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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
It was a bit of a late start but I was able to head out into the lanes by Isel, giving a wave to two lady riders coming the other way. On for Bridekirk took me to Gilcrux where I aimed at the Ellen valley for Arkleby. The main road had to be crossed so I did that at Aspatria. Thankfully that ferocious cold wind from the last couple of days had died off so I was making reasonable progress. I got a bit confused in the lanes trying to emerge onto the coast road right by the Bank Mill cafe. Mrs 26 had got there well before me (by car!!) and eaten her dinner. It had been further than I'd guessed so I was quite late. Fortunately dinner was still being served.

Time to head down the coast for the promenade at Maryport and the hill which takes me to see my Mum. As we chatted the mists rolled in and everything vanished. Eventually it was time to head back. The mists were lifting a bit but it was a tad damp. The climbs over Broughton Moor seem harder in this direction but it's fairly traffic free and pleasant. Not a bad one today. 41 smiles. Tired now.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
After a 9 mile walk around Cambridge yesterday, I was up with the lark (ish) this morning to meet up with a mate on t'other side of town at 08:00 (ish) for a ride up to the Waterloo Cafe, near Market Harborough, for a bacon sarnie and a coffee.


It was a tad mucky on the way there, and back, with graunchy grungy sounds coming from all moving parts on the bike! :ohmy:


My mate had forgotten to bring his lights, but my Flux was enough to illuminate the old railway tunnels.


My legs did suffer a bit on the way back, but not enough to worry about too much. Riding so far on muddy trails can be a bit heavy going!

Back home on 42 mucky miles in dismal, but dry weather, just in time to go shopping.. Booo

On uploading the ride, Strava had a Friday the 13th moment, and tagged a February ride onto this one, giving me a Cannock Donkey ride as well as this one, but I edited the extra 20 miles off today's effort..



The Glue that binds us together.
Rode to Paris with a mate, have had this one planned for a while. needed ticking of the bucket list, Rode down to Newhaven Tuesday, horrible ride through London. got there well early for the ferry. so we found a little pub down by the key, had a nice fish and chip supper. then onto the midnight ferry, 4 hr crossing getting into Dieppe at 4am, it's dark at that time of the day. Set of straight away, found avenue vert followed that for a bit, 8am found a coffee shop had 2 coffee's and a freshly baked ham and cheese roll. set of again nice steady pace, avenue vert is a bit boring. lot's of cross roads slowing us down, eventually got onto a proper road, it a lot of up hill on the way, had another stop for a bite to eat and get some lighter clothing on as the sun was quite warm. then of again, the rucksacks where beginning feel a bit uncomfortable, but we pressed on to Paris. had to stop one more time about 20 miles to go, needed a beer. started feeling a bit tired as we only cat napped on the ferry, anyway of again last leg, had a bit of trouble finding the B&B,finally there had a nice shower, then out to a restaurant for a good meal washed down with a few cold beers, ended up having a early night as the lack of sleep finally caught up with us. we rode to the station the next morning decided to get the train back to Dieppe. spent a few hours in a really nice bar, a really nice meal, then onto the ferry, nice smooth crossing, then onto the train to Victoria, then the last 14 mile ride home, got home about 12-15, nice cup of tea then straight to bed, Was a great couple of days with great company,
arcde triumph.PNG
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Powered by M&M's
View attachment 404160 Rode to Paris with a mate, have had this one planned for a while. needed ticking of the bucket list, Rode down to Newhaven Tuesday, horrible ride through London. got there well early for the ferry. so we found a little pub down by the key, had a nice fish and chip supper. then onto the midnight ferry, 4 hr crossing getting into Dieppe at 4am, it's dark at that time of the day. Set of straight away, found avenue vert followed that for a bit, 8am found a coffee shop had 2 coffee's and a freshly baked ham and cheese roll. set of again nice steady pace, avenue vert is a bit boring. lot's of cross roads slowing us down, eventually got onto a proper road, it a lot of up hill on the way, had another stop for a bite to eat and get some lighter clothing on as the sun was quite warm. then of again, the rucksacks where beginning feel a bit uncomfortable, but we pressed on to Paris. had to stop one more time about 20 miles to go, needed a beer. started feeling a bit tired as we only cat napped on the ferry, anyway of again last leg, had a bit of trouble finding the B&B,finally there had a nice shower, then out to a restaurant for a good meal washed down with a few cold beers, ended up having a early night as the lack of sleep finally caught up with us. we rode to the station the next morning decided to get the train back to Dieppe. spent a few hours in a really nice bar, a really nice meal, then onto the ferry, nice smooth crossing, then onto the train to Victoria, then the last 14 mile ride home, got home about 12-15, nice cup of tea then straight to bed, Was a great couple of days with great company,
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Nice Leffe :smile:

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Had planned a 50 mile ride on the tandem but Mrs Dave has had a bit of a niggly cough for a few days, so we decided on a shorter route.

