Your ride today....

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The Glue that binds us together.
Yesterdays ride.


Perhaps This One.....
Just a gentle 10 mile leg spin to the shops today. Tried the North Wave Arctic winter boots for cleat position, all good, but far too warm for 7 degrees C!!

Dave 123

Legendary Member
It was supposed to be a tandem ride today but the stoker has the lurgy, so it was Billy No Mates.

There were spring lambs in the fields of Connington, and then monsters on the roads of Connington

This is all part of the A14 improvement works.

On into Fenstanton and I get to use a new A14 flyover. It’s a long, steady ramp, it’ll be fun on the tandem...

The view from the top...


My 5/6 miles of headwinds started here too, ‘‘twas a bit of a grind.
In Croxton a Red Kite wheeled above me, then it took an age to cross the A428.

In through the Gransdens and Bourn, my legs starting to feel last nights circuit training. I enjoy pushing the 80kg weight of James up and down on a 50kg prowler, but then it catches up with me!

Up the hill in Toft, then a left turn up to Hardwick.... I very nearly came off! The corner was very greasy, my front wheel was sliding away from me. I managed to get the bike upright and avert an off, but I did sh1t myself!

31 mild miles

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I tried to cycle 50 miles into Mumbai but after 10 took the wheels off and jumped in an auto -rickshaw. With only one day off from cycling in 17 days my legs feel like they have turned to jelly and my fingers aren't working properly.
The mountain bike has been a lot more comfortable to ride than my touring bike but I'm going to take tomorrow off to recover some strength.


One of those days where I wish I’d taken some photos :-(

An initial false start - a few minutes from home i realised I’d left my water bottle on the kitchen table - so back home to collect it. also took the opportunity for a minor fettle - had been doing some work on rear mech, and the indexing was just far enough off to make it annoying. Turned the adjuster half a turn - that’s worse, am going the wrong way - a full turn the other way - a bit better - back a quarter - just fine.

From Saltcoats to Kilwinning, then towards Stewarton. Another cyclist - going faster than me - caught up with me at a junction, so I rode along with him for a few miles. Good chat, but it was faster than I’d planned, so I let him go on ahead.

Through Stewarton, and on towards the A77. There are two possible routes - one a fairly busy (and quite narrow) road, and the farm road (which is signed as a bike route). Both are about the same length. I took the farm road - and as usual I had forgotten that it’s fairly hilly.

28k into the trip, I reached the A77. Once a nightmare road, it’s now pretty quiet, with most traffic on the parallel M77. There’s a segregated cycle path. I followed it for about 5k, before turning onto the Eaglesham Moor road. Again, it was once a nightmare road - but since the motorway and bypass have been built, it’s now quiet, with cycle lanes. Followed that road for a few miles up to the Whitelee wind farm.

Turned into the wind farm, and followed a few of the trails for a bit - it’s the UK’s largest onshore wind farm, and there are over 100 miles of paths and trails. Cycled around a few of the turbines, then headed for the visitor centre.

The cakes looked nice, but I had coffee and a bacon roll. And it was really good.

Back on the road - a short climb, then the moor road drops down to Eaglesham. A great descent. From there, I headed towards Glasgow, and through Newton Means, Clarkson, Cathcart, past Hampden, then Rutherglen. Through Glasgow Green, then along the Clyde walkway to Central Station, and a train home.

62k, and another 7k once I got off the train. 20 new Veloviewer tiles, but didn’t increase my max cluster at all...

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I had a good day yesterday, went for a 2nd interview in the morning, a phone call in the afternoon confirmed that I had got the job (with a significant rise) and I start on Monday, so as time was marching on, I put the road bike on the TT and cracked 11.2 miles in 30 minutes. Hopefully, if I'm not too hungover tomorrow I'll be out on the roads
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Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
What's that you ask? How to make God laugh? Tell him/her your plans?

