Your ride today....

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Late Sunday morning, cold, cold strong wind and a bright low sun greeted the ebike on a journey into town to use up £1.50 worth of Holland & Barratt vouchers on a bag of potato starch. Initially a false start as once again the Wahoo was going crazy and I had to delete and reacquire the sensors only then to realise I had forgot to pick up the store card.

Flour obtained set about wiping off a few more ABC roadnames. It quickly became apparent Christmas shopping mayhem had started with cars queuing up a hill for a multi-storey; I opted to wheel the bike pass which transpired to be a good choice as the road was straight into the sun and brought me to Oxford Street and the Wesley Chapel, a Grade II listed building breaking up the otherwise shopping street.

Nearby on Parliament Street are the Turkish Baths located in part of the Royal Baths, another Grade II listed building

Pass Prologue Cycles to reach Queen’s Road and The Duchy Hospital

Looped back to the Royal Baths and thereafter the Royal Hall , a more important Grade II* listed building on Ripon Road - the road nameboard being some distance along the road beyond the hill.

6.5 miles @ 94ft/mile.
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Legendary Member
Cold and bright with some frost causing the first spread of salt this winter. Did one of my winter rides up toward Kendal and the lovely village of Sedgwick, crossed the Kent and headed toward Sizergh Castle. Rather than sample NT fayre I headed to Levens Village and then down to Levens Hall. Levens hall is renowned for its topiary garden and leather wall hangings. The latter might be considered kinky were they not 16th century. The refurbed tea room is excellent with a superb range of cakes. Back via the Kent estuary with views across to Whitbarrow and the old man of coniston. 44 miles and 760m of up.




Due to other demands on my time I haven’t managed to get out on my bike for a while apart from some commuting so it was good to get out today.
It’s noticeably colder today so warmer base layers were needed. Set off to Whixall as far as Hollinswood then to Fenns Wood, Fenns Bank and Alkington. Turned off to Tilstock and back down the next lane to Whixall, Coton back onto the Whitchurch road via Steele Heath. Took the first lane to Prees and past the sports field to Edstaston.
Decided to add some miles by alternating right and left turns for a bit which took me to Horton in a very roundabout sort of way. Onto the newly repaired Ellesmere road as far as the turning to Loppington , Lyneal, Northwood and through the road closed signs towards home. Looks like tomorrow’s commute is going to need some detours again due to the road closures which seem to have been going on for weeks ☹️. 34.9 miles on a lovely sunny day even if it was a bit cold and breezy. Lots of cyclists and horse riders about.



Legendary Member
Upon leaving the house this morning, it was apparent someone had switched the Arctic on out there, a strong and bitter North Westerly wind, but beautiful sunshine. Thermals from head to toe meant I was well prepared though.

I was directly into the wind through Shrewsbury suburbia, Bicton, Montford Bridge and Shrawardine, finally turning out of it by the Nesscliffe MOD base.

From there it was onto Pentre, where a few cyclists were waiting for the Royal Hill pub to open, Melverley and Crew Green.

The main road to Coedway was busier than the quiet lanes had been, before I turned up Pecknall Lane and the long climb, but with a tailwind that helped me nicely and then down to Halfway House.

Crossed the A458 and onto Westbury, where I decided to climb up and down the Hinwood road, before taking the lane to Farley and Lea Cross, where there were games of junior football taking place at the Worthen FC ground. If it wasn’t so cold I may have stopped and watched for a bit, but didn’t fancy seizing up and getting frozen.

I then climbed up to Arscott and descended to Annscroft, Exfords Green and onto dads where I stopped for a cup of tea, piece of Apple Cake and a chat for an hour.

When I set back out, the temperature had dropped further and the wind appeared even stronger, so it wasn’t the most pleasant 7 miles back home via Gonsal, Condover and Betton Abbots. I was actually glad to get home, but enjoyed most of the ride, just needed to be less windy really.

40.47 miles at 11.6mph avg. That wind really slowed me down today.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I haven't managed to get out on the bike since the ride with @gavgav and my brother last Wednesday (20.4 miles and 10.8 average for that one by the time I got back - very enjoyable but a little on the cool side).

The forecast looked pretty good for a challenge ride yesterday so I headed out to get in the last qualifier for my Lunacy Challenge. The roads have been gritted as we had the first proper frost of the season on Monday but I was pleased to see that there didn't seem to be any ice about when I got up. Even so it was blooming chilly and I layered up well.

I was out on the road at about ten to eight and headed over Lyth Hill. I've mentioned before about being overtaken on this road when I'm already trying to pass parked cars and this time had three drivers do it in succession. I couldn't help but notice that those cars all stopped at the nursery a little further up the road.:dry:

At the top of the climb I'd warmed up a bit and considered taking off one of my layers, however on dropping into Condover I was very glad that I hadn't as it was cooler down there. I had a good run to Ryton where I joined the lane through Gonsal and found it unusually busy. A set of temporary lights on the A49 at Stapleton seemed to be the cause of this but since the lights are so close to where the lane comes out it would surely take quite a bit longer to go around than to wait for them to go green.:wacko:

There was a bit of traffic about on the way through Exford's Green and Plealey but nothing too bad, then it was quieter than usual on the main road through Pontesbury and Minsterley. There are still two sets of temporary lights in Minsterley and I had to stop for both again.

