Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
55 miles with the club this morning, my first ride. Fifteen turned up. The group got split in two for a while, but regrouped after a puncture and we continued onto Tatton. On the way back, three of us pealed off for a few extra miles, up and over The Wizard, then up towards Potts Shrigley, before coming back through Middlewood. Added an extra 13 miles on the clubs main route. Got back to the cafe after the others, but the rush for a brew was over, and a well deserved coffee and cake.

Quite a few other new members out, must have been the sunshine. Absolutely loads of cyclists out today, very busy. One thing is the roads are worse than ever in Cheshire, some massive holes. Lead riders were constantly shouting out holes.


One thing is the roads are worse than ever in Cheshire, some massive holes. Lead riders were constantly shouting out holes.

I have taken to stopping and reporting the holes with the CTC app. Perhaps pothole rides could be organised with rules so that the first rider has to stop and report the pothole, each peelingg off in turn with a pre-agreed meeting pont?
I have taken to stopping and reporting the holes with the CTC app. Perhaps pothole rides could be organised with rules so that the first rider has to stop and report the pothole, each peelingg off in turn with a pre-agreed meeting pont?
Cheshire West & Chester are pretty good at fixing reported potholes. Most of the ones i have reported only take around a week to get repaired, but the same is not true for East Cheshire.


Just over here
15 miles on the Ridgeway on the MTB with a mate done, and legs took it well after yesterdays ride:smile:

Wayland's Smithy

Halfway pie and a pint

Muddy (but i think i came off worse than the bike)


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I have taken to stopping and reporting the holes with the CTC app. Perhaps pothole rides could be organised with rules so that the first rider has to stop and report the pothole, each peelingg off in turn with a pre-agreed meeting pont?

There were too many, not even 15 of us could have managed it. One section was badly cratered, and lead to one of the punctures.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Just a 17 mile or so ride to Wicken Fen and back along my usual quiet routes and byways. It was bright when I left and took this picture out on the Fen. I normally see a single swan here (by the sluice) and for some reason have taken to calling him cyril over the last couple of years. No sign of him today though.

Lodes Way 3.jpg

A little further along is this ironwork sculpture of traditional fen folk. On the left is a fen skater, middle is an eel catcher and on the right a Victorian entymologist complete with butterfly net. The clouds had closed in by now.
Lodes Way 4.jpg

The fen is still pretty wet considering we've had no decent rain or snow for a while now but luckily, most of the Lodes Way path is now dry.

Lodes Way 5.jpg

Something spooked the above swans and they flew right past a minute or so later
Lodes Way 6.jpg

Wicken Fen itself was quite busy and the shared use path a little tiresome, being filled with dogs and some grumpy folks who don't seem to like people riding bikes. I put it down to jealousy myself, as they all looked a little on the tubby side to me, and no doubt were about to head back to a noisy, packed car park. I guess I'd be grumpy too if I had to do that. Still at least they were out walking I suppose.
Lodes Way 1.jpg

The crowds cleared long enough to take this pic. If you were to walk along here on a hot June night, your eyes would be drawn to little bright green lights in the grass- There's a glow worm colony here and a magic sight they are too. To the right is a lagoon that was full of noisy teal and widgeon today.

I then bumped into a pal and we cycled a little way back together. He spotted a short eared owl quartering on Burwell Fen and we watched it for quite some time, knowing that it could be our last of the winter as no doubt it would soon be crossing the North Sea for Scandinavia to breed. A marsh harrier popped up too- always a breathtaker that one. By then my hands were telling me the temperature had dropped somewhat, so I headed for home via a village called Lode and thawed out with a cuppa or three.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Busiest cycling day of the year on my usual run up the coast to South Shields.

Most popular make of bike I saw by some way was Specialized.

A couple of roadie club runs whizzed past, including a few hardcore fellas with aerodynamic helmets and bikes with solid rear wheels.

Those wheels at speed make an odd drumming sound.


Über Member
Agree, a lot of cyclists out today in Otley area more than on a summer's day. Spring must be round the corner.
Hilly 35m for me with our group.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Loads out today. Really promising, I think cycling is really taking off. Never seen so many folk out. It's been a hard winter. Much letting on to all cyclists going On. Few beeps from idiot drivers, that were met by waves and smiles.


Legendary Member
Did a round tour of some 20 miles this afternoon on the Raleigh Pioneer in calm and dry conditions.......until the drizzle started for the last 20 minutes. Bike going well with new gearshifters working efficiently, just feeling different! Also a new computer fitted to replace the one that fell off on the last outing:sad:.
Exchanged brief greetings with the other two cyclists out today.:smile:
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