I've recently got back from the London-Brighton-London ride for the British Heart Foundation. I keep trying to remember how many times I've done this one over the years, but lose count at somewhere between 7 and 9 I think.
After suffering from food poisoning, and lost 2.5 kilo, since early last Tuesday morning and, apart from a brief respite on Thursday (handily, as I went the the Women's Tour in Oundle) when things stopped coming up and started coming out of the far end, I had to be up for 03:00 on Sunday morning so headed up to bed at about 22:15 having made sure the bike was fully prepped and fettled for the day, and all stuff was packed and ready to go when a mate was due to pick me up at 03:30
Sure enough, Sods Law, it was party night for my Romanian neighbours...

I can't really complain as they make no noise during the week, as they're up early for work, but do like to celebrate Saturday nights with a p*ss up in the garden.. (why is there
always one voice in a crowd that grates?)
Suffice to say, I had no sleep whatsoever when I had to crawl out of bed

Such is life... Hoping and praying that my bowels would remain firm for the day, we got to Clapham Common on time to meet the rest of the chaps at 06:00 ready for our 06:30 start time.
The nearest we got to a group photo..
Between 05:45 and 06:15, the crowds grew from virtually nothing to this.. Anyway, within 15 mins or so, we were on our way. As usual, the roads were clogged getting out of London, particularly Tooting Broadway. Once clear of London, apart from a few of the bottlenecks, we had a fairly clear ride for the rest of the way. That's the advantage of an early start time with 27,000 people on a ride!
Ditchling village, with the Beacon in the background.
This year, I was, to be honest, not sure I'd make it to the top. Turners Hill, and the other lumps on the route weren't too bad, but being a bit feeble, it was going to be a challenge. Discretion being the better part of valour, I did stop for a couple of minutes about 2/3 of the way up for a breather, but then cocked my leg over the saddle once more, and rode the rest of the way up. Once there, unusually for me, I didn't have an ice cream, but rejoined another of the chaps, and continued downhill to Brighton.
Due to the traffic and parking, my daughter and the mob who'd driven down to say Happy Fathers Day hadn't yet reached the finish line..
Still, we met up by the pier and after potential son-in-law had bought me a beer, we did important things like throwing stones at the waves for a while then off to the paddling pool and play area until they had to head home.
By the evening, I had to eat some proper food, as my energy levels were seriously low. With no sleep for 20 hours, and not much food for nearly a week, I was in danger of falling over! After booking in at the hotel, we all went out for a stroll and to find some food. I ended up having a veggi-burger and salad while the rest tucked into chilli chicken, chips, sides, garlic mushrooms, etc etc...

, still, I was pleased to keep food inside me for more than 30 minutes!
By 22:00 we were all knackered and ready for a good night's sleep.
The following morning, and after a proper kip, we met for breakfast at 07:30, ready for two of us to ride back to London. Fully cured, I had a decent plate of food and a few mugs of coffee before getting changed into waterproofs for the ride back. Luckily, the Sunday was OK. cloudy and windy, but OK. This morning, however, was crap..
Heading out of Brighton, under the A27, the roads weren't coping well with the downpour. (The van couldn't drive any further right to avoid the river, but did slow down as he went through it) and the main cycle path runs under the bridge to get to the A23 cycle path towards London. Rubbish really, but that's the way it goes...
We stayed alongside the A23 until just south Crawley before cutting back onto the L2B route at Turners Hill.
The cycle path still hasn't improved much since last time I rode it!
From here on, we were on quieter roads until we reached the outskirts of London, but there were some quite steep bits (by southern standards) to tackle on the way. I'm surprised they're not categorized on Strava.
I was happy that all the drivers, apart from one, gave us space on the narrower roads as the weather was making riding conditions quite nasty, with deep puddles alongside the gutters. Strangely, the dodgiest pass was by an ambulance that overtook stupidly and nearly wiped my front wheel away as it cut in to avoid an oncoming car. Still, if I was laying on the verge injured, help wouldn't be too long arriving...
Back in London, we followed a route I know well, the A237 towards the A24 at Tooting and thence onto CS7 to Clapham where we'd left the car.
With a 4 hour ride, three of which it was precipitating it down, and one hour brief respite from the weather, as soon as we'd wrung out the clothing and got the bikes on the rack, the sun came out

Never mind. Skin's waterproof!!
Back home, eventually, with two 54/55 mile rides, fully recovered from the illness.
Ready for next years' L2B now..