondays.

If you cycle in (or for that matter drive really) do yourself a favour and come in from the Calvine/Trinafour road and not the Loch Tummel Road (which is the Queen's view road). It is a much better route to cycle, more open, nicer, easier, better road surface and actually shorter! Or come in from Schiehallion and through Aberfeldy. Again it is a much nicer road and if the weather is good, then there are great views from both of these roads (@Fubar will confirm that the Calvine/Trinafour road is much nicer than the Queen's View/North Loch Tummel road).

I can indeed confirm that is that case :okay:, I would be very tempted to take the train up to Blair Atholl again and plot a route home that takes in Rannoch Moor.

Fab pictures BTW.


Legendary Member
Well it's been a bit different to today, a day of eccentrics and anoraks and great fun.

Back in September I met a group of cyclists whilst the Fragrant Mrs P and I where out shopping at a garden centre in Wallingford, I got chatting to them and one of them sold me there cycle group magazine with all the local cycling events listed. It being Thursday today I recalled that they were probably all meeting up this morning for cake and tea at said garden centre so checking the magazine I found that they were meeting this morning but at a different venue; because I had left it a bit late I didn't really have a enough time to cycle the 22 miles, plus I didn't really want to do a 44 mile round trip today, not with my marathon legs still a bit hurty.

I decided I would chuck the bike in the back of the motor, and drive to about halfway and then cycle to the meet, thus saving time and my legs. I drove to Millets Farm shop in Frilford and set out from there, in the car park there was a very large group of motorcyclists all on vintage and classic bikes, about 30 of them in all, all standing round discussing the virtues of Chinese tyres and twin carbs.


Classic Bikes.

I left them to it, and cycled the nine odd mile via Southmoor, onto Newbridge, Standlake, Brighthampton and to the meeting point at Aston Pottery. I was bit concerned if I was in the correct place as I saw no other cyclists about, and on arrival no bikes parked up, then round the corner I saw three old bikes and I then knew I was in the correct place.

Tea and cake ordered I went and introduced myself to a couple of folks and eventually about 30 riders all turned up, talking nonsense about rides, bikes and adventures, all very friendly. One chap there arrived on a 1941 sit up and beg that was his latest acquisition, he even had the the original receipt for it.


Not bad for 74 years old is it?

After an hour so of chewing the fat with these nice people I set off back to where I left the car , but not before spotting a couple of 1930's British cars, an Austin and a Morris driven by two delightful ladies, who were very happy to show these two lovely cars off.




This flower bed was at the entrance to Aston Pottery, it looked stunning in real life.


Some of the group setting off.


This was at the entrance to the car park of Millets farm.


Rolling road block to let someone important through in the black car, a prime minister or a King, someone who ain't got shoot all over them anyway.


18.40 miles today, the longest ride on the road bike since August the 4th, I'd forgotten how fast it was.
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So today was another ride. This time there was a twist. there was a race on. The rules were simple, initially. My OH had to go to Rannoch Station and have coffee and cake, and produce evidence of it that was recognisably Rannoch Station café. He then had to return to my route and follow me around the loch. Only I decided it wasn't fair. If there were 2 of us in this race, then there should be 2 coffees and 2 cakes :whistle: I had intended that he only have 2 coffees and 2 cakes in 1 café, but he misinterpreted me and I decided to let it live. Coffee and cake in 2 cafes and evidence to support both was to be submitted.... OK.
So rules in place, the race would start and end at the bottom of the track (mainly because I can't take the track very fast... ) There would be 2 races, a total time elapsed race (so basically first one back wins) and a total ride time race (shortest ride time wins)....

However, there was also to be an unexpected Cyclechat twist to this race which I was only to find out about much later on into the race and neither of us knew about at the start...

So setting out. It didn't take long for me to stop again wanting a photo.


I had intended it to be a wing mirror shot, but the truth be told it deserved much more, the autumn colours were just great, so I got out of my trike and took a shot back down the road.