Down Madingley Hill on the road and a turn in to Coton, even early on the garden centre car park was brim full. We soon spotted a couple of hares in the fields along with a handful of horses.
From Grantchester we were headed toward Shelford, but we couldn't resist using Scotsdale garden centre facilities.
In Shelford we noticed that the little Lloyds bank is no more, how sad.

On to Newton and then along to Thriplow. The daffodil weekend must have been a disaster a few weeks back, the daffs were looking good today


On over the A10 and through Shepreth and Barrington. Up over the longer, shallower side of the hill and down the other side. We stopped at the Moringa Tree cafe. Typical, the outside seating was in the shade


The view was good

As we'd had cake I opted for the longer route home.
In Harlton I shouted 'look, my first Swallow of the year... and 2.... and three!' Great stuff!
Home via The Eversdens, Kingston and Toft

Shorts and short sleeves all the way for me.
I'd forgotten how nice the warmth of the sun on your back is.

31 warm miles


Legendary Member
What a stunning day in North Wales, Sunny and Warm, and a complete contrast to the last 2 days that have been wet and cold.

Got my April Half Century Challenge Ride in, with a far more enjoyable trip than the March entry!

I followed probably my favourite route I’ve ever done, setting off down to Barmouth, crossing the railway, where for the first time I had to wait for a train to come through before I could open the gate, onto the promenade.


I then crossed Barmouth Bridge and noticed there is now an Honesty Toll to be paid at the Troll House (no that isn’t a spelling mistake!!) :laugh:


I then followed the Mawddach Estuary gravel path, up to Dolgellau. It was simply glorious, enjoying the fabulous scenery, lots of friendly hello’s from the walkers and cyclists out in the sun and paused in my usual spot, by the Cricket field, for a snack.


Negotiated the roadworks in Dolgellau and then began the long climb up to Cregennan Lake. It felt hard work, with not having so much mileage under my belt this year, but I actually did it in my quickest time yet, on Strava!

Paused for lunch in what is my favourite UK spot so far.

I then began the steep descent to Arthog, pausing for some pictures of the view down to Barmouth and the playful Spring Lambs that were out in abundance


You need good brakes on the hairpin descent and as I reached about 3/4 of the way down, I thought to myself I can smell burning......that would be my brakes then!!

Had to feather them a bit on the remainder of the descent, before rejoining the Mawddach Trail and re-tracing my steps through Barmouth, where it was heaving with people and cars, including pedestrians just stepping out into the road without looking! Almost had 2 women, who did so and necessitated a quick swerve to avoid.

The legs were a bit tired for the trip back along the main road to Dyffryn, but at least the traffic was better behaved today, with only 1 close pass from a box van.

32.9 miles at 10.6mph avg and 2120 ft of climbing

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
What a stunning day in North Wales, Sunny and Warm, and a complete contrast to the last 2 days that have been wet and cold.

Got my April Half Century Challenge Ride in, with a far more enjoyable trip than the March entry!

I followed probably my favourite route I’ve ever done, setting off down to Barmouth, crossing the railway, where for the first time I had to wait for a train to come through before I could open the gate, onto the promenade.

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I then crossed Barmouth Bridge and noticed there is now an Honesty Toll to be paid at the Troll House (no that isn’t a spelling mistake!!) :laugh:
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I then followed the Mawddach Estuary gravel path, up to Dolgellau. It was simply glorious, enjoying the fabulous scenery, lots of friendly hello’s from the walkers and cyclists out in the sun and paused in my usual spot, by the Cricket field, for a snack.

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Negotiated the roadworks in Dolgellau and then began the long climb up to Cregennan Lake. It felt hard work, with not having so much mileage under my belt this year, but I actually did it in my quickest time yet, on Strava!

Paused for lunch in what is my favourite UK spot so far.
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I then began the steep descent to Arthog, pausing for some pictures of the view down to Barmouth and the playful Spring Lambs that were out in abundance

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You need good brakes on the hairpin descent and as I reached about 3/4 of the way down, I thought to myself I can smell burning......that would be my brakes then!!

Had to feather them a bit on the remainder of the descent, before rejoining the Mawddach Trail and re-tracing my steps through Barmouth, where it was heaving with people and cars, including pedestrians just stepping out into the road without looking! Almost had 2 women, who did so and necessitated a quick swerve to avoid.

