After a day off the bike, yesterday, to let the legs recover from Mondays long ride, out in the beautiful warm evening sunshine, for just over an hour. Also a big milestone set today, more of that shortly.
Began by heading through Meole Brace and then along the very busy main road to Hook-a-Gate. Had to pause at traffic lights, for roadworks, just after the village and they are long enough, plus up an incline, to make it necessary to pedal fast, to get through before the lights change at the other end. Just got through in time!
Just after I’d climbed the hill, I then had to pause again, for a traffic jam.......cows being moved across the road from one field to another! The joys of rural living
. A few cars joined the queue and so the farmers shut the gates, to let us through, before they continued.
Onwards to Annscroft, where I turned onto the lane to Exfords Green and Stapleton, loads of traffic along there as well, plus 3 ladies out riding horses and a good number of cyclists
Had to wait quite a while to get across the A49, which I’ve not had to do since lockdown started, further evidence that rush hour is starting to materialise again now.
The lanes to Ryton, Condover, Betton and home were quieter, but unfortunately 2 prat’s in vans, from local electrical firms, decided to overtake me, around a bend, almost wiping out some ladies cycling 2 abreast, coming from the other direction. Some choice hand gestures were given from one of the ladies and quite rightly so!
Back through Sutton Farm estate, to ensure the mileage crept over what i’d needed it to be, at 15.8 miles, 13.6mph avg.
Back to that milestone, which was me passing the 10,000 mile mark, just before I got home, since I got back into cycling in 2013. It’s taken me 452 rides, so averaging 22 miles per ride.
Onto the next 10,000 now 👍🏻