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Decided the predicted thunderstorms were a Met Office joke and set off on a slow slog westwards on the Defy along Penny Pot this evening straight into a headwind and annoyed to see a new advance notice of roadworks had appeared – closed next Monday for Surface Dressing :evil:South to Norwood and east to Beckwithshaw with the climb to Little Almscliffe en route. Followed the UCI circuit from Beckwithshaw down Pot Bank in a new PR meaning there are now 418 Strava cyclists slower than me down it! I gather it is not unusual for racing cyclists to go straight down the driveway of the house on the bend:ohmy:
Pot Bank.jpg

The slightly angled line of trees high on the hillside in the middle of the photo marks the road, Oaker Bank, climbing up the other side of the valley. Heading up it two groups of cyclists passed in the opposite direction; the second group having some clown overtaking them ; managed to miss me and them:thumbsdown:

On the UCI part of Penny Pot Persimmon have poorly patched where they dug it up generally with overfilled in holes leading to a bumpy road surface and another hole where it has been underfilled with a tyre wide groove:crazy:

Then for the second time in recent weeks passing through the County Park I was chased by a white poodle :eek: 13.66 miles 816ft climbed 12.5 mph avg.
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Re member eR
I woke very early this morning. Something like 4.10am. Wike awake and ready to rumble despite not getting to bed near midnight, and then reading for a while.
So rather toss and turn or faff about doing nothing for a couple of hours I hopped on the bike for a nice run out.
Out of the door at about 4.30am. A lovely cool clear morning, fresh dewy air and barely a sound. Perfect.
I wasn't in a rush and headed across Solidiers Field/Roundhay Park and made for Harrogate Road going north. By the time I had crossed the ring road and had been through Alwoodley I had seen no car/van/cyclist/bus/lorry at all. Even for 4.45 am thats pretty unusual.
A quick left hook onto what is probably a private road takes me around the back of Eccup Reservoir, a road I probably cover every other time I go out. But that's ok, because it's a good view, often lots of wildlife and more or less traffic free. From there it was back south towards Leeds via Adel, Lawnswood and down Otley Road through Headingley.
I don't often ride into town but first thing in the morning the air is still breathable and it makes a nice change so I went through the city passing en route the West Yorkshire Playhouse and took the road out towards East End Park and in the direction of Selby. From there it was through Harehills and back up to Oakwood.

Altogether just over 18 miles and about 1000ft climbed. Fixed.


Old jon

Isn’t the weather doing well? Almost made me rush to take the bike for a ride this morning. Of course things became sensible, breakfast and such, morning stuff. Then out and away with the geared bike, great stuff!

After the usual trip to cross the river on Crown Point Bridge ride along the collection of ‘R’s, Regent Street, Roseville Road and Roundhay Road, and reach the Oakwood Clock. Pedal past the spare set of gates at Roundhay park, down the dip and up Boot Hill. Across the Ring Road and carry on to Whin Moor Lane, which becomes Gatehouse Lane before it reaches Shadwell. Left turn this time, towards Slaid Hill, then turn right at the lights and enjoy the ride all the way.

Cross the beck that shares the name to ride up through East Keswick, the final heave up Potts Hill is always good to leave behind and turn right on the A 659 towards Collingham. It has been a while since I crossed the Wharfe anywhere at all, so a left turn to Linton Bridge, cross that and start the lumpiness through the village to Wetherby. This often uses many gears, had I been trying harder a few more could have been used. Might ride here on the fixed if I really want to embarrass myself.

After a food stop in Wetherby it is time to go back on the A 58 and enjoy the gentler ups and down to and through Collingham. I had to try Rigton Bank again, and again it won. But I did ride a lot further up the steep bit, maybe all the way next time. From East Rigton ride towards Thorner, this is usually a quiet road, as it was today. The hedges have grown high enough to obscure some of the views along here, still an enjoyable ride. Came to the left turn to ride down Milner Lane to be faced with a Road Closed sign. A narrow road, downhill and lacking footpaths. OK I believe the road is closed. Bear right onto the Thorner Lane that I do not ride often, which takes me to Scarcroft and the A 58 I had left two or three miles ago. Left turn, going up. Pass the end of Carr Lane with oddly no temptation to go back to Thorner and take the next left onto Coal Road. The short sharp rise on this bit seems easier than the drag up to the first houses in Leeds on the main road. And rejoin the same main road after turning right onto Red Hall Lane.

Retracing the outward route now, down that big hill. The bus in front was very slow indeed. I didn’t mind the cars being held up but I had to slow down as well! Most unusual. Back across Crown Point Bridge, this misses the town centre that would have to be ridden through to cross on any of the other bridges. Hmm, there are at least five I could use. Anyway, thirty three miles after leaving the sight of home put a smile on my face, another good ride.

A geographical squiggle


twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
John B, Jules H and Pete M and I met up in our usual spot. Pete wanted flat so off to Tewkesbury to head around Bredon Hill. We turned at Elmley Castle for Evesham and the river side cafe. We hadn't been here for quite a long time.
Much chat later we aimed at Hipton Hill which is another spot we'd neglected for even longer. The wind wasn't helping tho'. Bit of nuisance at times. Bishampton meant we were on a fairly well worn run back. Fairly brisk riding at times today. That's John's influence. 69 smiles


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Two laps of Llandegla Forest on the old fashioned human powered MTB. Seamed to be in the minority today, as more riders had e-bikes. Takes the biscuit when climbig a ruddy hard hill and the e-biker says it's a bit greasy, when you are really struggling to get traction on your normal bike...

