Got a few days off, want to be lazy but I have a wee challenge going with some forum members

Met office app said the best time was between 10 and one o'clock, so I set out from the leafy suburb of Rutherglen ...erm ... maybe not so leafy, into the unknown.
Well, the plan was to connect a few dots of a cycling infrastructure in town:
@flyingfifi had asked me a while back if I had ever been up that way before, where does it lead to?
I found out, and a very quiet road it was too - on a Sunday morning, yes, bet it's different tomorrow, as it crosses an industrial estate.
You need to keep your wits about you on these urban cycling routes, some bits have 3 different set of lights, one for cars, one for pedestrians, one for bikes.
Look at the wrong one and you're marmalade!
It's a dull day here, but quite warm, around 12C, the wind is blowing a gale though.
I was enjoying the ride, wanted to explore some more but turned back after the route signs got confusing: I know well the way on the road to where it is supposed to go, got lost trying to follow the segregated path

Here is an overcast picture of the Tradeston bridge, part of my commute to work, crossroads to the city centre-southside cycle route:
Follow the shared paths alongside the river, through Glasgow Green, along the Clyde walkway, et voila', you're back in Aldi Rutherglen, flat as a pancake it is too.
After Aldi I diverted into Tesco for some cat food (BigCat won't eat Aldi's

) , then back home just in time to avoid the heavy rain.
Only 14 miles but every little helps with the challenge