So my first ride of 2015 was with eyelids coated in layers of Vaseline, and I never got a bit on my glasses!
I rolled off the drive at 10.10am and stopped after 10yds to put my lights on....

. Half way down my road a lady wished me a happy new year, that was nice. The Bon homie extended for all the ride, dog walkers, runners, cyclists ( I think a bloke with a blue face may have blown me a kiss too

) and motorists giving way and holding back.
In Bourn I slowed up to ask the bloke with the upside down bike if he was ok, he was, so on I went through my usual quiet stamping ground. From Little Gransden I treated myself to 3 miles worth of fierce headwind down to Gamlingay. My best speed on the hill was 27 mph, this coincided with my front wheel being blown sideways by a gust of wind, I nearly added some more padding to my shorts!
The road back to Waresley gave me a slight tail wind, and though the road rises gradually my speed crept up and up and up, I love it when that happens!
On through the Gransdens again, back through the bottom end of Bourn, then up the little hills to Kingston. I then went to Caldecott, bunny hopping the bloody speed bumps as I went. So back to Hardwick, but I wanted a bit more today, I was enjoying myself, so I turned to Dry Drayton. Again, a slight tail wind and some shelter, my speed rose effortlessly. I looked a my Garmin, 27, 28, 29, and a half... I was running out of road and I had to hit 30. Up until this point I was aware that it had been effortless and almost graceful, the only things moving were my legs, poetry in motion..... But to squeeze that extra bit out had me looking like someone had put jump leads on my knackers! I was all over the shop, it did make me laugh at the time. My Garmin informs me that it topped out at 30.45mph, well worth looking a nobber for!
I made my way up the hill from Madingley village and home, an average speed of 15.7 mph and a very neat total of 33.33 miles.
I hope you all have a great 2015!