Your ride today....

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Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Yesterday, my mate Dan and I put our bikes on the train and headed out to Dullingham. (It seems to be in the middle of nowhere and I wanted to see what the village was like.) A couple of pints at The Boot, then we headed to Thurston to catch a return train (and to see what other pubs might have to offer.). Just over 28 miles on the day. Terrific stuff!

The first pic near Newmarket shows how sunny it was. (And how much my other chum, Jay, was enjoying it.)

Dullingham 5.4.18.JPG

Heading towards Bury St Edmunds there's a climb of about a mile. This was waiting for us at its crest.



The Broseley/Ironbridge area is particularly bad for potholes at the moment. I reported no less than 6 problem areas to the council, last week, none of which have been fixed. I posted it on twitter, today, to the Shropshire Star as well....Suddenly the council seemed more interested, funny that!

They are downright dangerous and have the potential to not just damage cars, bikes, etc, but more importantly the people driving/riding them.
My normal cycling routes are covered in what can only be described as pot trenches such that I have not yet worked out a safe cycling route. Presumably North Yorkshire are busy repairing the TdY routes to be bothered anywhere else.

Mrs M

A spring day! An extremely pleasent 30k with my son this afternoon. First we checked a route into Long Eaton for a ride he will need to do by himself at the weekend. Then a ride along a canal to Trent Lock and back home via Sawley and Shardlow.
I lived in Long Eaton when I was a baby.
Have happy memories of visiting Trent Lock and fishing for minnows. :smile:


The Glue that binds us together.
Made the most of today's weather, had a ride out to Saffron Walden, three of us set of this morning, still a bit of a nip in the air, but a nice ride to the cycle cafe, can't say i enjoyed the bacon roll was a bit greasy, but the coffee was great, it got a bit warmer on the way home, we stopped at the local bike shop on our way back, as Dom needed some bum cream, a great bit of banter with the guys in the shop.( Rochfords at Potters Bar.) after that it was a little sprint down the Ridgeway then onto the pub, we had a couple of well deserved beers and a bite to eat, great ride, a real good day out.


North Yorkshire
Fifty-odd miles with a mate in tow on his new heavyweight steel tourer, like cycling with a lycra-clad albatross, round rolling North Yorkshire countryside, waiting at every turn for him to catch up. Thornton le Dale, to Helmsley ("Nice Things" cafe full to the rafters with coffin-dodgers trying to chew their bread rolls with NHS falsies - decent soup though) via Fadmoor, and back via the Rye valley past the delights of Flamingoland. "Flooding. Road Closed" When we got there, the twelve mile detour didn't seem as inviting as the ten yard wade, so we took the ten yard wade.


Un rouleur infatigable
My daughter asked if we could go back to Clumber Park yesterday afternoon and, as my son is unwell so my wife and he remained at home, we had a good 13km ride. It would have been further, but one section of trail was a mud bath (my daughter was not impressed) so we had to push the bikes through using up time. Most of the trail was dry and hard-surfaced. Great fun and my daughter loves riding. For a 6-year-old, she can really make her single-speed move! :okay:


10 pootley stop start miles, wearing my new shoes for the first time. I needed to practice unclipping. They have different cleats to the winter boots and I found them much harder to twist my foot out of though it was easier by the end. I'm ok as long as I unclip as I'm stopping. At this point I think I would fall off in an emergency stop! More practice needed.
I took lots pictures as good practice for stopping and starting.

I needed a bridge picture for the current photo challenge. The prettiest ones would have been on the canal but I think it will be along time before I feel brave enough. So I went on the East Lancs path and the loop line.

I also stopped and started the strava, because I tried some strava writing, though I cheated because I didn't join them up. I made an S and 2 C's for the initials of our club.
I am trying to make a picture using the screen shot but it's not as easy as how I imagined it in my head!


10 pootley stop start miles, wearing my new shoes for the first time. I needed to practice unclipping. They have different cleats to the winter boots and I found them much harder to twist my foot out of though it was easier by the end. I'm ok as long as I unclip as I'm stopping. At this point I think I would fall off in an emergency stop! More practice needed.
Reminds me of the time I was caught out by a hill being steeper than I had first thought and I got slower and slower to the point that I realised if I tried to unclip I would hit the deck on on side - needless to say it was an incentive to make it to the top!

