Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
The ride was dark and wet. I still haven't adjusted the gearing on Emily so long slow pedal strokes at reasonable car speeds.
The scrap mudguards worked well so I didn't notice any spray from the tyres.

The rest as posted in Tea?

I got left hooked on the way to physio this evening.

I was riding in primary in the bus lane and approaching the end of it when the car overtaking me indicated and swung in just as the bus lane ended.
Good thing I now have working front and rear V brakes or the car would have taken me out.
I had to swerve in to the right hand lane, having checked it was clear, as the car then stopped dead.
As I went past the drivers window both the driver and passenger were in animated conversation, neither looking at the road.

I didn't shout obscenities at the car, I haven't videoed it, nor have a posted a Youtube/CC rant, nor did I put my Abus Granit through their window, and I don't know any details of the driver's parentage.
I have failed as a cyclist!:sad:



Senior Member
Bury, Lancashire
The OH called me this morning and told me that she had forgotten her lunch (yes, the one I got up on my day off to make for her!) so I changed my planned ride today so that I would pass her work. Now changing the Pennine foot hills for Trafford Park is never a great idea but needs must.

I was just 10 miles in when I received a visit from the P fairy so I sat in front of a truly splendid building (or should I say temple) whilst I fixed it.


You know what they say...... every cloud!

Oh, lunch arrived just in time for the OH!


A tootle into Otley nice day slow and easy on mtb,nice couple of lattes and a big slab of choc cake,very nice.And we told the owner we would visit in late Dec to have a xmas lunch at the cafe.But in our civvies.


World class procrastinator
Just a shortie tonight, just shy of 8 miles but in the dark.
We obviously had our lights on, and our little LED flashers, and our reflective light up flashing arm and leg bands (Christmas tree is the phrase you are searching for here). Interestingly we noticed that the cars gave us a much wider berth at night than they do during the day.
Took the MTBs as some of our local roads are a tad muddy. We now have to go and hose the bikes down, they were 'that' muddy.

Fasta Asloth

Well-Known Member
The Karma police were being kind to me today... a wee jaunt around Richmond park, stopped to help out a bloke with his tyre puncture who had already used his spare tube for the day, then ended up getting a strava PR for the next circuit around the park, so a grand day...

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Today's plan was to do a tour up to Ellesmere. Then about 9.30 the fog rolled in so I gave that up as a bad job.

The fog cleared about lunch time, so this afternoon I got out for a shorter ride on one of the regular routes instead: Lyth Hill, Condover, Atcham, Upton Magna, Uffington, The Quarry in Shrewsbury and back home.

Just shy of 20 miles today at an average of 12.3mph.

Some pics:


Still some fog about as I head over Lyth Hill.


The setting sun gives everything a golden glow.


Ooh, pretty lights. Porthill Bridge and the Boathouse Inn


Senior Member
66 miles yesterday and 62 today. First time I have done back to back rides like this. JOGLE in May, 15 days at 100K per day.


Legendary Member
37.2 to Oxford and back, nice ride, but a spoke snapped; 50 yards from a bike shop. Popped in and they fitted a new one and I was out again 10 minute later. Rode home in the dark, the first time I've ridden a bike in the dark since 1978.

Stu Smith

Had agreat week this week, Sunday 33 mile bike, Monday 7 mile run, Tuesday rest,Wednesday 51mile bike:smile:.Thursday a walk up Pendle Hill with my better half..Today 29 mile bike..This coming Sunday, Run Preston 10 mile race.with my daughter inlaw..I'll show her why "old guy's rule":biggrin:


Senior Member
Not today, but Wednesday I did 31 miles on the Lincolnshire Wolds, my previous distance was only 21 and that included a pint half-way round. So I learnt two valuable lessons - whilst heading down a quite steep single-track road and you meet some 100+ ramblers walking in groups of four or five in the same direction it is the done thing to shout 'bike' rather than shout 'excuse me'. Despite them slowing my 30-45 mph descent to 3 mph I was very polite but just met with stern glances of 'wtf are you doing on our road!'. The second lesson is electrolytes! I normally for my 18 mile routes take High5 Zero with me, but have none left (and to be honest I was waiting to find them on offer again), so took some well watered-down OJ. Well yesterday I woke feeling hungry-sick, breakfast didn't help, stomach cramps occured and lots of loo trips thoughout the morning, by lunch time I felt so drained it took me 20 mins to unload and reload the dishwasher! I phoned in sick to work (I start at 12.30) and went to bed, no telly, no PC, no jobs around the house, just bed. After a little food in the evening I began to feel slightly better, and this morning I'm back to normal. A little bit of digging seems to hint that I really did need those Zero tabs (other hydration/electrolyte tablets are available).

Apart from that I enjoyed it though. This cycling malarky sure beats running or the gym.
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