Isn't it funny that when you are stood outside your house on a cold sunny morning faffing around, forgetting things, that it feels quite warm, particularly if the sun is hitting you in that particular spot? Then you get on the bike and a few hundred meters down the road the true extent of the icy headwind makes it's presence felt, the low late autumnal sun not high enough to compete with the cold.
In spite of this we [dr_pink and I] headed out on our fixed bikes along darkly wet, chilled roads but with the warm colours of autumn above our heads framed by a perfectly blue sky. It was 9 miles before the first car passed us and shortly after that I had my chance to get dr_pink in the same shot as a Red Kite, typically just as I am fumbling for the mobile a Buzzard flew across in front of us, not sure how this will come out on the thread, but here's hoping:
Incidentally, this ride covers a lot of the route for next Sundays forum ride, so if you like the look of it feel free to join us.
A few more miles under the belt and a [I will be kind here] stout fellow on a road bike dropped in behind us from a junction we had just passed, after taking the measure of us [should have been more observant] he overtook, saying hello as he did, unfortunately he was on a flat part and the road was rolling and well, er dr_pink quite likes hills and lets face it I just follow. We waited for him a bit further on and had a nice chat, turned out he had only been riding for a couple of years.
It was good to do this ride in the opposite direction to our usual route because we had the pleasure of some good downhill bits, though a bit testing on a wet surface on fixed, only 33 mph
We were very aware that 11am was fast approaching and wanted to see if we could be present at an outdoor remembrance service, I knew the village of Knipton was only a mile or so away and luckily we made it just in time to hear the bugler play the last post, very moving. After the 2 minutes silence we were off again into the wooded domain of Belvoir Castle
Twenty minutes later and 27 miles done we arrived at Dove Cottage, one of our favourite stops and one some of you will know. A dozen or so Nottingham club riders were already there but we were lucky to arrive a bit later than is usual so seating wasn't a problem.
I had been trying to devise a route that had minimal hills as per my promise for next weeks forum ride and so far so good, the difficulty is getting out of The Vale of Belvoir without doing a 15 - 20% hill or riding along an A road. We managed it, just, but did end up doing a very narrow mucky lane but still better than endless cars and traffic lights in my book.
Fast forward to 8 miles from home and I thought a pic of dr_pink framed against the skyline and emerging into the sun would make a good photo, I suspect I needed a high spec digital slr camera, not my phone
Shortly after this was taken I start getting cramp in my left calf [I have a thin left leg, long story] and I know that a mile of downhill is yet to come, wonder if it will hold out so drank loads and did a lot out of the saddle to stretch. It turned out ok and just before turning into our street bumped into some good friends who were out for a walk and were amazed to hear we had just done 63 miles on fixed.
So am I, never mind totally fixed, more like totally knackered [dr_pink now cleaning the house