From there is was a touch of sadness, a dead red squirrel kit at the side of the road and very recently dead as well, however I was soon to get a wonderfully long view and great chat with a red squirrel on the far side of the loch when I spotted it in the road and stopped when it didn't run off. It then proceed to recross the road, then ran towards me for 50-100m and stopped. We had a chat about the green cross code and all that and it left the scene leaving me feeling better about life.

I had a narrow miss with a bucket of water being thrown across the road when I slowed momentarily to let a BT car van pass me on a single track. I paused behind a white van in an entrance and in the same instance came the bucket of water being emptied across the road. A very sheepish decorator apologised and checked that he had actually missed me. I would have been needing to return to the cottage for a change of clothes had it not been for that BT car/van!


Further along and another set of trees (which have always caught the light and my eye) were doing exactly that... Schiehallion (mountain in case you have not worked this one out) was peeking above the road as well.


Then it was another set of trees and a snack needed.... This one, you just need to understand me and trees and light and well, nature really. And I just love this set of trees and the lichens growing on them and well all of it really.

Then life took a CC twist of its own. I spotted a motorbike coming towards me, thought nothing of it except that it suddenly slowed down and then stopped. Random thoughts crossed my mind such as lost or asking for directions until the rider took off his helmet and asked if I was called "xyz"... And so the CC twist took its own turn, because our own @Brandane having no work on today and having said he would like to see the autumn colours up on Loch Rannoch before they went, had done exactly that - he had come up here to see them and whilst at Rannoch Station café had encountered an English speaking cyclist and asked if he was SNSSO's OH.... And so the race and my route was given to him and he had decided that if he had not encountered me before Kinloch Rannoch he would come back down the south side of the loch for 5 minutes to see if he could find me... And before long my OH arrived on the scene as well!

Once they had both departed and left me to the south shore, I was on my own again and with the day getting colder wondering if there were any more photos to be had today... there were but I will only bore you all with a couple of them. I was conscience of the time and that fact that I had mucked up my refuelling stops today and I was alone (though knowing that I wouldn't be for too long) and I was getting very tired...

So I decided I wouldn't stop to take any more photos until I had finished the race. And these were those.


Looking across the loch from the bottom of the track and the end of the race. I was first back to base!


Looking up the loch towards Rannoch Moor and well my favourite area.
My OH arrived 2 minutes later. His ride time is apparently 20 minutes less than mine (yet to be confirmed) but he lingered too long in the 2nd café trying to download a BBC podcast :whistle: :laugh:

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His evidence...

Incidentally, I have knocked 17 minutes off my fastest (ride) time of the loch lap since fitting the new tyres, so I am feeling pretty happy with that and the 9.6mph average I made today!

There is one last lap of Loch Rannoch to be done tomorrow with it being our last day, but tomorrow will not be on my trike!

PS - the final count for today was 3 live red squirrels, 1 dead one, 1 dead hedgehog, 1 dead weasel and a field load of (live) coos.
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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I am hoping there are no rules against posting this "ride" on this thread, despite the fact that the 2 wheeler used has the assistance of a small engine :tongue:.
If it breaks the rules or causes offence to the easily offended then I will post it elsewhere - the Irn Bru blethering thread might be appropriate!

I started out this morning full of good intentions to continue the saga of painting the exterior of my house, and was even dressed in painting gear when I decided "stuff this" (or a similar phrase :whistle:) and swapped the old jeans for the motorbike waterproofs (too chilly for leathers now). It was all the fault of @SatNavSaysStraightOn for posting those pics of Loch Rannoch yesterday!

I set off in cloudless skies, albeit a tad chilly. I got as far as Inverkip (8 miles from home) when I ran into the fog - and if I thought it was chilly in the sun, then it was about to get a lot more chilly :cold:. Such are the joys of a motorbike when you are not generating any heat by pedaling it.... The fog lingered pretty much all the way as I made my way through Greenock, over the Erskine Bridge, up Loch Lomond side to Crianlarich, along Loch Tay and then north to Loch Tummel and Loch Rannoch. There was a break in the fog at Loch Lomond, where Ben Lomond was just about visible in the clearing mist.....


