Your ride today....

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Haven't posted for a couple of weeks. Tbh haven't cycled much aside from commuting since Ride London.

So dragged myself out this morning for a quick 23 miler. Kingston, Richmond, Kew, Brentford, at Hampton had someone pop up behind me so put the power on for a mile or so which cleared some cobwebs ^_^. Through Bushy Park then back through Home Park to Hampton Court then home.

Think I need to do something like Brighton, try and get the mojo back :sad:


Legendary Member
Two Runs to report.

One on Friday 4 miles out and back quite quick but not my quickest but I'm consistently under 10 minutes now, and mostly under 9:30, except for the fist mile which is up a steep hill.


And today's run out with Mrs Wife, who usually much faster than me but is just running again after recovering from a broken foot. My training plan states that I was supposed to 6 mile today, be we ended up running eight because to an administration error. It was bit hilly, plus I stayed with the Mrs so the average pace was slower probably just as well with the distance, the heavens opened up at mile three and we got absolutely soaked through and it stayed that way or the rest of the run. 8 miles is the furthest I have run so far.



With all this running I'm not getting out on the bike as much as I would like.
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Haven't posted for a couple of weeks. Tbh haven't cycled much aside from commuting since Ride London.

So dragged myself out this morning for a quick 23 miler. Kingston, Richmond, Kew, Brentford, at Hampton had someone pop up behind me so put the power on for a mile or so which cleared some cobwebs ^_^. Through Bushy Park then back through Home Park to Hampton Court then home.

Think I need to do something like Brighton, try and get the mojo back :sad:
Keep at it.

13 rider

Should have been me and mate Andy riding today but he cried off at 0900 as he'd had a heavy night at a family wedding. So after a bit of faffing which would cost me later set off at 10.15 Out through Newtown Linford up Sharply hill and left at old John heading out towards beacon hill . left at the crossroads then right onto Charley lane . Just 50 yards before I was turning left a car passed me nice and wide then signaled left and starting turning closing the gap as I was doing 20 mph at the time panic hit the breaks but thankfully he realised he was a numpty and stopped turning a few choice words as I shot by then annoyingly he then set behind me for half a mile when I just wanted him to clear off but thankfully he pulled over at the tennis club .up the Oaks in Charnwood climb at the the crossroads there were Marshall's out for the Whitwick 10 km run . Decided to stop and watch as few mates were doing it so more time lost . After the runners had all gone through set off it the same direction as the runners towards St Bernard's abbey got accused of cheating by the spectators as I was doing 20mph on a bike ! .Went right leaving the runners behind ( I keep the bike thanks it looked like hard work ) down swannymote rd and out to Belton and back towards Shepshed .Turned for home straight into the headwind I now realised by usual target of 50 km would not be made as I wanted to be home by 1300 to watch the f1 tried to push on but the headwind was killing the speed .back to beacon crossroads went right and back down pass the golf course went left into Swithland and onto Rothley Then Cropston and Home .29.2 miles done at 15.5 mph and back for 1250 just in time for the f1 ( go Lewis) . My cycling ocd is upset as I didn't manage a half century that's the first time I've done a high 20 ride instead of pressing on to 32 this year since entering the half century challenge I blame the headwind which knocked my average from 17 to 15 and the wind is really bugging me now , but my faffing losing time probably was more at fault. Anyway lovely ride loads of riders out today in lovely weather despite the wind .


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
There were only four of us dumb enough to turn up for the club ride this morning....... Dire weather warnings and all that. The three others were all much faster riders than me, and I sort of knew I'd struggle to keep up. So when they raced off towards Frampton via Elmore I pulled a tricky move and hung a left to Longney to take a short cut. A sort of Dick Dastardly move, but without the ACME explosives. About a minute after we met up again I was trailing behind once more. I'm never at my best for a week or so after blood doning, but I'm never one to miss out on the chance of a bike ride.

Got as far as Saul when the skies blackened like we were approaching Mount Doom or someone had just turned the lights out. We went round a couple more corners in the lane, where the road straightened out and we caught sight of what was to come. Raining stair rods it was. Huge great rain drops falling by the bucketful, making big straight vertical lines in the sky. I heard a yelp from the guys in front, then saw three waves heading towards me along the road surface ... actual waves on the road where the leading edge of a cloudburst was making its way straight for us. No time to reach for rain jackets. What an absolute drenching. Big Jim and I raced over the canal bridge in Frampton and made for the bus shelter. The other two got held up by the canal swing bridge closing, and eventually turned up looking like drowned rats. We didn't fare much better, as a couple of car drivers appeared to take pleasure in chucking up a sheet of water from a big puddle right in front of the bus stop.

Never mind rain jackets, I could have done with my flannel. It was agreed we would just turn for home and give it up as a bad job. Headed back up the A38 with a following wind, averaging over 20mph to salvage a bit of fun from the ride - which, at 19 miles, was the shortest club ride ever. Still managed to enjoy it though, oddly.


Did a 100k ride today, 2nd longest ever, a meander to Maldon for a cup of tea (and a bit of cake) at my mates, three of us went all on hybrids.

