Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Rode the Eureka 210km audax today ( ), which was supposed to have 'light showers' at the start. That, in reality, was rain ... on slippy, muddy, leaf-covered Cheshire back roads. My 23mm tyres were sliding all over, meaning I had limited control - not good in a group of 10 or so riders at speed. I stuck with the front group until the Eureka cafe and then rode solo as I was increasingly concerned I'd take someone out.

Met @PMarkey at the start and passed again just after the Eureka cafe stop at 70km.

From there it was good and bad through the roads into Wales and back but I was getting slower on anything except flat main roads. Which meant I got to Tattenhall grumpy and hungry. Simon found me and we had a brief chat: sorry you got me in a grumpy mood at that point. A Cornish pastie (cold) and cake (nicer) sorted that out.

After lunch I treated the ride as a sunny afternoon trip through the Cheshire countryside, which seemed much better. Apart from being slow on downhills and corners for safety it was fine.

Rolled to the next control and, despite being a bit tired, found the energy to get a shift on to the finish and scrape in about 2 seconds under 9 hours and a 16.01mph average as a result. Towards the end my Wilier Montegrappa was getting 'clicky' and I'd lost some gears due to mud, grit, leaves and dirt getting into everything - finishing with about 4 working gears. It's getting a winter re-build and therefore I'm not concerned: new inner/outer cables, chain, bar tape and other bits are ready to be fitted.

At the finish @Steve H , @Kestevan and 1 other un-introduced CC member turned up, having ridden the 160km route. Which, given the weather, seemed more sensible. Or rather they didn't resemble a mud pie.

Some going that, hat truly doffed. 29 seconds quicker than me through the Strava section I created too!
Cycled this morning to the tram stop, got off bike, relised my lock was on my other bike.

Dithered for a couple of moments while deciding if I should (1) go back and get lock or (2) Ride into Stuttgart. Went for (2) as it was a nice day.

I can't usually do this as there's a 200m height difference between our village and Stuttgart and I don't fancy riding up that every evening after being on my feet all day. I'll have to take the tram which means being off the tram by 4pm when there's a ban on bikes until 6:30, which means leaving early...

It's a tough life.

I got to work a few minutes earlier than usual, so I can't complain. Neither can my boss as he arrived about an hour later...


Cycling Skoda lover
Just a cheeky little one yesterday afternoon to go and have a look at this amazing chainsaw sculpture in Leigh, it’s a lovely memorial to one of our brave soldiers from WW1


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yep, Novembers Imperial Century Challenge ride done and dusted. Completed in the exalted company of @rb58 @Trickedem.
We were really pleased that Tim was able to do the ride without any problems due to his recent injury. It would have been a travesty if he couldn't complete the challenge this year as the 3 of us are now in our 8th year of riding this challenge together. Cycling all those years through thick and thin, good weather and bad.

Yesterdays was an easy(er) pootle down to the worldly delights of Ashford International Station for a bite to eat. Such salubrious surroundings for luncheon I must say ^_^

We had weather alright, including two bouts of swirling, blustery rain, 1 of which whilst a puncture was being repaired. However, it didn't put a dampener on the ride, the rain was short lived, it wasn't cold and the sun made a brief appearance at times and it turned out to be a really pleasant ride.

A few pictures

The memorial in the village of Plaxtol


Puncture fix # 1

The village of Staplehurst

A long old drag

The wall of a Staplehurst pub - GBA 16-71

Puncture fix # 2

So Novembers qualifying ride done and dusted, 105 miles and the 96th Imperial Century month in a row.

1 more month to go for this years challenge... the finish line approaches.
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Pablo's Cycling Tours
Coín, Málaga
Started the day starving for whatever reason, so breakfast before I even take the dogs out. Coffee and milk as usual and a baguette (20 cm long) of butter and jelly or marmalade for the different users.

Fill the bottles, air on the front wheel, clean the chain from the day before, new lube on it and get dress to head out.. Oh 2 cereal bars for the 3 to for 4 hours should be fine.

Meet with the crew at El Parque San Agustin like every other time and 15 minutes later of what we wanted to get out we were on our way to Istan. Is a 90 some km ride with 1800 meters of climbing more or less but the climbing is nice and smooth, big chain ring kind of climb.

As we headed out of town it was an obvious difference between the level of riders, there was going to be a lot of waiting from the fast guys or a death march all the way to Istan, one of the slow guys (not me) said I am staying with Lucas, see you guys at Istan. Fast guys off the front… I tagged along sucking as much wheel as I could. Fast little climbs even faster dowhills that were a bit wet, me off the back on the descend.