I arrived at Rannoch Station in nice time for lunch, and pigged out on Minestrone soup with a HUGE chunk of home baked bread, followed by the daily special which today was haggis, neeps, and tatties. I was just fending off the temptation of the cake display when a cyclist arrived. He spoke with foreign tongue, so I put 2 and 2 together and asked him if he might be the husband of our own SNSSO.. Transpires he was, so we had a chat and he told me where I might be able to find his good lady on her trike.


I left and set off to try and find SNSSO, and as per above post by her, we met up on the south side of Loch Rannoch for a quick chat; and thereby delaying her in the race with Mr SNSSO (but she won anyway! :okay:). It was great to meet @SatNavSaysStraightOn and her OH.. Sadly the meeting was just a brief one as we had to head off, me facing about 120 miles on the motorbike, and Mr and Mrs SatNav continuing their race. My return route was south on the A9 to Perth (Schiehallion road WAS closed after all), M9 to Kinross then west to the Kincardine Bridge, followed by tedious motorways to Glasgow Airport, then A737 to Lochwinnoch, Kilbirnie, and home. Mileage for the day was in the region of 300, and felt a lot harder than my 100 km cycle a few days ago - motorbiking is tiring; you can't let your guard down for a second.

I took a few photos, but when it comes to photography I am no SNSSO, so apologies for these efforts which were taken just to prove I was there!




Never used Über Member
Shamefully I have unreported rides dating back to last weekend...all on the road bike*

Last Saturday, a run out through Thorner then the direct route to to Bramham via Wothersome dip, then (after Col de Town hill), a straighforward run down NCN R66 to Aberford, then back via Barwick and Scholes. It was a very grey and misty day, but fooled by the sun trying to burn through at home I wore my shades. This was not a good idea (see pic below) as there was a lot of moisture in the air...
A tidy 18.48 miles in 1hr 13 at an average of 15.2mph
I'd have liked to go further, but the dog was back at the vets for more tests (all good, repeat in a couple of weeks but it looks like we've turned the corner :okay: ).
Issues continue with mudguards.


Sunday, out to Thorner again, the Milner Lane and looped round towards Bramham before taking the road up to Wattle Syke roundabout then down the cycleway to Wetherby, over the river then out towards Walton, before cutting down to Thorp Arch and over the river to Boston Spa.
Then long way round to Clifford, then Bramham up Town Hill and out on Tadcaster Road before heading towards Stutton over the A64 where I stopped for a nosebag and a drink.

Doesn't the A64 look quiet - it wasn't but all the vehicles vanished for the photo! It was amazing how many peoples lane discipline improved on the road below while I was stood on the bridge. Perhaps me wearing a fluoro yellow top and a white helmet had something to do with it...:whistle:
On to Stutton and the inevitable trip down Fanny Lane, then out to the A162, Towton and the road past the battlefield.
Down the hill into Saxton, and turned onto Coldhill Lane where I was met with a full on sportive heading towards me at a great rate of speed filling both sides of the road. No marshalls, no warning signs, nothing, just a road full of bikes bearing down on the junction at full pelt. I hopped up onto the raised verge to get out of the way, but goodness only knows what would have happened if I'd been in a car. More worrying was the shouts of 'clear' at the junction when it clearly wasn't (another 'leisure' cyclist was forced to stop and wait despite having right of way).
Once they'd passed I carried on, along with the other cyclist before meeting the second phase coming towards us at full speed, again filling both sides of the road.
Again I got out of their way before carrying on. This carried on out to Copley Lane where groups of cyclists continued to whizz by, although at least on this busier road they were keeping mostly to their own side in the face of oncoming traffic.
Anyhow, through Aberford and then the familiar route towards home. i ad to go to the bike shop to get the mudguards sorted (new ones had been ordered) so i cycled straight their. It's a long story, but I ended up going to Burger King for a drink while they tried to fit the new mudguards.

