Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Legendary Member
Far Far Away
I started this winter by saying that I wasn't going to let the dark nights stop me from cycling....4 weeks later and I've only done 1 evening ride, so I dragged myself out after work for a ride. Wish I hadn't bothered!

Faffed around in the dark, getting the bike out of the shed (no power to the shed) and set off towards the Quarry Park, with the intention of calling in to see how my new house is progressing. I'm told that the Roof Trusses are going on.

Had been going for 2 miles when I see a red light appear on top of my front light. What's that I think to myself.....oh yes, the low battery indicator!:thumbsdown:

I was wearing hi viz and said to myself, it's ok it will last the 15 miles I am planning and even if it doesn't I have my old set in the rack pack to put on......

I continue through the Park and out onto the Cycle Paths, where I encounter 2 cars completely blocking the way by parking fully in the Cycle Path. Heading down towards Meole, sudden darkness as the front light packs up. I pull over and delve into the rack pack to get the old one out, can't find it and then remember I had taken it out on my last daytime ride to make more room :shy: :cursing:.

Decided to cut the ride short and miss calling at my new house because it would mean riding on the road without a front light. Not doing that, so continued to the underpass, where I ploughed into inches of thick mud from where the River must have burst its banks over the weekend. Couldn't see it due to no lights! How I didn't slide and crash I really don't know, but I slithered through and out to follow the partially lit cycle paths back home.

Shortly after, I encountered a jogger, half in the walkers path and half in the cycle path, rang bell 3 times, including once when virtually stopped behind him. He didn't move at all and so I pushed past and informed him I had rung my bell 3 times and he might like to move over a bit. Probably shouldn't have but he bore the brunt of my frustrations from the ride.

Arrived home, having done 9.5 miles, which I didn't enjoy and I now hate cycling in the dark even more.

Lights currently on charge!
2 rear lights, 1 on, 1 flashing. This way you don't have to keep checking to see if your batteries gave gone.

1 front light to see, keep it charged! 1 spare front blinky only on in an emergency. I also carry a small fenix on a lock block too in my pack. You'll get used to the time your battery pack lasts.

Night riding is great but be prepared. Keep at it :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
2 rear lights, 1 on, 1 flashing. This way you don't have to keep checking to see if your batteries gave gone.

1 front light to see, keep it charged! 1 spare front blinky only on in an emergency. I also carry a small fenix on a lock block too in my pack. You'll get used to the time your battery pack lasts.

Night riding is great but be prepared. Keep at it :thumbsup:
Was surprised the light ran out as had only used it for about 3 hrs on previous ride, but when I read the instructions it does say that is the limit on the 2nd setting I had it on!

Got the 2 rear lights set like you say and so I'm half prepared at least!

Just rushed out after work and didn't do the usual pre ride checks.

I'll probably be all keen again in a few days time.


Legendary Member
:sad: Not good. Please don't let it put you off.

The underpass has been like that for a week now.:wacko: Hopefully it'll get cleaned soon.
Would have been ok if the lights had been working, as would have seen it before lolloping into it!

Hadn't crossed my mind that the River had even been up that high!

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Just in time to post today's ride ^_^
Well, two rides actually, only the first worth reporting: BigCat and I had much fun going to the Vets in the trailer, my depleted finances suffered though :laugh:
Never mind, all will be for him well after an antibiotics course!
vet visit.jpg


Legendary Member
Rode as far as Bitton today on the BB railway path, lovely morning although quite a brisk easterly wind blowing - stopped on way back for coffee & mince pie at Warmley waiting room Cafe.

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A couple of years ago on a hot sunny day the fragrant Mrs P and I were cycling over that crossing and some yoofs were approaching the crossing coming towards us, the path was busy with cyclists, and peds. One of the yoofs cycling towards was cycling no-handed stark naked and flicking folk he passed by with his underpants. I wish I had the presence of mind to knock him off his bike, but I was rather taken aback by the spectacle. I hope the twunt fell of his bike.


Legendary Member
Another aborted attempt to go out on the Kingpin today. Yesterday I bought the wrong size inner tube so I went back to the LBS to change it. I took the hybrid again, just as well really as it started to rain when I left and I don't want to take the Kingpin out in the rain.

Just another 7.2 utility ride, it was cold, wet, windy and grey, greyer and than a pair of old pants, I did remember to take a couple of photos today.


Didcot Power Station just about in the distance.


Along this cycle path there is furniture that is designed to park your bike.

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A grey day.


West Somerset
So there I was at just gone eight o'clock this morning, cycling along the main road, enjoying the sunshine and the cold air on my face when I was overtaken by a whippet on a black and yellow road bike. He kindly and generously offered his back wheel so I hung on for dear life as he towed me in. I suspect I slowed him up but he must have known what he was getting since I had tatty panniers on the bike and was wearing jeans, a beanie and my most scruffy jacket. :thanks: If I'd continued at my pace, my choice of clothing would have been fine but I was thoroughly steam cooked by the time we parted company at the end of town.

Sir, I don't know if you're on CC but thanks for trusting me to stick on your wheel. Shame you weren't there for my return journey - the wind was a beast.
Another aborted attempt to go out on the Kingpin today. Yesterday I bought the wrong size inner tube so I went back to the LBS to change it. I took the hybrid again, just as well really as it started to rain when I left and I don't want to take the Kingpin out in the rain.

Just another 7.2 utility ride, it was cold, wet, windy and grey, greyer and than a pair of old pants, I did remember to take a couple of photos today.

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Didcot Power Station just about in the distance.

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Along this cycle path there is furniture that is designed to park your bike.

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A grey day.
It may be designed to park you bike but that first one looks useless blocking the path the way it does!


Perhaps This One.....
Didn't want to ride today, was rather blowy and I felt cold all morning. Still, the man says I must, so off I went this afternoon. Glad I did too, as I'd warmed up within a couple of miles and seemed to be taking a sheltered route. Went out Chobham way for a change, and had no headwind issues until near home where it seemed all the wind was against me down Chertsey Lane. A really quite enjoyable 22 miles:smile:

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Begun a regime of fasted rides this week - an hour and a bit out to Kirton and back before breakfast - in an attempt to shed a stone of beer-belly that has stubbornly refused to budge. (Has it anything to do with the fact I haven't really lowered my beer intake, I wonder?) I had forgotten I would be mixing it up with the commuter crowd and today, at Foxhall, I encountered far more cars using the rat-run alongside the old Civil Service Sports Club than usual. One decided to ignore my Primary, rushed past me while clipping the bushes on the other side of the road and nearly clipping me, then swerved over to try to avoid the on-coming traffic. He missed the first car, but then came that familiar 'donk' that I've heard before as a pair of wing-mirrors made contact. He didn't stop. I hastened on to try to get his number and caught up with him at the junction as he was winding down his window to inspect his self-inflected damage. I begun memorising his number, but glanced over my shoulder to see that the victim - who had initially pulled up - had driven off. When I looked back the bugger was screeching off.
I have a feeling if I keep riding this route at the same time, this might not be the last I'll see of him.
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