Your ride today....

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On the way to work this morning:


River Elz


Passing one of the side valleys, somewhat clearer than yesterday.


Unlike @Donger, I only managed to pass one castle close enough to photograph today...


The cycle way around the next town.

Apparently some people at work feel sorry for me because I "have to" ride to work.

"Yeah" I tell them; "it's tough..."
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6.5 miles in late afternoon, around and about - tarmaced cycle paths through woodland, a couple of quiet lanes, part of the Guild Wheel, canal towpath, a rough bridleway, around a park, more canal towpath, different woodland cycle paths, half a mile along an unpeopled pavement beside a very busy road then a quiet lane and residential roads to home. Very pleasant - stopped for conversations with many people including a bloke with the most lovely flat-coated retriever, a tricyclist with the very strangest machine I've ever seen - and my next door neighbour , when I got back, who presented me with a jar of his freshly-home-made blackberry jam in return for my telling him where there's sloe bushes laden with sloes!


Needed the distraction of a longer ride today so Septembers 50km challenge ride is done.
Had a hedge cutter to get past before I had even left the village then headed to Nonely and across to Myddle turning off onto Lower Road, got to the turning I was planning on taking to find a road closed sign. I decided to follow the diversion signs for a change which took me to the other end of Lower Road into Harmer Hill and onto the Shrewsbury road. A bit of a long drag upwards before the next sign sending me towards Bomere Heath with a lovely view in all directions being a bit higher up. There was a red kite flying just next to the lane which isn’t that common here it’s mostly buzzards, wasn’t quick enough to get a photo though, then back to Merrington. Carried on my original route to Old Woods to find the next turning I wanted also had a road closed sign, so followed the diversion signs again this time to Walford Heath past Walford College and into Baschurch passing another road closure at the roundabout luckily not the way I was going this time. Through Baschurch and over the crossroads to Weston Lullingfields, Bagley, Lee then through Ellesmere. Up Swan Hill to Coptiviney, Welshampton, Northwood and home.
Was good to go down some new roads for a change even if it was a bit unplanned! 32.6 miles.




self serving virtue signaller
Amazing epic evening ride in glorious Autumn sunshine.

Up from Macc through Sutton and down to Wincle, thence through Swythamley, up Gun Hill and down to Meerbrook, followed by the brutal ascent to Roach end. Time for a collapse with the view of my baguettes and Tittesworth reservoir:


Onwards! Down to Gradbach, then the near vertical climb of the back road to Flash. I'm completely done for at this point, but Dave seems fine, which is good as there's a wicked headwind along Axe Edge which he dutifully leads us in to. Over to the Cat, and what a privilege to be in such a place as the sun starts to set. Down to Lamaload reservoir for a photo stop:


then up Deadman's hill and the descent of Blaze hill with the glorious orb of the setting sun descending over the Cheshire Plain.

Home is down or flat from here - 48 miles, near 1500m climbing.

Beer and curry time!


Legendary Member
A later evening ride, with @Rickshaw Phil which meant the first dark riding since Spring.

We set off through the nearby estate and then onto the A458. A large articulated lorry waited patiently behind us, as we turned right onto the Betton road, then appeared to be waiting to follow us, so we were going to pull in to let them past, but they changed their mind and must have continued down the main road.

We then turned onto the lanes to Berrington, with a rather smelly tractor and trailer leaving an unpleasant trail in front of us. The A458 was very quiet at Cross Houses and we then descended to Atcham, where a few people were on the old bridge enjoying the mild evening dusk.

The old A5 was much easier to cross at that time of night, as we continued onto Berwick Wharf, one pillock along there, who decided to go onto main beam and dazzle us, on purpose I would suspect.

We joined lanes again, to Upton Magna and Uffington, before going off road onto the old canal path to Pimley. With it being a quiet time of night, I decided to continue along the gravel (or nowadays mostly compacted dry mud) section to the inner ring road, for the first time in a couple of years for me. We did meet a ninja cyclist, dressed all in black, with no lights, but thankfully a front reflector, which meant we could just about see them and another lad with much better lights, but it was better than mixing with the dog walkers that normally frequent it during the daytime and make it a struggle to make progress.

It was out onto cycle paths, to Reabrook and Meole Brace, where we parted ways and I arrived home with 15.41 miles at a leisurely 11.4mph avg speed. I’d slightly pulled a hip flexor muscle, playing cricket on Sunday, which has taken a few days to settle down and so I didn’t go at it too hard this evening.
Nice temperature for a bike ride today. 7 miles around and about as usual - but with the addition of a couple of miles on proper roads (quiet ones, with horrible potholes) to see to what extent cycle route 90 is blocked.
Answer - this much

and this much
and this despite the continuing existence of the Lancashire Cycleroute 90 signposts
So much for 'oh cycling is a priority!' :angry:
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