Looking out the window this morning I figured it was gonna be cold and wet, so the fleece bib tights, base layer, ss jersey, ls jersey and waterproof were put on before going out. I'd also decided to forgo the weight of the Pendle and take the saddle pack out for once.
I headed south to explore some lanes I'd seen but never ridden on a planned circular route. I can't do non circular routes... they're just so boring.
Having dealt with the A58 which is basically a drag strip I rode through an estate via some nice little shared use paths and that meant avoiding traffic on the A576 and Hulton Lane. Then it was straight down the remainder of the A579 and turning left onto Engine Lane, the first of the unknown tracks. Potholed to hell as I imagined but still pretty rideable.
By the time I got
here I was getting warm and the etrex was spitting its dummy out thanks to dying batteries. Those changed and waterproof squeezed into the Carradice and I was on my way again. That cobbled surface was jarring to say the least!
Into Tyldesley where I joined Leigh Guided Busway which had a very loose but smooth gravel surface. It certainly tested the City jets. I left at Hough Lane and had a gentle downhill into Astley then across the East Lancs and onto Astley Road. Been itching to explore this for a couple years after being told about it from other cyclists. I made a right fuddle of crossing the train tracks prior to Astley Road though. I went through the car gate instead of the ped gate and couldn't figure out how to close it. Luckily a guy in the security booth (for lack of a better description) gave me instructions

Astley Road left me feeling a little disappointed. I expected more. Although more what I can't say. I did spot these though...
Thanks to my impressively immense knowledge of horticulture I have proclaimed these to be...plants! Quite nice ones too.
When I reached the junction of Roscoe Road and Princes Park in Irlam I noticed a distinct lack of traffic lights and was getting some funny looks from other drivers. What was their problem I wondered.
A quick glance behind me revealed all. A one way sign. And I was pointing the wrong way. Oopsie.

The long drag along the A57 was boring as ever and noisy from traffic. Time for the SanDisk and some gangsta rap hommie. I cruised along on my pimped out ride and from the ghetto of Patricroft I slid onto the Bridgewater Canal for a while and then made my way into Bolton on NCR55.
The butt cheeks were getting a little tender by now and the legs were tiring so I took my time which is something I seem to be doing more and more since building the Spa. It inspires smooth stress free pootle about sort of riding

I made a bit of a cockup in turning up the wrong street off Chorley New Road which led to a slight accidental increase in my mileage but I reached home around 1 ish...I think.
Just under 33 happy miles averaging 9mph.
I think I'll be sticking with the Pendle from now on though because whilst I enjoyed the weight savings of the saddle pack, there was no room in it to store more discarded layers. I was way too warm today as the weather brightened up.
And to top the day off, the remaining parts for going 9 speed arrived today. Busy day tomorrow