Caught or they waited for me at the start of the flats and the 3 of us started cruising at 35 km/h across Marbella… 5 km later is the cross road to Istan and a beautiful climb with no wind, no rain, no heat and no cold either.. Perfect sunny day, manguitos off for the rest of the day.

27 year old super athletic kid strong as a bull takes off… Another guy and I try to follow but impossible for me, no way to close the gap, he gets loss in the horizon while climbing… We reach the top 3 minutes after him in a 14 km climb.. I take it..!

As I was waiting for them to fill bottles and all that nature called so I told them take your time I meet you over there while I take some pics…

This is a popular route and you see tones os cyclists..!


Another group..


My peepe spot



Look..!!! My slower friends made it to the top..! 20 min later
felt bad for them)


Another group going by..


My faster companions making it back from town, there was a duathlon going on there.


Heading back down the hill we spot something interesting on the side of the road…


According to the guys that are borned and raised here this guys are a mix of wild boars and pigs, they were tempted by the sound of wrappers of the cereal bars.


After we said by to the piggies the suffer started again all the way to Coin…

The ride according to Strava:

Made it home without stopping at the bar because had a late lunch at the same bar.. Went home, Podium girl gave me million of kisses shower and off to the bar before 1 pm.

Podium girl? Choky..!


And that was my weekend of cycling. I am death today.

Ooooh I just found the CycleChat Club on Strava..! I am the guy from Malaga there.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
First ride in a week for a variety of reasons, one being to rest the strained knee sustained on my recent century, so I aimed not to rush today. The route was; Lyth Hill, Condover, Longnor, Folly Bank, Cardington, Hughley, Harley, Harnage Grange, Harnage, Cound, Acton Burnell, Cantlop, Condover and back the direct way using the main road.

I set out on damp roads and into a chilly headwind. The view from the top of Lyth Hill was nice then on the way down the other side I stopped to deal with some brambles that have been annoying me as they stick out into the road at about head height. Folding secateurs are a good bit of kit.:okay:

The ride out to Folly Bank was a bit of a plod against the wind and I took it easy up the bank. I kept meeting the same delivery van for a few miles as the driver did his drop-offs then overtook on the way to the next place.

From about the Longville area the wind was behind me which helped nicely. At Harley I usually don't go into the village as it's about half a mile out of my way but I decided to drop in today just for the sake of it before carrying on to Harnage Grange. Hedge cutting season is still well under way here and there was a good carpet of cuttings on the way to Harnage, then I got held up by a tractor doing the cuttting at Cound. Here I decided to alter my route and head up a lane I haven't ridden in ages and ended up climbing steadily for a mile or so - that might be why I haven't ridden it for ages.

From Acton Burnell I turned northwards and the wind and gradient were in my favour for a while. I had the wind at my back most of the way back so got on fairly well despite my intention to take it easy.

I'd set out knowing there were showers expected later in the ride and could see them starting to roll in on the approach to Condover, so took the direct way back to try and beat them (which I did).

36.1 miles at 12.6 mph average. General aches in the legs from not having ridden for a week but the strained knee feels okay so the time off seems to have been a good idea.


The colours of autumn seem to have become more vivid in the last few days so I took a few shots. This is between Condover and Ryton


The hills look a bit moody from Ryton.


Near to Leebotwood en route to Folly Bank.


On my way to Hughley


At Harley. I've mentioned before, but worth repeating with the commemorations fresh in the mind, that this is one of the "thankful villages" where all the men who went off to the First World War returned alive.


More autumn colour on the way to Harnage.


Heading back to Condover and not very keen on the look of that cloud. I pressed on and did get back before the rain arrived.


Strange day in Glasgow.
Morning trip to the Royal infirmary.... nothing wrong .
Lovely morning for it. 12 mile round trip.
Lunchtime trip over to Cathcart , absolutely chucking it down for half an hour or so.
14 miles.

Would have went out again but not in soggy bottoms.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Out again this morning and wanting to go somewhere slightly different. I headed north, skirting the edge of Shrewsbury and away from town via Montford Bridge and Little Ness to Baschurch where I tried a lane I've never been down before that took me to Fenemere and eventually to Myddle. Here I took another lane that I've only ever driven down once before to Harmer Hill and carried on following my nose across two main roads as I headed for more familiar roads on the way to Hadnall, Astley, Haughton, Upton Magna, Atcham and back via Allfield and Lyth Hill.

