It was

out today and the threatened frosts failed to materialise so good conditions for getting in my first metric century of the year.
didn't go for shorts but wrapped up well (I admit it, I'm nesh). The route planned was out to Ellesmere by a more direct route than last week and then across to Prees, Marchamley, Shawbury, into Shrewsbury and back home all using the local NCN routes.
Leaving Shrewsbury I caught up with a couple of other cyclists at the Shelton traffic lights, who completely ignored my friendly greeting.

I therefore didn't feel too bad that I was able to pass them quite quickly and leave them trailing far behind.
With light (following) winds it made for nice easy cruising up to Baschurch (once past a couple of small floods) and onwards to Ellesmere where a bite of lunch was called for by The Mere. (On the way a Land Rover passed leaving behind a smell suspiciously like it was running on central heating oil.

Setting off again I was onto the roads that weren't too good last time. The overnight deluges had cleared a lot of the debris and mud that was there last time so it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately it had left a lot of standing water including quite a few floods across the road (lost count of how many I rode through). Just after Lyneal I had the only motorist incident of the trip: apparently if you are in an X5 it is not necessary to slow and pause in a passing place for a cyclist.

Prees brought the first hilly sections of the ride which slowed progress a little. This was about 35 miles into the ride and my legs weren't very keen on going from flat cruising to climbing, however I got over that hill and enjoyed the long shallow descent the other side. Marchamley was next with NCN 45 taking quite a lumpy route through this part of the world - I'm sure this is a nasty shock to anyone thinking they are riding through the flat part of the county.

Still, could have been worse - the steepest section was a descent for me going this way round.
The lanes finally deposited me at Moreton Corbet, where I had a pause to look at the remains of the castle before heading on to Shawbury. I was starting to flag around this point and with the wind against me, just couldn't keep up the pace I'd been doing earlier. The stops became more frequent and I was down to a crawl on any hint of a climb. By the time I was skirting the edge of Haughmond Hill I was seriously wondering whether I'd make it home. However, stubbornness kicked in and I realised that I could take a different route back to the one I'd planned, saving about 3 miles.
I wasn't quite as slow on the last few miles as I'd feared and got home 5 minutes before my earliest estimate of when I'd be back. Not too upset about that.
I got on better with the saddle this time. Still very firm, but much more manageable after the latest adjustments.
64.8 miles covered at an average of 12.9 mph. Chuffed with that speed, but just a teeny bit disappointed that I couldn't have just found that extra 0.1 mph on the average. Still, not bad on 18kg of knockabout bike.

(plus luggage).
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A bit of a flood between Montford Bridge and Little Ness. The first of many on this ride.
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Looking across Baggy Moor to the Berwyns.
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Lunch stop at The Mere.
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There are some great place names around here.
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Prees. I've driven past countless times but never been into the town itself. Quite a pleasant little place.
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Moreton Corbet Castle.
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10 miles to go and looking at The Wrekin from Haughmond Hill.