Fresh snow!

Commute into work this morning was fun - walked to the main road not to tempt fate, studded tyres or not

then there was snow, and ice, and lots of it!
Getting quite good at cycling without braking ...
View of the park, imagine the ice tyres going "crunch, crunch"
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Kept mainly to the main roads after that, got to my work safely. Only my bike in the racks, but saw another 2 cyclists on the way, gingerly trying not to fall.
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Can you spot the difference?
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The ride home was a different kettle of fish: the fresh snow is now iced up, got to take it really easy. Skipped the park in the dark, went round it on the road.
Suddenly I hear a scream in the night: Patttttt!!!!
I shout back without stopping: Wottttt???
When I got home, my pal had send me a text "hope I didn't frighten you"
Me: " lol, it was you? I couldn't stop, was cycling without braking because of the ice"

In spite of the foul weather conditions, a black taxi close passed me

Tomorrow, it's going to be a bit scary, but hopefully the roads will be very quiet, going to set out early.
A view of the Hydro in the snow:
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