Yesterday's ride with the KCC turned out together a hill affair. As I always arrive just before the set off in had no idea where we were going.
As I'm still getting used to my 700x28 tyres from 700x37 I'm still finding my feet around corner, each ride is new and a journey in more ways than one.
All in knew was that Horsepools was mentioned and I just followed the group as usual.
Up Horsepools as felt good and overtook
@Donger and heard something like "put a sack of potatoes on his back, and see how easy he finds it". Well I got up setting a PB so that was really good and I felt good at the top as I thought it was longer than it was.
At the top the pelaton was waiting where we would turn into Sevenleaze lane, (it turns out my Garmin locked itself and stopped recording there) the lane was wet and muddy with a line of much in the middle of the lane. Part way up. The lane it was closed off at we had to take a diversion down a nasty little lane which was hilly wet and muddy. I wanted my 700x37 tyres back.
Part way up I passed poor Dave K who was walking up the incline and slipping on his cleats every now and then. At a intersection the pelaton where waiting for the stragglers and it was here is noticed the Garmin had locked. Even though I had stopped it was reading 17 mph!
It was here is heard that we where going over Painswick Beacon! Oh well Boxing day hill again lol. I've not been over the Beacon this way so somewhere new. Once over the Beacon then I heard "THE WALL" what a ride this was turning out to be.
@Donger said earlier it's never good to look up while going up The Wall, especially when you see 4 people pushing their bikes up hill. But as
@Donger said to me before "pick a gear and pace in plenty of time and stick too it" and it's worked for me.
From the Wall it was down hill into Slad Valley, which was a lovely change of pace and where I had chance to place a few people including
@Donger and at
A red mist desends and i have to apologise to
@maltloaf as I should have warned him I was coming and pick my passing moment better!
Are the bottom we had a regroup of the pelaton and it was decided to go Saul Junction for coffee and cake!
From Saul it was the the loop and home. In the end 35.5 miles for me and not sure what climbing in should have had but my Garmin said 1319ft, but I think I lost out of 200 ft but there you go.