The roads were wet again after the showers yesterday afternoon and overnight, so the knockabout bike is starting to take on its winter look (muddy), but there was beautiful sunshine and blue sky which made up for that.

The ride was fairly uneventful overall, which is always good, and I liked the new lanes with the one past Fenemere being pleasantly easy riding and the one through Harmer Hill being quite scenic (before you reach the village proper which is a bit bland).

I had a fairly stiff breeze to ride against once I headed back south but today was never intended to be a high speed dash so I just went down a gear and took it easy. That did change a bit after Upton Magna where I found I was reeling in another rider. He was taking it pretty easy so I overtook by Attingham Park and lost him near Chilton.

I thought I'd take the shortcut through Allfield for a change and almost took the direct route home when I saw there was another cyclist to chase but changed my mind and was glad that I had as the A49 was quite busy so the easy way across was nice.

A fraction over 36 miles this time at 12.9 mph average which I'm content with.

I didn't take as many photos this time due to concentrating on the ride:


Some more vivid autumn colours on the lane through Eyton and lower Fenemere.



A couple of houses nestling against the sandstone cliffs at Harmer Hill.


View from the edge of Haughmond Hill.


Legendary Member
My ride Sunday -

62Km Blaby- Countesthorpe - Wiloughby Waterlys - Leire - Ashby Parva - Frolesworth - Claybrooke Magna - Monks Kirby - Ullesthorpe - Ashby Parva - Gilmorton - Peatling Parva - Peatling Magna - Countesthorpe

Nice weather too - set off later than I normally would (2pm) especially as I'd hoped to catch the sunshine....and I did! In fact it started raining 5mins after I got back. Rather nice ride it was too. Random photo of a tree to show how sunny it was mid ride. Not sure December's will be as nice....


  • tree.jpg
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Old jon

By ‘eck, it were dark this morning. Only because I needed an early rise for a physiotherapy session. And I decided earlier to go on a bike. The fixed, for a change, as the poor thing has little riding at all. I bought it in January 2017, changed the tyres and a few other bits immediately and did ride it often. Ish. The tyres, and of course the rest of it, have done just over 1400 miles since purchase. Must do better!

So, a ride in the rush hour. Whatever time of day, the start of a ride is very much the same, Jack Lane and Marshall Street and Water Lane for the Holbeck Triangle and out along Great Wilson Street in the general direction of the hospital today. Still have to cross the river and the traffic did add a certain amount of interest, all well behaved this morning.

Once the torture is over I can pedal off to wherever my muscles will take me. Not very far this morning, twenty one and a half miles on a bright and breezy morning. Along Beckett Street and is it Harehills Avenue? That name says a lot, and the area is hilly. But apart from Potternewton Park there ain’t much where hares might live, not these days. Anyway, Roundhay Road and up to Oakwood, turn left and along the climbing road to Street Lane, keep on to Harrogate Road, turn away from town and keep on. Just before the school, turn left and enjoy the first sight of green fields today. After passing more mansions than any self respecting suburb should have, turn right onto King Lane and soon enjoy the first stretch of descending road for quite a while. Wheee!!

Soon enough, there is a left onto a road that becomes Church Lane, a bit of a drop to cross Adel dam and then the surprisingly steep uphill followed by less steep but still feeling it, all the way to the right turn for Otley Road. This really was good this morning, a long downhill to Headingley with nothing but me to slow me down. Just shy of 28 mph, dunno what the cadence was but the gearing is 46 x 20 and my legs were spinning fast. The way into Kirkstall was taken a little slower, says the garmin, and the stretch of towpath could even have been ridden sedately ‘cos I was tired by then. Up the road to home from the end of Water Lane, the shower that started as I reached the end of my street did not remove my smile. A good, though short, ride in very pleasant weather.

Scribbles on the contour lines,



Pablo's Cycling Tours
Coín, Málaga
FC..jpg Week opener.

After a lot of riding last week and a Saturday and Sunday that took a lot out of me today was time to get out and stretch the legs a little.

Met with a guy that I haven’t ride with in awhile, I remember him strong and able to drop me almost everywhere he wanted to.

I will show this picture that speak 1000 words.




Perhaps This One.....
Nothing but commuting over the past couple of days. I did fit a dynamo hub to the CX last night, only managed to get the front light connected so far. A quick test to the shops tonight and it's quite good.
This evenings little pootle saw the mileage so far this year edge over 7000 miles, only 300 to go to target. Might make 8k if I get my bum in gear:smile:
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