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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Another late start. The forecast was good but I hadn't checked the radar. So I had to take shelter from a sharp shower in the lanes at Rye Street. Then before Redmarley I hid from a deluge. Monsoon like for sure. The roads were dry at Highleadon but a light shower started on the run up to The Rampings. I was never sure which way the wind was blowing today. Help, hinder, help, hinder. Must have been all the localised storms I suppose. All good tho'. 48 smiles


Then found a lovely church near Eton.
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Dorney Reach? I used to live in Eton Wick in my yoof.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Another morning ride using the Raleigh and I headed to Cardington for a change.

There was busy traffic to contend with on the A49 at the start but then it was a lot quieter away from the main roads. I had a bit of a headwind to contend with for most of the first 10 miles and it's a bit overcast but still nice and warm.

I mentioned tweaking the saddle yesterday and there was another today (dropped the saddle height a few mm) which felt better on the climb up to Folly Bank. At the crossroads at the top I took a right for a change and headed for Willstone along a lane that gives some fine views before dropping into Cardington on the other side of the village to where I usually arrive.

From Cardington I was back on familiar roads past Longville and on to Hughley. I passed a road mending gang doing some proper patching of potholes on the way, which was good to see. This section has a couple of nice flowing descents, one of which I got up to 33mph on.^_^

I worked my way round to Harnage Grange and Cound without incident but gave myself a fright by locking the back wheel and sliding when I had to stop suddenly for a tractor near Cound Stank.

With the wind picking up and seeming to now be more of a westerly than earlier in the ride (and therefore not being helpful for the flat way home) I decided to finish by heading over Lyth Hill.

33.8 miles at 14.3 mph average.


On the way to Willstone.



A couple of views of Cardington.


Looking across to Wenlock Edge from the Hughley to Harley road


Putrid Donut
I needed a ride today. I had to be back by 2pm - achieved - which meant an early start. I've learnt to accept that my speed and strength is nothing like it was, but so often it would be dead handy to be able to ride 100 miles an hour quicker.

In these days of meticulously planned routes, one thing I like to include is a crossroads, preferably a perfect one so that the recorded track shows no route repetition. Today's ride had three:



Much of the ride was on familiar roads, but I did include something completely new by leaving the B4521 Ross - Abergavenny road at Three Ashes and heading up the Orcop. Some of the tarmac was disintegrating but it was worth it. After reaching the A465 I had couple of miles on the main road before taking the spooky road through Pontrilas Army training ground and up the Golden Valley's lesser known neighbour, Grey Valley. The light was quite sombre but it still looked pretty golden today:


And then I turned for home. Had my timing been perfect I might have had a following wind but it was still largely across. There were hardly any really flat sections today so my climbing average was the best I've achieved this year.

One nice milestone - this was the 50th century ride with my recyled ex-hybrid, which has surpassed my expectations many times over. To honour the occasion, here's an autumnal shot from my archives:


Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Out on the Raleigh again this morning for a ride that turned out to be harder than anticipated.

Todays route variation was out to Condover, then across to Atcham and Upton Magna but here I headed across the edge of Haughmond Hill and up to Astley and Hadnall, skirted past Bomere Heath and on to Yeaton and Grafton where I took a slight scenic detour through Fitz and Mytton before rejoining the busier road to Montford Bridge and into Shrewsbury where I again took a less direct way and headed through The Quarry before making my way home.

It's overcast again but warm and at the start I wasn't entirely sure which way the wind was coming from as it seemed to be a headwind on the way to Condover then again after turning towards Atcham which wasn't right.

I headed through Attingham park as I often do then had a reasonable run to Upton Magna but starting on the climb my legs definitely weren't feeling as fresh as they could be after the last couple of rides.

On the way over Haughmond Hill the wind did feel like it was helping now and gave a good run down the other side. At Haughton it seemed to me that there were an unusual number of cars in the farmyard, which turns out to be because an event called Boots and Roots is being set up there for this coming weekend.

After a long wait for a gap in the traffic at Astley I finally got across (many thanks to the person who let me out) and shortly after caught up with a tractor that I followed most of the way to Hadnall. When the second person in the cab noticed I was following them the driver put his foot down a bit (as far as you can in a tractor) and I got a good 25mph slipstream for a while.

The wind was picking up a bit by now and the bike was kicking sideways when I passed gates or gaps in the hedge, then I was turning towards it which slowed things down a bit. My detour to Fitz and Mytton was nice enough but the road was exposed to the wind which made it a little less fun. Thankfully the road to Montford Bridge had some high hedges and trees to give a bit of shelter. Instead the issue along here was the lorry that went blasting past me even though there was a car coming the other way.:rolleyes:

As already mentioned I went through the Quarry to make a change where there were plenty of people out enjoying the park and the work to clear away after the Flower Show at the weekend is progressing swiftly.

By now the legs were getting quite tired so the last bit to home was fairly slow.

36.2 miles this trip at 14.6 mph average.


Not a great picture but taken to show that there is an autumnal look starting in some places already. Probably accelerated by the dry weather.


Drink stop overlooking Bomere Heath. It was getting blustery at this point and in the distance you can just make out a shower rolling through the hills. It stayed dry where I was though.


At Yeaton.


Crossing Porthill Bridge in Shrewsbury.


Clearing up after the Flower Show seems to be going well.


Just across the river; Shrewsbury School. The cattle are often put out to graze the riverside fields in the summer.