At Horsebridge there was a another blockage. A fuel tanker was delivering heating oil to one of the houses and a milk tanker and a van were stuck behind it - plenty of room for a bicycle though. I carried on along this road, took the main road into Westbury then to Halfway House and the usual way to Coedwy, Crew Green and Melverley, where I paused for a snack. The air was colder again here which prompted a change to some warmer gloves.

Moving along the flat lanes to Maesbrook I thought I'd go round a different way to get to The Wood, taking a left then a right onto a nice quiet lane. Nothing special but it made a change. Carrying on towards Woolston Bank I noticed that there seemed to be a veil of fog or possibly drizzle in the direction of Oswestry which made me glad I had changed my mind about going that way when plotting the route last night. I turned instead towards West Felton, Rednal and Hordley. It was around the Hordley area that the roads started to appear damp, then were wet enough to swish under my tyres. This was topped up by the odd shower of light drizzle - a little annoying but thankfully never heavy enough that I wanted waterproofs.

At Tetchill I took the lane to Lee, just as I did last time I was here, then past Whitemere and on towards Colemere where I had another snack stop by the church before pressing on to Lyneal. The closure of the B5063 was unexpected but fortunately I joined it on the right side of the closed section so had next to no traffic to share the road with on my way to Northwood. I suppose with it being that quiet I could have stuck with the B road but I decided to take my preferred quiet route to reach Wem via Lowe.

Tired legs made the climb up Palms Hill a bit of a plod but I had gained a tailwind so the speed down the other side was quite good and I cruised along nicely to Moreton Corbet and Shawbury. A kind driver let me turn across the traffic in Shawbury and an inattentive one nearly got me almost immediately afterwards as they pulled away from the kerb without checking.:rolleyes:

I had a good run to Poynton Green and Roden then came up to more temporary lights which stubbornly stayed on red even though I was the only vehicle on the road. I took my usual way through Rodington Heath. The metric century was passed somewhere between here and Withington. The hills were a little bit of a plod to Upton Magna, Atcham, Cross Houses and Kingstreet but I seemed to find a second wind on the way back to Condover so that even though I wasn't very quick it felt like I could have carried on further. I decided to avoid the traffic a bit and extend the ride by finishing off wth another crossing of Lyth Hill.

Enjoyed that despite the dampness that wasn't mentioned in the forecasts I'd seen. Not many other cyclists out braving the cold - I wasn't keeping count but think there were only five or six that I encountered.

75.2 miles at 12.5 mph average. My longest ride of the year thus far.


Crossing Lyth Hill at the start. Cold and grey out but there was barely a breath of wind for roughly the first half of the ride.


Dropping down to Coedwy with patchy mist in the Severn valley. It isn't clear in the photo but the Welsh mountains were nicely lit up in the distance.


View to the Breidden from my first snack stop.


Ellesmere College as seen from the lane to Lee.






The church at Colemere.


Moreton Corbet Castle.


The Mytton and Mermaid at Atcham.

Old jon

A couple of rides this time. Both short because I chose to ignore my own knowledge that riding at less than five degrees is, for me, not much fun. Though I did at least try.

So, on Tuesday I took the Spa out. The little garthing would not switch on for a ride, and would not switch off from whatever mode it had switched on to. Stuck, it was. OK, I don’t need the thing that much, lets go ride. But not far, the last slip road onto Dewsbury Road on the way into Leeds joins on the left, with only a limited view of the traffic on that slip road. Which, when I reached it, was continuous traffic. After what seemed ages I gave up and turned back to home.

Where, miraculously, the little garthing started working properly. So about turn again, the slip road junction is clear and I ride on. Still cold, mind. Crown Point Bridge, via Holbeck. Pass the bus station and on to Regent Street and Roseville Road. Colder, I am. Roundhay Road goes uphill for a while, levels, then climbs again to Oakwood and its clock and I cannot feel my toes and am beginning to wish I could not feel my fingers. Turn right, cross Easterly Road and wander about a bit to return home. With a grin, because I could almost feel the heat of the shower already. Eleven f, f, f, freezing miles ridden.

And cold or not, the garthing did produce a pic


This morning the fixed is the bike to use. The phone said three degrees, pig headed me said ride anyway. But make it short. So I set off, past the parish church as was, Hunslet version. Turn right and start the road up to John o’ Gaunts. The idea being if I was warm when I reached there a longer ride it would be. Ah, dear me, short version it is. So turn left to ride through Woodlesford and past its railway station. At the bottom of the hill turn left again, under the railway bridge and take the next left to ride to the Aire and Calder Canal. And feathered friends.

The riverside track has been ridden a lot just lately, and by other folk as well. After Fishponds Lock it was quiet this morning, did I mention it was cold too? The bridge and stairs at Skelton Grange seemed to attract riders, three of us almost at once. Nearly a cyclists jam, most unusual. Ride past Thwaites Mill and then cross the river again. One more river crossing, Knowsthorpe Bridge (?) I think, and it is slightly busier on the way to the Armouries.

