GoBike "let's go round Glasgow's cycling infrastructures".
I try to join this ride every year, to remind me of which infrastructures not to use
On a mild, foggy day, we gathered at Bells bridge.
A good turnout, over 30 riders, some Belles, West Coast Velos, Freewheel North staff, CTC riders, CamGlen Bike town leaders ... two CChatters, me and
A foggy start:
I remember this ride last year, it was so cold our water bottles froze!
Must show you this man and his bike, he uses that bike for anything, from shopping to hilly rides.
(You can click on the pics to make them bigger to read the slightly anarchic writings
Ah, yes, the cycling infras: we did 15 miles of them, we found zillions of parked cars in them, we saw a new shared use pavement on a busy shopping street we are meant to use, 15% uphill shared use switchback bridges, 20% downhill door zone lanes, contraflows hidden by roadworks.
The scariest one was on a road that I use often: I had not realized that one was meant
to take a right just before a mini roundabout (cars coming towards you expecting you to turn at the roundabout plus cars coming towards you to exit)
then mount a pavement, then cross at a blind bent instead of turning at the roundabout itself!
Anyhow, we got to Queen's park, where we climbed to the flag pole that is one of the highest viewpoints in the city.
Today, because of the fog there was not much to see ... apart from Jimmy that got his rear wheel destroyed by derailleur attack.
Ride over for him, poor Jimmy.
A couple of miles later we had a puncture in the group, we left them to fix it, picked them up on our way back as we were doing a figure of 8, least some infrastructures felt left out
By the time we reached the coffee stop I was getting seriously bored!
Some pictures for you, including a selfie with
On top of Queen's park
The view over the city is hidden by fog, we climbed up from down there.
The afternoon brings more fog over the Clyde, then a heavy drizzle.
3 Belles try to do a selfie