The legs were a bit tired for the trip back along the main road to Dyffryn, but at least the traffic was better behaved today, with only 1 close pass from a box van.

32.9 miles at 10.6mph avg and 2120 ft of climbing

At this time of year, there is no way that I would go to Barmouth. Too many day trippers for my liking. ^_^

Old jon

13th April 2018

More adjustments. Tightened what I hope are drag screws on the gear levers, and after the saddle tilted itself yesterday I repositioned that and tightened it, I hope enough. For a collection of bits found at the back of a store cupboard and assembled into a bike on a slack day, it seems to work quite well for me. The reach is long by maybe 25 mm, let’s see how that works out for a proper ride. And aye, the pedals. It is a long count of years since I have used platform pedals and the sooner I stop this arcane practice the better. See if I can find some Shimano pedals, after all, I brought the shoes here. A big “and”, I forgot that the brakes, while working OK, have not been assembled as well as they could be. Next job when free time is available.

14th April 2018

Another ride on the new bike. Gear change needs a bit more sorting and the legs need more practice ‘cos it has been a year with not much riding so far.

Just a repeat of the ride yesterday, but today passing the bridge just to take the ride into double figures, ten and one half miles. Cooler than Thursday, but still warmer than the UK, where my sister tells me Harrogate is basking in a temperature of 13 degrees. Desperately dredging for more to tell, I noticed this morning that there is a 6 kph speed limit on the cycle track. Painted ( and faded ) on the track surface just past the Ponte Hercilio Luz. When it rains here ( yesterday ) it rains mightily. I could have taken some pictures of puddles this morning but reckoned we have all seen plenty of those . . .

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There was some looking at maps done yesterday and there will be more later. I have been promised a guided tour around some interesting riding locally, and solo exploring will also be on the list of desirable stuff to do.

I brought the Garthing all the way here, so this time I will post the map, and not rely on editing after posting.



Never used Über Member
I need to work on my fitness, so I eschewed the flatishness of the Vale of York to the east and headed northwest for Otley and a loop back along the Wharfe Valley. Today would include some hills.

Despite the forecast it was still a bit grey and nippy first thing, so I stuck with longs and layered up, for the bike to find it's own way up Coal Road.
Across to the A58, then Whin Moor Lane to Shadwell, up then down then up to Slaid Hill lights, before a right left wiggle onto Wigton Lane and towards Alwoodley Gates. There is a new "Your Speed Is..." sign here, but the rotters have put it on an uphill bit! :ohmy:
Straight on at the lights and onto Alwoodley Lane which is mostly up to King Lane, which mainly drops down to Golden Acre Park before climbing back up the hill.
Past the quarry and down the hill to Bramhope, thinking I've got a decent speed up only for a racing snake to fly past...
Onto Otley Road through Bramhope and all the way to the Dyneley Arms, where I had a wait at the traffic lights, before the long drop down into Otley, which was enlivened by two unnecessary close passes.
Through Otley and after another long wait at the traffic lights down and across the river and a pit stop at Wharfe Meadows Park by the weir.

It was soon time to get back in the saddle and tackle the first notable hill of the day on the climb up to Farnley.
The good news is that I managed to avoid using the granny ring (just!), but it was still hard work and slower than I've done it in the past, although I eventually reached the top and turned left and up again to Farnley itself, then on again to drop down and over the River Washburn and climb again to Lindley.
From there it's a combination of quiet little lanes out to the B6161 but they were still very wet under the trees and covered in gravelly run off in places so I lost traction a couple of times on the steeper climbs and had to take it very steady on a few corners, but made it unscathed.
The reward for this was the long drop down to the valley floor through Leathley and then along parallel to the River Wharfe to the A658 and across onto Castley Lane, which continues to follow the river all the way to Castley, oddly enough. This is another road that was absolutely filthy in places.
You climb up through Castley and switch back on yourself to keep climbing all the way to Weeton, where the road then drops down for the next village, Dunkeswick.
Through there and a brief squirt up a surprisingly quiet A61, taking the right towards Kirkby Overblow, but taking the turn towards Nearby, which you to the foot of Kearby Cliff.
The Cliff has defeated me every time I've tried to climb it, so today I turned off at the bottom and climbed up through Chapel Hill and Kearby Town End, which while not hugely easy, did at least give me a couple of spots to get my breath between climbs so I was happy to get to the top without stopping and turn at Clap Gate to head for Sicklinghall.
The road drops down nicely through there, then there is a mile or two of ups and downs before turning for Linton.
Across the Wharfe again and into Collingham, before tackling the final big hill of the day as I climbed up Jewitt Lane.
Much huffing and puffing saw me to the top and then along the ridge (still as muddy as ever...), stopping for a photo at the bench:


Down the lane to East Rigton, where I stopped at the top of Rigton Bank for a final photo:


Yep, the UK's premier cycling event is less than a month away. :okay:
Notice how we still have proper warning signs in Yorkshire too? None of that silly % nonsense round here. :laugh:
Back onto Holme Farm Lane, then Milner Lane for the run down to Thorner, passing a chap stood next to an estate car with brown cardboard boxes all over the floor - Amazon? Definitely some sort of courier as he lived down to the stereotype a couple of minutes later as I headed down the hill into Thorner with a van coming towards me - revving his engine the courier flew past me, stamped on the brakes and swerved across me to the left and squeezed through a gap between the van and the banking that was about a foot wider than his car...:eek: The van drivers face was a picture!

Anyway, through Thorner onto Carr Lane, the long drag up to the A58, down to Coal Road and the climb up there, turning onto local roads for the last mile or so to home.

41.41 miles (66.6km) in 3h 12m at an average of 12.9mph with 2,463ft climbed

Really enjoyed that, although it was hard work at times, with some decent hills climbed. Loads of cyclists out and about, and my first visit to Otley this year.
Not as warm as promised (average temp was 9.9C) but the sun didn't really burn through until I was almost home.
It's another metric half in the bank as well.
Lots of signs about warning of road closures for the Tour de Yorkshire next month, which seems to have come around again very quickly. Time to start calling all the local hills "Cols" again ^_^

While the weather was definitely better, the roads are still absolutely filthy in places and my drivetrain was protesting noisily by the time I got home, so I've given that a clean and will lube it up shortly ready for tomorrows ride. Talking of which, the forecast looks pretty good for tomorrow and it should be a bit warmer still, so fingers crossed :okay:

And to end, the map:
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I need to work on my fitness, so I eschewed the flatishness of the Vale of York to the east and headed northwest for Otley and a loop back along the Wharfe Valley. Today would include some hills.

Despite the forecast it was still a bit grey and nippy first thing, so I stuck with longs and layered up, for the bike to find it's own way up Coal Road.
Across to the A58, then Whin Moor Lane to Shadwell, up then down then up to Slaid Hill lights, before a right left wiggle onto Wigton Lane and towards Alwoodley Gate. There is a new "Your Speed Is..." sign here, but the rotters have put it on an uphill bit! :ohmy:
Straight on at the lights and onto Alwoodley Lane which is mostly up to King Lane, which mainly drops down to Golden Acre Park before climbing back up the hill.
Past the quarry and down the hill to Bramhope, thinking I've got a decent speed up only for a racing snake to fly past...
Onto Otley Road through Bramhope and all the way to the Dyneley Arms, where I had a wait at the traffic lights, before the long drop down into Otley, which was enlivened by two unnecessary close passes.
Through Otley and after another long wait at the traffic lights down and across the river and a pit stop at Wharfe Meadows Park by the weir.
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It was soon time to get back in the saddle and tackle the first notable hill of the day on the climb up to Farnley.
The good news is that I managed to avoid using the granny, but it was still hard work and slower than I've done it in the past, although I eventually reached the top and turned left and up again to Farnley itself, then on again to drop down and over the River Washburn and climb again to Lindley.
From there it's a combination of quiet little lanes out to the B6161 but they were still very wet under the trees and covered in gravelly run off in places so I lost traction a couple of times on the steeper climbs and had to take it very steady on a few corners, but made it unscathed.
The reward for this was the long drop down to the valley floor through Leathley and then along parallel to the River Wharfe to the A658 and across onto Castley Lane, which continues to follow the river all the way to Castley, oddly enough. This is another road that was absolutely filthy in places.
You climb up through Castley and switch back on yourself to keep climbing all the way to Weeton, where the road then drops down for the next village, Dunkeswick.
Through there and a brief squirt up a surprisingly quiet A61, taking the right towards Kirkby Overblow, but taking the turn towards Nearby, which you to the foot of Kearby Cliff.
The Cliff has defeated me every time I've tried to climb it, so today I turned off at the bottom and climbed up through Chapel Hill and Kearby Town End, which while not hugely easy, did at least give me a couple of spots to get my breath between climbs so I was happy to get to the top and turn at Clap Gate to head for Sicklinghall.
The road drops down nicely through there, then there is a mile or two of ups and downs before turning for Linton.
Across the Wharfe again and into Collingham, before tackling the final big hill of the day as I climbed up Jewitt Lane.
Much huffing and puffing saw me to the top and then along the ridge (still as muddy as ever...), stopping for a photo at the bench: View attachment 404273