Had a great time TBH.

A guy and his son had parked next to my car - I'd said hello on my second lap when they were at the top of the 3 mile climb, then chatted to them at the end. Chatting away, mentioned my back fracture, guy puts 2 and 2 together (sees the Boardman on the roof) and says 'you are Anthony from work' - he's only a lecturer I regularly email at work over various contracts, and works in our building - you can't recognise folk in cycling kit, glasses and bin lids....

Random awesomness....
Back to work this afternoon, for a 'late-turn', after 10 days off :cry::banghead:

So no. short-ride, long-rides, etc.....
Just the one to work @ 12:30 (& then back home @ 22:30)


Went out for a tootle,found myself helping out as a back marker for an easy ride group.People new or returning to cycling.One guy first time on a bike in nine years.17 easy miles.Coffee was at a donkey sanctuary.I asked if i could make my own weak coffee she gave me a spoon and the jar,it was that weak she only asked for 20p.I paid more it went to looking after the donkeys.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Steve E, John G, Rob A and me today. For a change the call was Great Witley and the Court. Off out through Knightwick we picked up a couple of riders on an Audax. They eventually headed for The Mayfly and their first control. We turned for Martley and the climby bits on the Hillside. The track to the Court wasn't too bad today. The cafe spot is superb as are the refreshments.
John headed towards Worcester whilst we three turned at Little Witley to get back to more familiar lanes. Steve stuck with us as we dodged the main roads for a stop at Newland for a pint. Nice outing today in a quadrant of Worcestershire the Saturday Crew visit infrequently. 41 smiles


Legendary Member
I’m up in Wales, at the caravan and got my longest ride of the year, so far, in today. It was a blustery, cloudy, cool and not very summery morning, but I soon warmed up as I headed out and down the main road, to Barmouth. Very busy, as usual at this time of year, but only 1 stupid close pass from a Toyota. The Northerly wind was behind me and so it was a quick, for me, trip and along the promenade, in Barmouth, I set a new Strava segment PB, which puts me 64th out of 1702. That doesn’t happen often for someone slow like me!

It was busy getting out of Barmouth, due to the day trippers arriving, but I climbed up the short distance and then crossed Barmouth Bridge, to begin the lovely section up the Mawddach Trail. It was quite busy along there, today, with walkers and cyclists. They’ve done some patchwork on the section up to The George Hotel, which was much needed and it’s better than the rutted mess it was becoming.

At Dolgellau I took a left and out towards the A470, along said section came an old VW camper can, and from the stench it was leaving in its wake, of burnt brakes or clutch, I’m guessing it had a difficult trip over Dinas Mawddy!

I then started the climbing, up the Ganllwyd valley, high above the Afon Mawddach.

It’s an up and down section, to start with, until you reach the Coed y Brenin Forest, where it’s basically uphill in any direction you go! I took the long hard steep climb, that follows the Afon Wen, climbing 700 feet in just over a mile. This was the first time I’d used the Hybrid, in Wales, since @Rickshaw Phil had fitted my new gears. Whilst it was still a slog, they made a difference and I only had to stop once, rather than the 3 or 4 times previously :okay:

I was glad to reach the top, though, and then the lovely descent back down the other side of the Afon Wen, towards my lunch stop, at one of my favourite spots in the Forest, Parc y Coeddig.


It’s a bit of a climb again, after setting off from here, up towards Llanfacreth, but as I rounded a corner, quite slowly, I came face to face with a deer that was only a couple of feet from me!! It had a startled look for a second or 2, before hurtling down the bank into the forest again. Lovely to see one so close up though.

Once I passed the car park for the Precipice Walk, I reached my favourite part of this ride, the long and fast descent into Dolgellau, with views over towards Cader Idris. I reached a top speed of 39.7mph, into a strong headwind, which shows how good it is :hyper:

At Dolgellau I took a trip around the one way system, through the town, before pausing at the cricket pitch, to watch the game for 15 minutes or so. 40 for 0 after 10 overs, slow and steady progress.

Next it was back down the Mawddach Trail again, towards Barmouth, retracing my steps across the bridge and along the promenade, which was significantly busier now and I had the usual problems of people just stepping out and crossing the road without looking. Also had a pillock in a Land Rover overtake me, whilst I was overtaking a parked car, and there was a car coming the other way, who he forced to brake sharply. I then met him, coming back towards me, on the wrong side of the road and not looking where he was going. He got a gesture from me.

What i’d also found was that wind which helped me earlier on, but was now a horrid headwind and boy was it hard work all the way back for the last 6 miles. I passed a chap who was obviously touring and laden down with panniers galore, and the main road was one long stream of busy fast traffic, so I resorted to the pavement/cycle lane, which isn’t a great surface but personal safety is more important.

Back to the caravan having done 43.9 miles, with 2900 ft of climbing, at a very slow 10.8 mph avg speed.
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