Yesterday and today's ride was the Dunwich Dynamo, ridden with a mate. First time either of us has done the Dunrun. What a Brilliant ride!
We were dropped at Enfield, for us to ride via Picketts Lock etc. to London Fields for the start.
Arriving just before 20:00, we had something to eat at a cafe then set off about 20:15 with hundreds, maybe thousands of other riders. The initial few miles was crawling through traffic, stop start stop start..
Bit busy!

Eventually, we got some open roads and the trail of riders thinned out a bit, with the faster club riders and individuals cracking on at a fair pace. My mate and I managed quite a good pace (for me!) along the whole route, and managed to stay together once night fell.
It's not a criticism as it's not an organised ride, but at several turns, people were milling around until someone who knew the route turned up. In many ways, that added to the quirkyness of the ride. Sible Hedingham was particularly confusing, with some heading for the food/water stop, and others wanting to crack on! Bikes going in all directions..
In some places, the locals and put signs up to help. It was great to see loads of folk sitting outside their houses cheering and clapping us all, even at stupid o'clock in the morning..
By the time we got to Sudbury, about half way, we saw that the local fire station had coffee and provisions for sale as a donation to the Fire Service. We topped the water bottles up and had coffee, in china mugs no less!!
After 15 to 20 minutes, we set off again. This was our only stop apart from battery changes and a couple of 'calls of nature'.
On 128 miles, 8 hrs 18 mins moving time, at about 04:30, we reached Dunwich Beach where we lazed about for a while congratulating ourselves on a ride well ridden! At this point, we decided life was too short to queue up for a coffee.... Anyway, our support vehicle (mate's Mrs

) was leaving her B&B in Woodbridge to meet us.
While we waited for her, I decided to be totally anal and ride an extra 6 miles as my previous longest ride was 131 miles. As I was so close, I just had to beat it!
(Hence the wiggly bit at the end of the ride on Strava)
Obligatory bike hoist...
What's wrong with beer at 05:30 on a Sunday morning? After all, it was still the end of the day before, wasn't it
With the stove and table set up, we tucked into a bloody good fry up
The end of probably one of the best and most enjoyable long rides I've ever done.
134 miles ridden, at an average of 15.2 mph, in great company and friendly folk to chat with on the way. Also wonderful not to be rained on or blown out of the saddle by gusting cross and head winds
EDIT: in one of the towns along the route, the local LBS was open for business! I can't remember where, maybe a regular can name the place? They seemed to be doing a roaring trade!
Edit of the edit...I've been told it was in Sudbury..