As you may guess, a pootle over to the other side of town to check out a different LBS, and a planned shake-down, longish ride for a retro Pug I've just completed went out the window - Patsy #3 The Hybrid has obviously got jealous of the attention I've been giving Patsy #6 The Phoenix and decided to play up. The gears kept slipping and, even though I put on a new rear cable yesterday, it still caused problems today and threw an extra one with the chain now also jumping off the main ring. Perplexed? You bet I was. I replaced the front cable, but still the problem persisted. I had another look. And another.

But I finally found the culprit ...



Never used Über Member
The weather today has been far too nice to not go out on the bike.

Sadly, this was preceded by my usual amount of Olympic standard faffing, but eventually the Giant was pointing up Coal Road with me huffing and puffing in the saddle. Left onto Red Hall Lane and right at the end onto the A58 before another left onto Whin Moor Way.
Saw a familiar face along there as the Jogging Pram-Pusher was heading in the opposite direction - not seen her in ages and not normally over this way.
The road drops into Shadwell and then climbs back out of the other side up to Slaid Hill lights, where I got my breath waiting for the lights.
Onto Wike Ridge Lane and I stayed on it today, through Wike itself and enjoying the ups and (mainly) downs to East Keswick where a photo was grabbed.
Back on the bike and time to start paying for all that downhill fun as the only way is up.
Past RP Setchfields, purveyors of the finest pork pies in the county (and bakers of our wedding pie), but with no time to stop.
Although I'd looked at the map last night I took the wrong road out of the village, heading along Moor Lane.
It was very pleasant but with a couple of sharp rises to contend with and eventually it brought me out onto the A659.
As it turned out the earlier wrong turn had done me a favour as it reduced the distance on this terrible road by about half a mile. It's a fast single carriageway road with a terrible surface, (especially on a road bike with 25mm tyres), but it was just a case of getting on with it.
I soon reached Harewood and after a rest at a red traffic light it was right and time for some fun down the hill to the bridge over the River Wharfe.
I luckily got a gap in traffic for most of it and topped 40mph on the descent, having to slow eventually for traffic, before taking a very strong primary over the bridge much to the delight of the driver behind.
Just after the bridge I turned left into Dunkeswick for another photo and a bite to eat.

Just as I was about to leave another cyclist stopped at the bench and we had a quick chat. He was on the return leg of a loop from Wetherby out to Askwith and back, so about 50 miles with plenty of up.

Back onto the A61 for a brief run to the next right turn and off the main road now heading for Kirkby Overblow. I've plotted a route up here a few times but been put off by the route profile (it's just along from the near vertical Kearby Cliff). While there is definitely plenty of climbing to be done it's all fairly steady stuff and although it was slow I made it without stopping.
As I got to the village a couple were walking towards me and it was only Leeds United and Scotland legend Sir Eddie Gray and his good lady out for a constitutional. True to form as an all round top bloke he said a cheery hello and I responded as well as I was able while huffing and puffing up the hill.
There is a very brief bit of flat in the village before more climbing in the general direction of Harrogate, with some undulations before reaching the A658.
After the A659 earlier I'd been dreading this as I knew I had a good mile and a bit to do along here, but traffic was fairly light and I was heading steadily downhill so was able to set a decent pace and keep out of mischief to the turning to Follifoot and another stop for a pic before heading through the village and the generally (but not all) downhill run into Spofforth.
I needed to get to Wetherby, but the direct route is another busy road with a couple of long upward drags, so I turned left and headed for the quieter route via North Deighton and Kirk Dieghton, dropping into Wetherby down the hill.

The least said about Wetherby today the better. Traffic was bad, I got far too many close passes and when traffic stopped on my intended route over the bridge I took a diversion along Horsefair and out on the Walton Road (which wasn't without incident itself, but hey ho), looping back down to the climb up the hill to Wattlesyke. Given the state of driving in the town I took the cycle way (NCN R66) up the hill rather than staying on the busy road, which is something I hardly ever do, but I wanted to get home in one piece today.
Onto West Woods Way and ups and downs into the wind all the way to Bramham, then an old familiar route through Wothersome on Thorner Road, Thorner lane and Milner Lane into Barwick, before a straight attack of Sandhills to climb out of the village and onto Skeltons Lane.
That took me to Coal Road, and from there it's local roads down to home.