Mr Celine

Lying in bed this morning all the weather sites seemed to agree that it was going to rain by 2:00pm but was currently sunny, so I planned a morning ride, eventually got up, opened the curtains to find not a trace of blue sky and rain looking not far off. I headed out without any great hopes of staying dry. Into Gala on my normal commute route, which I never Strava, to find on returning home that I'm all time 10th equal on one segment. I did it a LOT faster on yesterday's commute!! On the subject of commuting and Strava, the odd combination of routes I took from Gala to Stow is someone's commute home and they have made it a segment. It has been attempted by very few riders, including Mrs Celine! Despite faffing around for five minutes taking photos I am apparently now KOM!

The snow has mostly gone, hopefully this is the last time this year I'll be able to do this.

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Still enough snow for a bike stand at Windydoors summit. Looking south east down the Gala Water, Eildon Hills on the horizon.

Next up, the 15% out of Stow on the Lauder road. A quick stop at the summit at Lauder Common, looking towards the east.

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There's a cracking descent from where the road disappears over the horizon. No speed records today as there are a lot of ickle cute lambs around which are a bigger potential hazard than even the potholes.

The rain had stayed off, so I extended the ride to the south and stopped at Scott's View.
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Looking west towards the Eildon Hills.

A map to finish.
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One KOM, one 10th, 38.6 miles at 13.1mph. And I felt the first spots of rain as I put the bike away. It's now pishing down.
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Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Red sky at night, shepards delight. That's what i had last night. Maybe if the shepard likes wet friggin pissy weather and grey skies coz that's what I ended up riding in today.
5 long slow and torturous miles but I enjoyed it.
I left McFadden Palace at 10am with my route plotted on the etrex with the intention of exploring a bridleway I'd seen on previous rides.
Barely 2 mins into my adventure and I meet the days dipstick...having a chat with his mate while blocking the whole bloody road.

I squeezed past and carried on down Cinder Lane then left into Barrow Bridge in mild discomfort. Last night I fitted the new Nidd saddle that's been sitting in its box for a few months. Unlike the Brooks, it isn't afraid of a little water but it sits higher on its rails, so I had to make a stop to adjust for being a shortarse.
Once through the village it was onto a long slog up Longshaw Fold Road. At a max grade of 9% I managed to crawl along as low as 2mph on some's a wonder I don't stall sometimes. It eases slightly about halfway up but at this point the legs had died and were on the brink of going on strike.
At the top I turned left onto Colliers Row Road and a short pootle later turned right onto the bridleway...I think it's a bridleway anyway...too many different names for differing rights of way for my liking. Anyhoo, the 'way' was tackled in the same manner as the previous hill...slowly. But at least it had nicer views and muggins had to stop to take a piccy. Not coz I was tired ok??? :whistle:


Despite some traction testing moments, the Vantages Voyagers held firm and kept me going in a decidedly upward fashion and I soon (ok it took a while) reached Coal Pit Road nice and warm, albeit a bit wet.
About 1.5 miles of downhill from here and usually quite fun. My cold which still hasn't buggered off was making me cough, sneeze, sniff and gag all the way down. The 1.5m included crossing over Colliers Row Road/Scout Road and along Smithills Dean Road and that's where I broke Warp Speed Mr Sulu! Or 31.6mph if we're gonna be honest. It's surprising how cold one gets at that the rain...and wind. Brrrr.:cold:
I overshot my turn off due to not concentrating and had to backtrack a couple feet. Left onto Smithills Croft Road and through a fairly picturesque looking bunch of streets.
Crossing a little bridge over Dean Brook there are two houses. One on my right had a plaque over the door stating 1873 or something. Very heritagish. The one on the left also had a plaque with its build date...1992. :laugh: Why advertise THAT? After a bit of a chuckle I carried on my merry way by Barrow Bridge Chimney, along the side of Moss Bank Park, up Cinder Lane again home through the estate.
The bike was given a quick hosing to clean off the brake gunk and made myself a brew since no one else bothered. I'll remember that next time Pam and kids!