Anyhow, after some time and now mudguardless (the new ones didn't fit...) I cycled up home and reran the MotoGp on the box
Totals: 38.33 miles in 2hr 36 at an average of 14.7mph and 1592ft climbed.
I wasn't paying attention at the time or I'd have pushed on to 40 miles, but 38.33 miles is a new record for me, so I'll take that. There is always next weekend.

Then just a local pre-tea spin last night, 7.32 miles in 27m 44 at 15.8mph. Nice to get out even though it was dark by the time I got back. The orange lenses I've got for my shades are awesome in the failing light though....

PS - had a call from the bike shop this evening advising that they now definitely have some mudguards in stock that will fit my bike and I'm going in on Sunday after my ride. Fingers crossed.;)

* - it was commented on how I haven't been out on the hybrid for "ages", so it might be due a ride if only to prevent further sarky comments about bikes cluttering up the kitchen.:whistle:


Legendary Member
So today was another ride. This time there was a twist. there was a race on. The rules were simple, initially. My OH had to go to Rannoch Station and have coffee and cake, and produce evidence of it that was recognisably Rannoch Station café. He then had to return to my route and follow me around the loch. Only I decided it wasn't fair. If there were 2 of us in this race, then there should be 2 coffees and 2 cakes :whistle: I had intended that he only have 2 coffees and 2 cakes in 1 café, but he misinterpreted me and I decided to let it live. Coffee and cake in 2 cafes and evidence to support both was to be submitted.... OK.
So rules in place, the race would start and end at the bottom of the track (mainly because I can't take the track very fast... ) There would be 2 races, a total time elapsed race (so basically first one back wins) and a total ride time race (shortest ride time wins)....

However, there was also to be an unexpected Cyclechat twist to this race which I was only to find out about much later on into the race and neither of us knew about at the start...

So setting out. It didn't take long for me to stop again wanting a photo.

View attachment 106956
I had intended it to be a wing mirror shot, but the truth be told it deserved much more, the autumn colours were just great, so I got out of my trike and took a shot back down the road.

From there is was a touch of sadness, a dead red squirrel kit at the side of the road and very recently dead as well, however I was soon to get a wonderfully long view and great chat with a red squirrel on the far side of the loch when I spotted it in the road and stopped when it didn't run off. It then proceed to recross the road, then ran towards me for 50-100m and stopped. We had a chat about the green cross code and all that and it left the scene leaving me feeling better about life.

I had a narrow miss with a bucket of water being thrown across the road when I slowed momentarily to let a BT car van pass me on a single track. I paused behind a white van in an entrance and in the same instance came the bucket of water being emptied across the road. A very sheepish decorator apologised and checked that he had actually missed me. I would have been needing to return to the cottage for a change of clothes had it not been for that BT car/van!

View attachment 106957
Further along and another set of trees (which have always caught the light and my eye) were doing exactly that... Schiehallion (mountain in case you have not worked this one out) was peeking above the road as well.

View attachment 106958
Then it was another set of trees and a snack needed.... This one, you just need to understand me and trees and light and well, nature really. And I just love this set of trees and the lichens growing on them and well all of it really.

Then life took a CC twist of its own. I spotted a motorbike coming towards me, thought nothing of it except that it suddenly slowed down and then stopped. Random thoughts crossed my mind such as lost or asking for directions until the rider took off his helmet and asked if I was called "xyz"... And so the CC twist took its own turn, because our own @Brandane having no work on today and having said he would like to see the autumn colours up on Loch Rannoch before they went, had done exactly that - he had come up here to see them and whilst at Rannoch Station café had encountered an English speaking cyclist and asked if he was SNSSO's OH.... And so the race and my route was given to him and he had decided that if he had not encountered me before Kinloch Rannoch he would come back down the south side of the loch for 5 minutes to see if he could find me... And before long my OH arrived on the scene as well!

