You are riding tubs on winter rides?4 miles on the butchers (McDonalds breakfast run for my beloved who had to work today) 40 miles on the Sara. I had decided to bring the seat forward and raise it by 1/4 inch this turned out to be a mistake as 15 miles in I was overwhelmed with a severe ache exactly where I didn't want one. Whilst putting it back to its original position I noticed the front tub was beginning to disintegrate. 5 miles later it decided enough was enough and let it self down nice and slowly. I wish I had made the effort to stretch the new spare tub on an old rim, as cold hands and the perfectly timed snow flurries made changing it slow going. A cyclist stopped and offered assistance (thanks) but I didn't need it, I did feel a bit of a prune pumping it up with the pocket pump I now carry rather than the full length frame pumps I used to use . About 5 mile from home I was passed by another cyclist who said hello. So a day of firsts (this time round) on my bike, a puncture, a pass and a pain in the never regions and 40 miles in one go.
My mileages are going up and it may be getting near the time to join the local cycling club. Why did I stay off the things for 25 odd years?
Hi Tony, did you cycle through the flood? Was it deep? Was it just the one section of flooding?Out for a ride with my CC today, hung back on a slower group but still did 45 miles including the Oakington to St. Ives stretch of the guided busway. Flooded past Swavesey for about 100 metres or so but other than that an enjoyable ride.