Today was back over to my mum & step father's to take them to my brother's birthday meal at the gastro-pub he works at (don't ask). My youngest brother has just turned 25
and to meet the latest in a series of girlfriends this year. My original plan had been to cycle to the pub for the meal, but that was vetoed by my mother on 2 grounds - 1: I was expected to shower before going to the meal! and 2: she wanted to drink, so I was driving their vehicle - my step-father can't currently drive due to his hip problems that have him wheelchair bound.
The journey out was notable for the horrendous headwind that made my usual 1hr 40 mins into a second or two under 2hrs! Oh and my OH came out half way with me before enjoying a tailwind and a country lane that was closed to vehicles all the way home - the single track bridge has been closed to traffic which is great because the rat run is now rather quiet! (He could not stay having to drive down to Plymouth later in the morning). Also it was notable for the really miserable cyclists on the road today - I only managed to get a hello/wave/smile out of 3 from all of the ones I/met this morning (+30). I don't know why, they were not the ones cycling into that headwind, I was. Boy were you a miserable crowd on the roads today - I got more hellos/thank yous from car drivers!
Later on in the ride, there was a really surreal moment where one of my roads runs alongside a canal. There is no footpath/pavement between me and the towpath, just a thin grass strip and there is a section where the canal is at the same height as the road. The canal can only be 2m away at best when all of a sudden I become aware that I am being undertaken by a swan flying alongside me at my head height - boy are they huge when they are flying that closely! It stayed alongside me for 30 seconds or more before undertaking me and landing some 50m ahead of me in calmer water. Slightly further on and 3 swans were having that much of a fight in the canal that I actually got wet cycling passed them on the road! From there is was quiet and at one point the sun actually made an appearance - this seems to have coincided with my taking of a photo for @
Rickshaw Phil who IIRC also has a 'fingerpost' signpost on one of his routes...
Then the return journey - not as much fun & in the dark, but amazingly it didn't really rain on me. There was some light drizzle, but that fizzled out very quickly and I had patchy skies with the moon out occasionally. It tried raining on me, but it was a half hearted attempt that lasted less than a minutes or two and went away when I swore at it.
The only really notable 'event' was me hitting a pothole badly early one (I yelled at myself at that point to pull myself together and start paying attention; I had been day dreaming (in the dark)) and some 4 miles down the road reaching for my water bottle to find an empty space
. Now there is no way I can cycle +20 miles without water: I'm a severe asthmatic and a dry mouth & throat does not aid breathing at all and I was travelling 'light' - 1 pannier and 1 water bottle only... I rang my mum to check I had not left it on the bin where I had propped my bike against but no, it was not there. There was only 1 thing for it: turn around cycle back up that hill and start to look for the water bottle. So if anyone passed this strange cyclist with 3 front lights, (I had pulled the spare that was almost flat from this morning's run out, and was hand holding it) deliberately shining the 3rd light at the otherside of the road at 75-90 degrees to what was expected, specifically the grass verge - yep... it was me.
Thankfully I found the water bottle 10m from where I 'expected' it, only it had rolled completely across the country lane and was resting against the grass verge on what was now my side of the road! So much for needing the extra light to find it...
So my usual 1 hr 30 mins home, turned into a 2 hours and a few mins home instead and I have an exceptionally dirty bike in the kitchen - good thing the floor is vinyl and I have a couple of days to get the kitchen clean before my OH gets home! On the bright side of things, that torrential rain and high winds that I was expecting to have to cycle home in didn't happen, so I am a happy, if rather tired, bunny.
out -
home -