36.72 miles (59.09 km) in 3h 2m at an average of 12.1 mph with 2,063 ft of climbing and an average temperature of 10.4°C

So, that my longest ride, and the most ascending, and the top speed, of the year so far. Which is all good but I really need to pick things up though as my fitness levels are terrible at the moment. Still, it was good to get out and get some riding done.

It's another point in the Half Century Challenge and I've finally bagged a few more letters in the ABC challenge, so not a bad day at all.

And to end, the map:


My rides this year so far have mostly almost all been the same trip from Zürich to Baden and back with the odd lap around the Greifensee (local lake) for variety. To be honest, I've been so cold when I got back, I just jumped in a hot bath and forgot to do any write up!

This weekend though, the weather has improved, it was 10 degrees outside for the ride home and the snow is restricting itself to higher ground.

Baden is by far my favourite weekend location for a ride. The roads are quiet, there is sufficient up and down hill to keep it interesting and the town itself is beautiful. I've been trying for some weeks now to find a route that avoids any Gravel. My favourite bike is my Trek Emonda and it works far better on roads. At the end of last year I got it down to just one short stretch and have been using that route until today. Finally got around that stretch and now have a full road route - It's a nice one too, although it goes next to some busy roads, they have cycle lanes.

So with the sun shining but still cold out, I set out at 11 to give the new route a try, didn't get it quite right on the way out, missed the entry to the cycle lane + didn't realise I could use the footbridge avoiding a junction. Made a mental note for the way back! Although my legs felt a bit tired I was pretty quick, by my standards and arrived at the Cafe just over an hour later.

After toasted cheese and a coffee, I had a short walk around the town (new cycling shoes are not broken in yet, so gave that up pretty quick) then headed back, this time getting the route perfect!

First really nice weather this year. I always enjoy riding my bike, but it makes so much difference when the sun is out.

Photos below are a mix from today and a few other rides this year.

First ride in the Snow
Found some appropriate Graffiti!
This is the gravel I've been trying to find a way around.
A couple of weeks ago I got out of work early and headed around the Greifensee as the sun was setting.
It was about -4 degrees, but so beautiful
And finally today - The sun was out and I got to ride with my shadow again!


Legendary Member
Photo Winner
Northern Germany
First day of Spring like weather today, clear skies and temperatures just shy of 15°C. It would have been rude to not go out and find some more forest routes.

I started off with about 4 kilometres on quiet country lanes before the first gravel track took me to the local airfield. The track actually crosses the main runway and you need to check that there are no gliders taking off or landing. Normally there is a controller in a van keeping an eye on things and making sure you don't cross when you shouldn't. No sign of any gliders today though, it was all quiet.


Once across, it was back on the road for a few kilometres before turning off again into the forest. Then it was over 10km along tracks winding through the forest.

In places it was loose packed earth, in others it was churned up and really muddy. It proved a real test of my limited off-road skills.


Then I looped round and back through a different part of the forest, having great fun riding along at near road speeds on these forest roads and finding some great places I'd not been before. Around 35km in a couple of very sunny and enjoyable hours, I really need to invest in a GPS though, to actually record how long these rides are and make my navigation easier.


Un rouleur infatigable
I had a good day yesterday, went for a 2nd interview in the morning, a phone call in the afternoon confirmed that I had got the job (with a significant rise) and I start on Monday, so as time was marching on, I put the road bike on the TT and cracked 11.2 miles in 30 minutes. Hopefully, if I'm not too hungover tomorrow I'll be out on the roads
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Congratulations on the new job! :bravo:
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