Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Hmm. Depends. From an aesthetic point of view, definitely. Given my parents' choice of property and how things turned out, hindsight says that we should have stayed put. Though that would have kept us within easy visiting distance of The Scary Grandmother... ?


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Not in the right place i know, no riding this weekend as i slipped and fell half way down the stairs with my daughter in my arms.
Tried my best to make sure i got the brunt of the impact and she fell out of my arms at the bottom so shes ok but i have nicely bruised my hip and ribs :sad:
Not in the right place i know, no riding this weekend as i slipped and fell half way down the stairs with my daughter in my arms.
Tried my best to make sure i got the brunt of the impact and she fell out of my arms at the bottom so shes ok but i have nicely bruised my hip and ribs :sad:
Ouch. Hope you both recover quickly. I would send a :hugs: but it may hurt too much.
Best wishes.


Senior Member
Nice & sunny 11.5c temp & 4 mile shakedown of the Teen's new Triban Roadie (which her now late Nan & Granddad already had got her for Christmas and...since they both died sadly on Wednesday I let her have the bike now...... first time out on one for her.... she got on great following me and riding two abreast...
11.6 mph average and 18.7 mph fastest speeds.... We were happy with the first ride and we know were being looked on from above..(god bless them).. and I even had a summer jersey on..... Nipped up the adjusted bits post ride....


plus je vois les hommes, plus j'admire les chiens
Round the Forth with a stop at the Kelpies for coffee and a muffin. I did photograph a steam train on the Bo'ness line but photo too blurred. Perfect morning, clear blue sky, good company, no better way to s
tart the day.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Out with the Kingsway crowd again this morning. Fog, fog and more fog was the theme of the day. I had been feeling listless for a couple of days, and was way off the pace, being nearly last up the climb of Horsepools Hill, and puffing like a steam engine by the time I emerged from the fog to rejoin the others who were waiting at the top. I had given blood again on Wednesday night, just 12 weeks after my last donation. They wanted to book me in again in 12 weeks time, but I have put my foot down this time and held out until April. I was wondering why they kept prodding me into action to donate so often (59 times so far) .... then the other day I received a letter telling me that I had a really rare ("Ro") sub-group that only 1% of people have, and which is useful for people with sickle cell anaemia. That explained the urgency, but I think it's time to listen to my body and give myself a bit longer to restore my red blood cells next time. Anyone else suffer a bit with low energy levels after blood donations?

Anyway, once up Horsepools Hill, we carried on along the escarpment to Painswick Beacon, where you normally get great views across the Severn valley ... not today you didn't. Fog, fog, fog. After a long debate, we headed off down into the picture postcard village of Painswick. It has some lovely yew tree topiary in the churchyard and some nice Cotswold stone buildings around it, but we passed it in a 25mph blur and carried on into Stroud along the main road. There @gordyfinbar led an intrepid group up over the long, gruelling climb of Selsley Hill and back down Frocester Hill, while I led the other group (including @Dark46) the flatter way back towards Frampton on Severn, and a nice little cafe at the marina at Saul Junction. There we swilled tea and ate cakes, and chatted, then waited ...and waited .... and waited some more, for the smaller group of hill climbers. They turned up eventually, having had to stop for a mechanical.. Huge respect to Berney, our young lady rider who joined the club recently, and took on the mighty Selsley Hill on top of Horsepools Hill in her first ever climbing ride . That takes some doing when you are still slightly tipsy and hung over from an all nighter. I put it down to Dutch courage. She found a new use for my bar-end mirrors today, using them to check on her mascara, which was running a bit due to all the road spray!

Oddly, having felt like crap for the first 20 minutes of the ride, I seem to have ridden myself well again, and felt great by the end - apart from having a soaking wet and cold beard - which seems to have filtered the moisture out of all that fog I rode through. I don't normally follow the sudden, unexpected Strava sprints, but I did this time on the way home, and must have averaged over 18mph for the last 8 miles or so. As we sprinted along the waterfront at Epney, I couldn't help noticing that you couldn't even see the Severn, which was about 6 feet away on the other side of a low wall, lost in the mist. That was a first.

My computer appeared to be in synch with me today, refusing to work throughout the 0.7 miles from my home to the start of the ride, and then springing into action the moment we started off round the first corner, and now, like me, as right as rain again. Just 29.3 miles for me today, but I'm so glad I went out in the end.

Cheers, Donger.

13 rider

32 miles in glorious winter sunshine .Met up with two work mates and did a nice 15 mile loop with them around cossington and ragdale in leicestershire. They are also newbies so we just pootled round the climb out of ragdale made them sweat but most of my rides around charwood forest involve climbing so I was first up which is something I won't mention at work !!!.Its was my first ride with company and very enjoyable having a chat as we rode.After parting company with them I took the long route home around swithland reservoir making the most of the weather and it seems everybody had the same idea as loads of riders out today.Finished of at 32.6 miles at 13.8mph with 1743 ft of climbing according to plotaroute . Didn't put mates off as we are planning for next week weather permitting


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Normal Sunday 30 mile pootle with our lass, ended up doing it on the old Felt which I have handed down to my eldest lad. Seat was a tad low for me but I couldn't be bothered to adjust it. Ride also took me through 18,000 miles for the year, as @13 rider above saw lots of people out on bikes today, mind you weather was bloody fantastic in Leicester today.
Blimey, a 54 miles a day average - that is some going! :bravo:

I'd be very pleased to average 1/2 of that but will probably end up just shy of 20% of your mileage this year. Ok, my miles are hillier, but I could not imagine doing 18,000 miles even if they were all flat, with a tailwind! :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Blimey, a 54 miles a day average - that is some going! :bravo:

I'd be very pleased to average 1/2 of that but will probably end up just shy of 20% of your mileage this year. Ok, my miles are hillier, but I could not imagine doing 18,000 miles even if they were all flat, with a tailwind! :thumbsup:

Commuting really helps with the mileage - 14,000 of the 18,000 have been "commuting" miles - I live 5 miles away from work ^_^
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