You don't need me to tell you it was a luverly day today. Not having been out all that much of late I made the not very difficult decision to remedy that.
Familiar roads on the whole but I did take a brief detour down some minor roads and bridleways that I had not done before. Interesting because at one stage I ended up in the middle of a field of wheat. I stopped and looked around and for 500m on all side it was plants. Felt like I was swimming. I took a couple of photos.....................but they were all of my forehead and ear.
So anyway.
Across the park and to Harrogate Road. North and turned for Eccup Reservoir where there was a field of ................small blue flowers. I'm sure they have a name but small blue flowers will do.
Down to the reservoir which by the looks of it means a hosepipe ban anytime soon.
Close by the reservoir I found some old friends.
So after a bit of chat and neighing and catching up it was on round the back of Eccup towards Weardley and Rawden Hill.
Looking west and slightly north up Wharfedale towards Arthington and Pool and Otley.
I took the Arthington Road towards Pool-in Wharfedale and took a small detour to get a snap of Arthington Viaduct. You can often see it in photos but mostly from a distance. I did take another couple from the other side but looking into the sun it's no surprise they were rubbish.
A right in Pool and over the wharfe and I made for Leathley where I stopped to get a snap of the church. Which would have been ok but for Valentino bloody Rossi photbombing me. I swear he wasn't there when I took it.
Leathley led onto Stainburn led onto Almscliffe Crag
and a view back across and along the Wharfe valley.
North Rigton next and a drop to Dunkeswick Lane and a wait at the railway level crossing. Right on the Harrogate Road and a swift left towards Kirkby Overblow where I did my good deed for the day. It was unappreciated.

A group of cyclists in front of me out for a similar Sunday jaunt were split into several small groups. Three women at the back one of whom decided to fill up on a chocolate bar, and promptly dropped the wrapper deliberately on the road. Well they were going very slow and I was catching them but still going quite slow so I stopped and collected said wrapper. Put on a spurt and told her she dropped something
'Oh did I ? Thanks for telling me. ' No problem I said and handed her the wrapper. Of course I could have just stuck in my pocket and forgotton about it. But where's the fun in that.

As I carried on i think I caught the words 'smartarse' and 'pompous' but I'm not sure tbh. Even so it's better than being a slack arsed, litter dropping troll. IMHO.
So bouyed up by a bit of banter I pressed to Neatherby and up through Chapel Hill and down into Sicklinghall.
Normally I would carry right on to Linton or Wetherby but being in no rush I turned right on the high street and found a little lane that I hoped would lead me eventually to Wood Hall Hotel & Spa. So eventually I came to the end of the lane and all that was left was a bridleway. Two to be exact. I took the one to the left, which almost as soon as I began it I thought it might be the wrong one. Nevertheless i carried on around fields and past hedgerows, through copses, more field edges yet another copse and after a bit I stopped in the middle of a golden expanse of wheat. (still on the bridlepath mind) I wish the photos I took came out as I intended, it was quite a sight. Then as I imagined would happen I met up with Trip Lane, which actually leads to Wood Hall Hotel so I wasn't far off where I meant to be.
I took a couple of snaps of the hotel which is in an impressive setting but theres not enough room for them on here.
Into Linton and a brief stop at the bridge
it look so peaceful and tranquil doesn't it? Just the spot for a dip, as you can see. The problem is the water out from the back is very deep and as the river swings around the bend it generate strong currents that aren't apparent from the shore. Quite a few people have been drowned in just this spot.
I told the lady about the signs on the bank indicating the dangers and she called her partner and the lad back so maybe I'll get my place in heaven despite everything else.
from there it was Collingham and up the hill towards Harewood House and left into and down through East Keswick up the other side and along the ridge into Shadwell. And............back home past the park.
Just under 38 miles with about 2500 ft of up.
Average speed was slow but it wasn't a dash of any kind. More a jaunt to enjoy the fresh air and the countryside.