Your ride today....

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Yay finally got the road bike out thanks to the milder weather, forgot how much easier it rolls and how agile it is compared to the mtb and a lot less mud getting chucked up :smile:

Took about half a mile before I was fully used to it again, ended up in dechmont again and got in 17 odd miles.

Might let the legs rest now until after christmas unless I get the itch before that :smile:


A Christmas shopping trip into Glasgow city centre and along the Clydeside to Partick then home
Riverside Museum in the mist.
Only 14 miles but better than using my bus pass


Legendary Member
The recent Ice Age has finally departed Shropshire and so I managed to get out to celebrate the end of work until next Thursday, with my first ride in 2 & 1/2 weeks.

Quite mild out and no wind, meant for a pleasant trip around Shrewsbury. Normal route up to Heathgates and then down to the River Severn. Along the Towpath into the Quarry and then up through Porthill, Shelton, Copthorne, Nobold, Meole Brace and home.

Nothing much to report, but both enjoyed and laughed at the various Christmas lights adorning houses along the route. Some very tasteful and others like Blackpool illuminations.

13.0 miles at 11.3 mph avg


Perhaps This One.....
My miles this week have been largely commuting, it's nice to be back on the bike now the ice has gone. According to the BBC tonight was going to be an asolute disaster on the roads with miles of traffic. Which explains why it was probably one of my fastest commutes to work ever. There was soo little traffic about I thought it was Sunday morning...


Legendary Member
A beautiful sunny morning, to get my December 50k in and complete the Half Century a Month Challenge for 2017.

I was up and out just before sunrise, quite chilly and a keen South Westerly breeze, but not a cloud in the sky, as I followed the cycle paths to Shelton and then out on the main road to Bicton. I called in at the church there, to spend a few minutes at Nan & Grandad’s grave, before continuing to Montford Bridge.

I took the lanes to Great Ness and Adcote, rather than the NCN route and was surprised to find from Strava that it’s 3 years since I rode these lanes!! Where does time go? Crossed the A5 and then on to Pentre, Royal Hill, Melverley and crossing into Wales briefly at Crew Green.

Back onto the very busy main road to Princes Oak, before the long climb and then descent to Halfway House. Had quite a long wait to get across the A458 before continuing to Westbury. More very busy main road to Nox and Yockleton, before turning back onto lanes to Lea Cross.

Having not done a long ride for about a month, I was feeling it in the legs by now and the short steep climb to Arscott Golf Club was a killer, before descending to Annscroft. Back onto a ridiculously busy B road to Hook-A-Gate and into Shrewsbury, where to be honest I was glad to get off the bike, due to the traffic.

I expected it to be fairly busy, with people out and about doing their pre-Christmas panicking, but it was way worse than I expected and loads of traffic everywhere. Lost count of the number of fast and close passes I had and dangerous overtakes as well. People seriously need to calm down and chill out, otherwise they are likely not to see Christmas, if they continue driving like that.

33.1 miles at 11.5mph avg.


The Glue that binds us together.
Last ride before Christmas, 11 of us set of on the last club ride before Christmas, Weather was warmish for this time of year, road not to busy. did meet with a couple of a*****s on the road. white van man and an idiot trying to reverse into us. But on the whole a good ride. Now looking forward to a few days resting before we have to start putting in the miles again. I need to get some training in ready for the training camp in Calpe.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
The normal amount of commuting, but no weekend ride for the past 2 weekends. I stupidly chose my mountain bike and set off across the fields at the end of the village. They were like gluey, soupy, slippy clag. It was horrible.
Away over to Wimpole there were shafts of sunlight coming through the clouds

A few yards after stopping to take this picture I chased a black squirrel along for 100 yards. I've not seen one in Hardwick before.
Along the edge of Hardwick wood and into the swampy bit. I slithered to a halt, sideways. I had to get off and walk. I stopped to clean the crap from around the back brake...... I could hear a hiss. So I did what anyone would have done, I ignored it!

On to the road down to Caldecote, tyres flinging crap into orbit. Then my back wheel began to jam. I stopped to remove a massive clod of sludge. I prodded my tyre. A puncture. There was enough air to let me coast down the hill to the church. I changed tubes, and got filthy in the process!

To the Eversdens, then up onto the Wimpole ridge via the Mares Way. Kestrels, long tailed tits and redwing were about. Looking south to Hertfordshire and Essex there looked to be sunshine

It was just mud here


Good old South Cambs clay eh?

Zooming down to the Eversdens again then across to Harlton and Comberton.
The clouds parted and the sun almost got through

It was only 18 miles, but as I was carrying 10 tons of wet clay I was knackered!


I agree about the change in the weather. My ride today was so much more pleasant without freezing extremeties. In fact I overdressed and was too hot at times. We had a club social ride instead of a ride tomorrow and I managed to fit in a few Christmas card deliveries too. Noticably more impatient drivers today.


