Today's ride was with my 7 yr old granddaughter on the new 20" wheel bike we bought her last week.
We got our bikes loaded onto the car and drove to Salcey Forest. I really had to think how to get there by road, as I nearly always ride there over the fields and bridleways. I doubt my Punto would do mud very well!!
As expected, it was quite busy, but most of the folk don't venture far from the car park, tree top walk or the Gruffalo Trail, so once we were clear of those bits, the path was quite clear for us.
I didn't notice her poking her tongue out until now.. Kids, eh!?!
After the 4.5 mile circuit, we were back to the car park where I was hailed by a couple of friends stuffing cake down their faces after riding via the canal banks and villages from Northampton. We had a chat while Faith messed around in the play area for half an hour before needing a lolly to cool her down.
She then asked if we could ride round again! No problem, said I, and off we went.
Whoosh! The only time she gets a bit worried is when she sees dogs bounding around (sensible, as they can have you off the bike quite easily) and when the track narrows and has nettles alongside. Apart from that, she's an extremely confident rider.
We stopped for sustenance half way round at a bench on the second lap and tucked into some snack bars etc. and a yoghurt drink before doing the last couple of miles back to the car park where she just had the energy left to ask if she could go in the play area again! And why not..
9.1 miles ridden, Faiths longest ride ever. She says she wants to join me on the L2B one day..
After staying for dinner, she rode home, (I walked/jogged alongside) with a few slight diversions, to the swings in the park, so finished the day on about 10 miles.
Happy days