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Off we went, no leg warmers for me, but Jo was covered arms and legs.
Down Madingley hill on the road, not something we do often. 36mph.
Into Cambridge and pick up the Cam path at Victoria Bridge. The cows have been let out this week

Past the Corpus boat house, the ugliest on the river

Then we stopped at our friends, Patrick and Christine. Patrick had cycled from ours last Sunday night and had to loan a back light and we picked it up. A pot of tea was made and ... an hour passed.

Off again in the direction of Anglesey Abbey using the very smooth new cycle path. Nice! Then we took the turn for Dullingham. Of course, it's not signed after that and we ended up in Bottisham. A first for me. It looked like there was an inter university TT going on. We joined the main road to Newmarket and after a while a young lady wearing number 13 went past us. Number 14, a bloke, flew by and caught 13. We then turned right for Dullingham. This was the wee stop

We then overtook a couple on solo road bikes that we'd seen earlier. Another right turn and we were in Dullingham. The couple were coming the other way. This was the last we saw of them.
Down the hill to Six Mile Bottom and we stopped at the shop for a sandwich. We sat on their picnic bench and ate in the warm. A TT bike came by, heading south. I looked at Jo, she looked at me...
'Nah, that can't be right, the other riders doubled back at the horse roundabout. He's taken an exit one too early. He can only get to the A11 or West Wratting down there....' said I.
2 minutes passed and he returned the other way, slowly. I got up and crossed the road. 'You got off the roundabout too early, you can either retrace your steps or turn left on the Wilbraham road for the quickest return' The poor lad was crestfallen. Snot all over his chin and dejected. He thanked me and set off...

We followed his route, but went via Wilbraham, Fulbourn, Cherry Hinton and Jacks Gelato in town. Chocolate fudge swirl, beautiful. The bike waited in front of St Bene'ts church

Home via my daily commute.
Very few birds today, skylarks, one buzzard, red partridge and a few hares. Lots of violets in numerous colours and shades.

46 warm, spring like miles.
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Didn't originally intend on going out today as I have loads of things to catch up on, but the old style filament light bulb in the dining room went *ping* at breakfast. As I'm in the process of switching all the bulbs in the house to LED, it necessitated a utility ride into town for a replacement.

I normally avoid Ely like the plague on Saturday as it's always ridiculously busy, but needs must. Was much easier (and quicker) to shove locks and purse in a backpack, hop onto the bike and pedal into town. A bit of a stiff headwind on the outward leg made the climbs up to Orwell Pit and up the Downham road a bit of a grind, but I still had gears to spare.

Met numpty #1 at the junction of Egremont Street and the Lynn Road. Queue of traffic waiting at the lights with a couple of cars blocking the cycle lane leading up to the bike box. I hop off, walk two car lengths forwards into the bike box and hop back on. As the lights turn green, the driver of a white SUV at the head of the queue must have taken objection to that swerves hard left just as I'm getting going. Had two choices - either be flattened if I stayed on the bike or hop off onto the pavement and try not to fall. :cursing: Needless to say, I was rather eloquent with the hand gestures...

In and out of Wilkinsons in 5 mins. Most of the sheffield stands were unoccupied.

Homeward leg took same route. Now with the brisk wind behind me, the ride back was much faster and found me spinning much bigger gears than usual, even on the climb past the new leisure centre and back up to Orwell Pit. Numpty #2 on the drop into Downham. Most passing cars me gave me a couple of meters of room, but a young lad in a black hot hatch seemed to think that a foot of space between his car and my handlebars was sufficient. :angry:

Nine-ish miles under the belt and was home in less time than if I'd taken the car, though. :girldance:


Perhaps This One.....
An opportunity for a quick ride this morning, so off up to the park as usual. In contrast to the last ride it was very quiet, very few pedestrians around. Only time for 1 loop, pausing briefly at the Queens Jubilee horse.
7 April 2018 Yukon @ Jubilee Horse.jpg

The (very) sharp eyed will notice the new crankset on the Yukon, and the wheel change to a set of Campag Khamsin, borrowed off the RT-58 to see what they look like. I think a set of Hunt 4 Seasons at going on once I get financial approval...
23 miles at 16.3mph, quick for me.
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