Once they had both departed and left me to the south shore, I was on my own again and with the day getting colder wondering if there were any more photos to be had today... there were but I will only bore you all with a couple of them. I was conscience of the time and that fact that I had mucked up my refuelling stops today and I was alone (though knowing that I wouldn't be for too long) and I was getting very tired...

So I decided I wouldn't stop to take any more photos until I had finished the race. And these were those.

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Looking across the loch from the bottom of the track and the end of the race. I was first back to base!

View attachment 106960
Looking up the loch towards Rannoch Moor and well my favourite area.
My OH arrived 2 minutes later. His ride time is apparently 20 minutes less than mine (yet to be confirmed) but he lingered too long in the 2nd café trying to download a BBC podcast :whistle: :laugh:

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His evidence...

Incidentally, I have knocked 17 minutes off my fastest (ride) time of the loch lap since fitting the new tyres, so I am feeling pretty happy with that and the 9.6mph average I made today!

There is one last lap of Loch Rannoch to be done tomorrow with it being our last day, but tomorrow will not be on my trike!

PS - the final count for today was 3 live red squirrels, 1 dead one, 1 dead hedgehog, 1 dead weasel and a field load of (live) coos.

Another brilliant write up, meeting with @Brandane - and no rain! Miraculous.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Another brilliant write up, meeting with @Brandane - and no rain! Miraculous.
It does happen; very occasionally :tongue:.


Senior Member
Have set myself a little challenge of doing the 17 peak district hills in Simon Warren's 100 and 200 Greatest Climbs books, by the end of the year. So got off the train at Macclesfield yesterday and straight into the Cat and Fiddle pass to Buxton. Took a few miles for my legs to warm up so by the time I got going, the climb was almost over. At 7 miles and 1700 feet, it was by the far the longest and highest climb I'd done. Plenty of landscape to keep you occupied, though moors really aren't my cup of tea. So just a quick snap at the top of the descent into Buxton, before the chills set in.

In town, the Garmin and I started squabbling and it went into sullen mode, only blurting out if I made a mistake. The climb out of Buxton towards Leek is another in the books (Axe Edge). That done, and with scenery improving dramatically, headed off to Flash, which claims to be the highest inhabited village in England. The next 45 minutes were the best I've had on a bike. The roads were long and tempting

Even/especially when they went up

Pedal-stopping views up every rise and round every corner

Couldn't believe how quiet it was. Only passed one car and three cyclists. Regretfully, had to head back to the A road. Was ignoring the Garmin's bleatings now, and just following road signs and it's compass, but managed to find the final part of the challenge, Gun Hill. Much harder than anticipated and the first muttered curse-inducer of the day.

Through Leek and onto my parents in Ashbourne was the plan, but had time for a bit of country lane exploring. Very soon find myself going up this Hardest of the day!
Then excitedly followed signs to Waterfall. The couple I met there though explained it was underground! The river (Hamps) suddenly disappears, and doesn't re-emerge until Ilam a few miles northwest and no-one knows what happens in between. Apparently, one potholer went down there and................was never seen again

Edit - Since found out the cracking area I was talking about is called The Roaches.

I was in the bit 'behind' the crags. Virtually deserted midweek.
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Struggling to find time, as usual, to get out on the bike. Used a visit to see my parents, after getting kids to bed, as an excuse for a night time ride around Liverpool.
Took me past Anfield, home of the mighty LFC!
A quick scoot along an almost deserted waterfront.
Then a quick stop outside some other footy club!

Was nice to get the legs turning...bloody cold though!


This is my ride from yesterday,
On my new bike from Halfords,

Started a t Abingdon on the ncr5 to Didcot, then on the ncr544 to Wantage, up to the Ridgeway and along to Harwell, back to Steventon and back to Abingdon,
The bike was really good, especially as I only paid £315 For it. A bargin for sure.

I am going to do the same route today but on my 29er .

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