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
Delft & Den Hague today. That NL place is pretty good fun even on a cloudy day. Oldest bust into the sushi at last. My life is complete. (Check out the elevation stats)



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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Just spent a few days aboard a 'hotel boat' barge along the Thames between Kingston and Henley on Thames with my wife and her folks plus friends. Brilliant time- so relaxing to watch the world go by from a river at 3mph. Bike on board of course.


This boat above was home since Thursday. Fab. Headed off today from Henley Mrs G by car, me by bike.


First into Berkshire and up Crazies Hill. Bridleway as usual.


On down toward Maidenhead is a weird but quite pleasant cycle route along farm tracks.


Over the Thames at Bray.


Then a slightly dull but v useful Jubilee River cycle path into lovely Slough.


After Slough, several miles along the Grand Union canal to Rickmansworth.


After skirting Ricky and Watford, I paid St Albans the same compliment by ignoring it and finding this lovely bridleway heading north east.


Into north Herts near Stevenage.


Finally, my desitination for the night near Hitchin. 64 miles in the bag today- all pretty straightforward and pleasant.


And what could be better (apart from wheeling it in I suppose when no one's looking) than a locked steed right outside the hotel room. Home tomorrow, only 40 or so miles to go I reckon.
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I took part in my first ever club time trial ride last night, three days after joining the club! It’s a regular thing on Wednesdays and Fridays here and so I thought it perhaps a good idea to pop down and meet some more new faces.

TTs and flat out fast rides really aren’t my thing (I much prefer the steadier long day in the saddle endurance rides) however I’d never done it so I couldn’t really judge it.

Got to the clubhouse nice and early, got my number, saw some familiar faces, met a few new ones and it was down to Breedon to the start, maybe 4 miles or so away.

With about 5 or 6 mins to go before start time, I pulled up in the lay-by at Breedon ready for the off. (I was number 5!) It was really blowy and it was all headwind from the get go. I got maybe a mile in and I was in the red straight away, such was my effort!

As I approached the first left turn at Lount up towards Newbold I managed to get my breath back and some power in my legs which was good as it was a bit of a drag. At this stage I relaxed a lot more and hit the drops to duck the relentless wind and it paid off as I was able to gain a lot of ground on No 4 in front of me who looked like she was in the red too.

A left turn followed at Newbold back towards Griffydam and for the only part of this ride it was tailwind all the way including up vinegar hill and onto Top Brand. The tailwind was still with me and as such I was really able to put the hammer down doing a good 24-25 mph on the flat road and got within 100 yards of the lass in front. I wasn’t even disheartened when one of the lads on a proper TT bike/ full aero set up was able to effortlessly breeze past me and ultimately her!

Approaching the roundabout at the A42 it was back on myself down Top Brand for the last mile which was all headwind and quite the effort to get over the finish line halfway back down. I sauntered back to the clubhouse very pleased with myself indeed on a job well done. Back there I met a few more new faces and had a good chinwag as I munched on a flapjack and had a good well earned brew! I’m very impressed with the set up this club has- well organised, very friendly and welcoming as well. Glad I joined.

My GPS had me clocked at 21:05 however officially I clocked 21:10 for the 6.8 mile event.

So with riding to the start, doing the TT and riding home it was around 21 miles in total for me.


Yesterday evening @Donger and Claire came to me to go on what seems to be our weekly ride.

The route was nothing that we haven't covered before just in a different order just to spice it up and so it doesn't seem the same ride all the time.

The biggest difference with last night was that we actually stopped for a drink at the Anchor at Epney on the side of the River Severn.

It was a good ride as usual but with dark clouds in the distance threatening
rain. By the end of the ride we all had or rear lights on, but Claire and I had left our front lights at my house. I had taken mine off just beforehand thinking it wouldn't be needed .

No looking forward to next week's instalment and hoping the weather stays dry but I guess Th ere us only one way to find out.


Senior Member
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Not actually a daily ride but most what I’ve been up to this week. Away for business down in Bath so I get to sample the lovely quiet local lanes and cycle paths instead of the mayhem that is London. Over 100 miles done this week so far and it’s been easy. I’m so glad I’m back here next week for more of the same, great relaxing rides down here!

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
The last 40 miles home today from my short holiday on the Thames on a boat. Left Henley yesterday and finished up near Hitchin last night - and set off from there this morning.


Through Baldock then up the hill near Bygrave- the rain relentless.


At Ashwell, I found a 6 mile stretch of bridleway to Melbourn, which was mostly ok in the wet.


Then a hard slog along the A10 into Cambridge. Then another final 10 miles. The rain had eased a bit and got home by 3.

104 miles in total from Henley over 2 days. Glad it was only a shortish 40 miler today in the rain. Good to be home.
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Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Cycled to club with my daughter this week, she has a new (to us) bike. Her old (free) Apollo has gone to our neighbour's daughter who rode 22 miles on it the next day along the Bath to Bristol railway path !

My daughter's very pleased with her Ridgeback and we plan to do a longer family ride tomorrow with her. I have raised the saddle by about an inch and a half since this photo was taken.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I’m at the in laws in Devon again. So it was the Burrator Princetown loop today, but with a section of road thrown in from Princetown back to Burrator. It was here that I got my fastest ever mountain bike speed of 41.6mph, into a stiff headwind too!
Lots of Dartmoor ponies about, plus a raven a buzzard and a lone wheatear going back to Africa for the winter.

On the way back I stopped at Sheepstor church, it really is a beautiful little spot and even though I don’t have a religious cell in my body I love this little church.
Just over 20 miles. I’ll bore you with some pics






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