Which was very quiet, but it was not yet ten o’ clock, a bit soon for anything to happen around there maybe. Not a great distance to pedal home from there, which I reached a dozen miles after leaving it. A smile, not quite as cold as my previous ride, and so very good to be able to go for a ride, as ever. And the shower was bliss!

A map for the day



A cold, windy and occasionally rainy ride before lunch today – up to Brignac and la Riaye, then west to Grand Guénan, and home via la Corbinais and Kerminy.

Only 26km this morning but it takes me to 10,011km for the year – that’s the first time that I’ve reached 10,000km in a calendar year – and I’m really chuffed. Not sure I’ll ever do it again – I’ll be 70 next year and I can’t keep improving. But who knows – perhaps I’ll cycle 11,000km in 2022…

The celebratory party’s organised for early next week – cakes and mince pies on order, and several boxes of chocolates have already been bought…

The road to Brignac


The étang de la Maladrerie, just outside Brignac



Über Member
Central Texas
Only 26km this morning but it takes me to 10,011km for the year
Very impressive! :notworthy: Congratulations!


13 rider

After completing an imperial ton last Sunday I've suffered from aching legs all week I have continued to commute daily so yesterday I was quite thankful for a weather enforced day off the bike which is a rare occurrence for me . I was expecting to be raring to go this morning but that wasn't the case just not feeling it .But after much faffing and waiting for it to warm up a bit I'm out the door at 10.45 in full winter kit . I live on top of a hill so a quick downhill to start to chill me to the bone .Took a few miles to warm to up . Did my standard loop out to Wymeswold with a couple of variations to avoid the really quiet lanes due to chances of ice . Coming in Mountsorrel and as I approach slash lane I see a road closed sign which is normal during raining periods as it's flood very easily . But it's not been too bad as I approached saw a couple of cars come out of the lane and they weren't wet so went for it . Approaching the bend that floods first I saw a large puddle that cars had splashed and it had turned into icy mush . So I got off and walked 20 yards and then saw a white Suv in the ditch with police tape round it so that's the reasons the roads closed hopefully no-one was hurt badly .Back home 31.5 miles in the bag in a tad on 2 hours . Just warming up with a coffee and my first mince pie of the season as it starts to snow outside good timing . Roll on summer I've decided I don't like winter
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Legendary Member
After completing an imperial ton last Sunday I've suffered from aching legs all week I have continued to commute daily so yesterday I was quite thankful for a weather enforced day off the bike which is a rare occurrence for me . I was expecting to be raring to go this morning but that wasn't the case just not feeling it .But after much faffing and waiting for it to warm up a bit I'm out the door at 10.45 in full winter hit . I live on top of a hill so a quick downhill to start to chill me to the bone .Took a few miles to warm to up . Did my standard loop out to Wymeswold with a couple of variations to other the really quiet lanes due to chances of ice . Coming in Mountsorrel and as I approach slash lane I see a road closed sign which is normal during raining periods as it's flood very easily . But it's not been too bad as I approached saw a couple of cars come out of the lane and they weren't wet so went for it . Approaching the bend that floods first I saw a large puddle that cars had splashed and it had turned into icy mush . So I got off and walked 20 yards and the saw a white Suv in the ditch with police tape round it so that's the reasons the roads closed hopefully no-one was hurt badly .Back home 31.5 miles in the bag in a tad on 2 hours . Just warming up with a coffee and my first mince pie of the season as it starts to snow outside good timing . Roll on summer I've decided I don't like winter

Get a turbo. I did two hours in the garage this afternoon, no risk of ice or getting frozen to the bone. Though I did have to fight a good 3 or 4 feet through the snow to get back in the house at the end.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
My ride this morning was a short one as son no. 2 had a training ride - on a TT bike - to do. His Argon TT bike will only take narrow wheels, so a rear disc was the only option. Out to Tadcaster was fine and dry, we turned and came back what must've been a recent snow shower:


Me? I had lunch out at Tadcaster. Him? Powered by half a Veloforte bar, who are one of his team sponsors.


After being battered by storm Arwen it was much better today even if it is very cold. There’s lots of storm damage here with power and phone lines down, lots of big trees down and bits of buildings on the ground so wasn’t going to venture too far away in case I had to turn back.
Headed to Whixall passing 3 big trees down before I got to the end of the lane (which is only a mile), dodged some low hanging phone wires and carried on over Dobsons Bridge to Hollinswood. It must have been cold as the canal was frozen over by the bridge. Turned off to Fenns Wood and back over the canal to Alkington, Coton and Abbeygreen. There were 2 large trampolines stuck on the hedges which must have been carried quite a distance in the wind as there’s no houses nearby! Carried on the longer way to Edstaston, Ryebank Horton and onto the Ellesmere road to Loppington. Took a detour around the village then to Wolverley and back home just as some dubious looking clouds started to appear, with snow forecast for the afternoon which I wasn’t keen to be out in! 21.8 freezing cold miles.
Only one picture because it was too cold to stop.
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