Never used Über Member
First ride in an age, due to a combination of ice and other stuff impinging on my cycle time.
First ride too on the new Giant Contend SL1 Disc. I'll gloss over the hassle I had collecting it, but needless to say I'm not impressed with Cycle Surgery at the moment although the store manager did his best to sort things once he arrived...
So, a ride from the centre of the bustling metropolis on the last Saturday before Christmas up to home.
I don't normally do urban riding and while the traffic was bad the experience wasn't too bad and it's quite nice filtering past a load of barely moving vehicles...;) . Out past the bus station and across the infamous Marsh Lane junction with just one close pass from a private hire driver :dry: then up onto the Cycle Super Highway. This is the most direct route home and to be fair, it's still as rubbish as ever, but at least I know where to get off it and back onto the road now to avoid the worst of the pointless extra bits.
Avoiding peds in the wrong places is a fact of life on the CSH, despite bright green tarmac and clear signs, but I was eventually at the Melbourne Roundabout and nipped into Halfords to pick up a saddle bag for the new bike, then off the CSH and up Cross Gates Road avoiding several cars parked in the cycle lane :dry: but enjoying exemplary driving from the motorists all the way up to and around the Ring Road roundabout, but heading up Austhorpe Road I must have inadvertently activated the Giant's secret cloaking device as I'd clearly become invisible with a couple of close passes and more myopic motorists pulling out on me as I passed through the shopping area...:dry:
Anyway, once past the park things improved, so I headed on down Manston Lane, up Sandleas Way and chucked in a long loop around Pendas Fields, before heading down to Barwick Road and then up to home on local roads with a final loop around the block to push past 8 miles.

8.21 miles in a very steady 42 mins at an average of just 11.7mph with 524ft climbed.

I'm not surprised that the low-ish speed given the amount of traffic at points and the amount of times I had to slow virtually to a stop to get round peds in a world of their own on the CSH (despite the blindingly obvious delineation). The wind surprised me - a 'fresh breeze' was forecast but every time I turned into it it was like slamming the brakes on. Garmin states it was 20mph and I wouldn't disagree with that.

More importantly, the new bike felt good straight away. As I've said, the saddle needs to move up a touch or so and the brakes needed bedding in, although they felt much improved by the time I got home. Less impressed with how the Road Racer mudguards fitted by the shop have rubbed and marked the paint on the rear bridge though :dry:
Looking forward to the next ride though, tomorrow morning all being well. :okay:

And to end, a pic and a map:

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
I've already made a dent in the mince pies, so felt obliged to get out and do something before I went down the pub. :whistle:

11 miles out to Levington marina. (As seems to have been noted on previous posts, there a lot of people out there on the roads who need to take a chill pill.) Anyway, a pic of Patsy #2 The CX outside the gate house in Levington where my paternal great-Grandmother was born.


twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Steve E, Mrs 26 and me in the Green and Rich B with Pete M in Upton. The plan was a bimble today. Pleasantly mild for late December so we pootered out past the White Rabbit with a coffee stop being called in Tewkesbury. Then we rounded by The Rampings to cross Longdon Marsh for the Farmer's Arms where beer was on the agenda. Mrs 26 was hungry so had some apple pie and custard while I had some soup. On through the Castlemorton lanes lead us inexorably to the Nag's Head where more beer was the call. Lots of chats and laughs today too. Merry Christmas was the theme. 38 smiles with the miles/pint ratio being on the rather low side :cheers:.

Mr Celine

During the winter I don't drink much on the bike but five miles into today's ride I glanced down and saw that I'd forgotten to put the bidon in the cage. This brought on a raging drouth which eventually forced me to stop half way up the Swire climb to drink from a burn. One forgets how good water tastes when not contaminated with chlorine or bottle plastics.


The hairpin half way up.

Near the top looking back the way the low winter sun reflected off the road surface, appearing like a long silver thread.

After a quick descent and a wind assisted run down Yarrowdale I stopped to say hello to Santa.

Well done the Yarrowford yarn bombers.

A much needed 30 miles.


Legendary Member
Woke up this morning with a sore throat and the beginnings of a cold, but still managed to get out for a 50k ride in the afternoon as I needed a couple of essentials for the weekend. No hurry today so I took my Giant Rapid 1 flatbar and did the usual route through Levington (where I accidentally photobombed somebody else's Strava photo - I'm coming up the road on the right)
I'm on the right!.jpg

Nacton and Ipswich out to Westerfield and then the return route via Rushmere with a quick photo stop at the training ground...
ITFC (4).jpg

then on to Sainsburys for satsumas & Pringles (no parking problems or queues with a bike) and Bucklesham before home..

Not planning on a ride tomorrow, but I hope the cold has shifted enough for a repeat 50k on Christmas morning .
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