Ah, still might be worth a look though.I gather theres a “gap” in Port Glasgow, due to a landslip. The diversion route is pretty steep.
Ah, still might be worth a look though.I gather theres a “gap” in Port Glasgow, due to a landslip. The diversion route is pretty steep.
An audacious day in the saddle for me. I popped my 300km virginity among other things: Lifted my thumb nail changing a friend’s inner tube and that throbbed the whole day. I was stung in the lip by a wasp and got my poor man’s Botox hit for the year. Drank 8 and a bit litres of fluid. Fell in love with Wales (again). A momentous day.
Thanks to my coach @Aravis who gave me lots of pre-ride route advice.
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Sounds more like a painful day in the saddle let alone audacious! Great effort, well done!An audacious day in the saddle for me. I popped my 300km virginity among other things: Lifted my thumb nail changing a friend’s inner tube and that throbbed the whole day. I was stung in the lip by a wasp and got my poor man’s Botox hit for the year. Drank 8 and a bit litres of fluid. Fell in love with Wales (again). A momentous day.
Thanks to my coach @Aravis who gave me lots of pre-ride route advice.
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An audacious day in the saddle for me. I popped my 300km virginity among other things: Lifted my thumb nail changing a friend’s inner tube and that throbbed the whole day. I was stung in the lip by a wasp and got my poor man’s Botox hit for the year. Drank 8 and a bit litres of fluid. Fell in love with Wales (again). A momentous day.
Thanks to my coach @Aravis who gave me lots of pre-ride route advice.
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I negotiate that junction quite often, usually late in in a ride. So that I can take the assertive position in the middle of the road I find it's best to put a bit more effort into the ramp than I might otherwise do, and I can't remember having a problem. I guess if things were shaping badly, with vehicles behind and a stream coming the other way, I'd make for the left verge and wait until they've gone.It is nice to ride that way, though I find the right turn towards Eckington Bridge at Defford quite stressful. How do you handle it? I slow down quite a lot up the ramp, and I am always wary of someone coming up too fast behind me as I am moving to the middle to turn, and the road is too narrow to wait in the left anyway.
I'm getting jealous now . It looks simple stunning21 warm French miles on the tandem today. 2,178’ of climbing, most of that being the Col de Fay. It was about 5 miles at 7%, but a really steady and even gradient.
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Well doneAn audacious day in the saddle for me. I popped my 300km virginity among other things: Lifted my thumb nail changing a friend’s inner tube and that throbbed the whole day. I was stung in the lip by a wasp and got my poor man’s Botox hit for the year. Drank 8 and a bit litres of fluid. Fell in love with Wales (again). A momentous day.
Thanks to my coach @Aravis who gave me lots of pre-ride route advice.
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On a cycling holiday in Peak District this week, staying in the village of Froggatt.
Yesterday rode Winnats Pass and came down (carefully) the old collapsed road.
Today we headed in the same direction but took a right in Hope for the road to Edale and then climbed Mam Tor from that direction.
The weather has been fantastic with the heat making the climbing that bit more challenging BUT so rewarding.
Some pics......
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