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Down the lane to East Rigton, where I stopped at the top of Rigton Bank for a final photo:

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Yep, the UK's premier cycling event is less than a month away. :okay:
Notice how we still have proper warning signs in Yorkshire too? None of that silly % nonsense round here. :laugh:
Back onto Holme Farm Lane, then Milner Lane for the run down to Thorner, passing a chap stood next to an estate car with brown cardboard boxes all over the floor - Amazon? Definitely some sort of courier as he lived down to the stereotype a couple of minutes later as I headed down the hill into Thorner with a van coming towards me - revving his engine the courier flew past me, stamped on the brakes and swerved across me to the left and squeezed through a gap between the van and the banking that was about a foot wider than his car...:eek: The van drivers face was a picture!

Anyway, through Thorner onto Carr Lane, the long drag up to the A58, down to Coal Road and the climb up there, turning onto local roads for the last mile or so to home.

41.41 miles (66.6km) in 3h 12m at an average of 12.9mph with 2,463ft climbed

Really enjoyed that, although it was hard work at times, with some decent hills climbed. Loads of cyclists out and about, and my first visit to Otley this year.
Not as warm as promised (average temp was 9.9C) but the sun didn't really burn through until I was almost home.
It's another metric half in the bank as well.
Lots of signs about warning of road closures for the Tour de Yorkshire next month, which seems to have come around again very quickly. Time to start calling all the local hills "Cols" again ^_^

While the weather was definitely better, the roads are still absolutely filthy in places and my drivetrain was protesting noisily by the time I got home, so I've given that a clean and will lube it up shortly ready for tomorrows ride. Talking of which, the forecast looks pretty good for tomorrow and it should be a bit warmer still, so fingers crossed :okay:

And to end, the map:
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Superb :smile:

13 rider

Set out this morning at 10 into some warmth for a nice change shorts with leg warmers and short sleeves and arm warmers turned out to be a bit overdressed in the end . Plan was for a 50 miler to complete another month of 50km,50m,100km and 100 mile rides 16 month in a row now .Anstey ,Cropston ,Rothley where I tagged onto 2 other riders heading the same way as me ,Cossington up humble lane and up the Wreake valley . At Thrussington I went right and the other riders went left so back to being solo .Rearsby and on to the first climb of the day Ashby Foeville hill . Managed in the big ring today to set and a new pr ^_^ back to Gaddesby where I past the 2 riders from earlier travelling in the opposite way :hello: over the A607 back to the Wreake valley . Frisby on the Wreake ,Asfordby and climb number 2 Saxileby hill took it a bit steady on this one . At the top I noticed my average was still 17.6 miles with some nice flattish roads ahead . Pushing on now to see how quick I can do 50km .Past the mark in1 hr 45 17.8 mph :becool:. Fast descent into Wymeswold and on to Barrow and the average is over 18:ohmy: Into Quorn where the sting in the tail starts I was heading up the Beacon , 4 mile climb steady start then get steeper all the way . Hitting the steep bits with tired legs had me struggling up :surrender: but made it breathing quite heavily . Another fast descent in to Newtown Linford and home 50.1 miles at 17.6 mph sub 3 Hr 50 well happy with that ^_^ all my winter miles seeking to be paying me back . Loads of riders out today amazing what a bit of sun does. Etape Loch Ness 2 weeks tomorrow I think I'm ready for the big hill in the middle of it . Considering I hadn't planned the route just thought you there and there and that will be about

Mr Celine

At last, the roads are relatively dry, salt free, it's not raining, snowing or blowing a gale. Time to take the road bike out for the first time this year for a shakedown.
Apart from an annoying click which disappeared every time I stopped to investigate and which eventually disappeared altogether everything seemed OK.

I headed east towards Innerleithen before turning south up the Paddy slack climb. I felt a bit lost at the top, the forest has disappeared.

I stopped again on the descent for a picture of the view towards the berrybush climb.

It even looked like the promised sun might appear, though that was too much to hope for. I turned left down Yarrowdale, where the promised sunshine had brought out all the motorised hullabaloos in convertibles and on motorcycles.
The bridge at Yarrowford had to have its parapet rebuilt last year. It must have lasted all of six months before some numpty demolished it again. At the far side of the bridge the road turns sharply left, note the temporary barrier and the pile of rubble underneath.

Although the road was dry the verge wasn't, so I had to stop again to clear mud out of my cleats.

The snow has mostly gone, hopefully this is the last time this year I'll be able to do this.

This is the last of an enormous mountain of snow dumped here by the council snowploughs clearing the beast from the east.
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