Maldon Meander.png

The sharp eyed of you will notice I didn't pause it whilst having said tea and cake...:whistle: It was lovely out there early doors, but the heavens opened with about 30k to go, so the last bit was a "grind"

A couple of stats:
Overall elevation gain 776m
Moving time: 5:05:59
Ave Moving speed: 19.5kph (I know, not exactly speedy)
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Legendary Member
First bit of exercise for 9 days, had a virus which kept me in bed most of last week - so thought I'd do a 50Km ish exploratory ride of the Cheshire plains - didn't start too well as found my satnav to be 0% charged! So using the map - and getting lost long the way....
111Km - Northenden - Wilmslow - Alderley Edge - Goostrey - Sweetenham - Hulme Walfield - Marton - Goostrey (via way I came as I got a bit lost!) - Marthall - Morley Green - Wilmslow - Styal - Gatley - Northenden
Encountering a ford somewhere near Sweetenham, having a puncture somewhere south of Jodrell Bank and getting lost on the way back in Wilmslow (like how!!). Nice ride but must say although the first 70Km was ok the last 40Km was hard work. Still not 100% but there you go......


Never used Über Member
Up at stupid o'clock this morning to drop Mrs ND at work for 6am (on a Sunday!), so was out on the road bike by 7.15am.
I had debated going out on the hybrid but decided that after last nights monsoon that any off roading would probably be excessively damp, so the Road Comp it was (again).

I set off on a broadly similar route to yesterday, out to Thorner, then up towards Bramham, Wattlesyke, Boston Spa, etc.
The roads were in a right state after the storms - pools of standing water, mud, stones and goodness knows what else washed out of fields so no records were going to be set by me today. Going through the dip at Wothersome was 'interesting' given the amount of detritus in the road - I dared not use the brakes for fear of losing control. Thorner Lane was equally bad with standing water nearly reaching the middle of the road.
in Boston Spa i turned earlier than I had yesterday and took Clifford Lane, where I stopped on the edge of Clifford village for a drink and a photo:

Sadly I didn't see any big red dogs though - maybe next time... :laugh:
Through the village and down the hill to Bramham - here again the stuff washed into the road made progress fun.
Up Town Hill, passing a jogger heading in the opposite direction, then a person in a Fiesta decided not to wait for me to get the 20 metres to the top of the hill and barged through. Thank you so much.:angry:
NCN R66 to Aberford, nearly getting taken out by a pair of joggers who didn't use their Green Cross Code, then Cattle Lane towards Barwick.
Got overtaken by another cyclist on the drag up to the village from Cock Beck by a cyclist who was literally flying. Serious respect for that turn of speed.:notworthy:
Through Barwick, onto Scholes and then a minor miracle. For the first time I can recall there wasn't a nasty headwind facing me on the descent down Leeds Road.
Did this section at a respectable 21.3mph (4mph faster than my average) and enjoyed every last second of it.
Then up to home.

23.29 miles in 1hr 37m at an average of 14.3mph with 916ft climbed.
Quite pleased with that considering I'd had to take it steady in so many places. More importantly it puts me over 200 cycling miles this month (a new record).
I'd like to try for 300 miles cycling this month, so need to get another 80-odd in the next week or so.

The bike was absolutely filthy. although to be fair I wasn't much cleaner - might have to consider a set of mudguards for the winter months even if it will spoil the lines of the bike.
So cleaned, fettled and lubed the bike, prepping it for my next trip out :whistle:


Senior Member
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Über Member
New Forest
After a gut busting breakfast this morning with the family at a Toby ,the storms has cleared and the need to work off the mornings binge . The weight loss is still going well ,I've lost 1.5 stones now and boy is throwing your leg over the top tube and going for a spin easy now a days . I hit my goal of an average ride of over 16 mph ,which Im really chuffed about. Just an average 30 mile route with 1200 ft of climbing in 2hours :biggrin: .

And here are some pretty horses wandering around the New Forest.:whistle:


It was my first Sunday ride with the new Salford cycling group and we had a lovely hot sunny ride to High Legh. Good pace, though @User33236 ( I was pleased to meet Mr and Mrs SG), called it a pootle! I did 47 miles altogether, average 13.3 mph. Nice to find a group that starts closer to home.
My Strava titles do sometimes come with a hint of joviality @Katherine :smile:.

Was nice to get out for a ride with some new people this weekend with the weather ending up a whole lot better than was forecast late in the week. Mrs SG and I chose not to go with the faster group as a) she is tapering ahead of a half iron-man next week and b) sometimes it's nice to go out with a group on a ride without the pressures of having to keep up with the speed mercants.

Hugh Manatee

I actually found some hill today! With the V Festival closing roads around my usual route I instead headed out to Bridgnorth and some new roads. The first half of the ride was fast (for me!) but I slowed a bit when the roads went up and up! I even needed the 23 sprocket!

My cycling mojo has been a bit up and down this summer but I enjoyed today. 35 miles with the first 32 in warm conditions and the last 3 in lashing rain.

I nearly crashed into my own car parked in the drive when I slipped off the bars. D'oh!
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