Your Locality

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New Member
Aperitif said:
The woman on the right got dragged away by the cops last week after ramming a car around the corner then weaving her way home with the front bumper hanging off, and finally trying to do a bit of metal origami with her 'up and over' door.
The woman the other side is separated from her husband, but he still turns up every weekday to park his car and blag a lift to the station from her. There is the usual collection of nosey parkers, gossips and decent folk (like me:biggrin:) We have a school in the road so children can be seen munching healthy breakfasts of firemans hoses, fanta, Walkers cheese and onion etc etc...Jack the dog's friend Eric the Dog has an owner who is on the point of doing a drugs bust on a house up the road. The roads are swarming with tosspots on mopeds with the exhaust baffle missing (along with the grey matter) and the Community Support Officers hang out wiv the 'hood at the train station.
There is an Aldi, Lidl, Matalan, Argos,McDoubtfuls, Tescos 24hr x 2, Asda, and all the 'must have' mobile 'phone shops you could shake a stick at...
My neighbourhood is, well...21st century. Close to almost anywhere in the world - if planes count that is:tongue: and only a short ride to Windsor or Richmond, where people's dreams are real...

(sorry - got carried away!);)

A tenement, a dirty street
Walked and worn by shoeless feet
Inside it's long and so complete
Watched by a shivering sun
Old eyes in a small child's face
Watching as the shadows race
Through walls and cracks and leave no trace
And daylight's brightness shuns

..but down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid..
i'm in the back arse of nowhere, a one horse, hill billy bumf**k village where the locals have webbed feet due to the inbreeding...they look at me funny when i pass them my bicycle. can you guess where i am!


Cycling in the sun
Suburban city, my bit is quiet, but in the opposite to a previous poster ... downhill every way ... unfortunately that means uphill every direction to get home.


Started young, and still going.
Used to be fairly quiet market town at the south end of Hertfordshire when I was a kid in the 60's. Now it is a suburb of North London and too busy and crowded.


Resting in suspended Animation
I live in a suburb that's close to an estate that was recently claimed was the worst estate in the city (it's not) and just over the hill in another direction is the worst estate in the city. High levels of daytime traffic 15 hours a day, a few local shops dying out, rarely see peds at all. Not much really. Supermarkets, town, theatres, cinemas, parks, are all miles away. Endless schemes to build more houses, regenerate places and redo roads and pavements. On the plus Derbyshire is not far away. Lots of hills :biggrin:.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Brighton burbs. Btn is still one of my favourite places of its size.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Very central Urban, for me, but tucked away down a quiet little street, with a view of York Minster. A view which will be even better when they finish restoring the East Front and take the scaffolding down - but that will be years....
Saw Aperitif's epic and thought I'd strayed into another thread! :biggrin:

Just outside Exeter city centre. Red-bricked estates, not too many chavs, but lots of Eastern Europeans (not that there's anything wrong with that!).

Too many hills, and plenty of red-ploughed fields in all directions.

Hope to swop it all soon for the fjords of Norway! (well, a golf course in Oslo! :biggrin:).


Vice Admiral
dangerousjules said:
i'm in the back arse of nowhere, a one horse, hill billy bumf**k village where the locals have webbed feet due to the inbreeding...they look at me funny when i pass them my bicycle. can you guess where i am!

Reminds me of a village I used to live in, in Gloucestershire, near Stroud.
An elderly lady living in the village, told me that she had only once been as far as Cheltenham. Some one described some one else as a "new person" when that new person had lived there 15 years. :biggrin:


back and brave
Rural... most definitely rural. There's cow shoot on the roads and everything.

There's a couple of other houses near us, and a hamlet around the corner (maybe 500m), but rural best sums it up.


New Member
Speicher said:
Reminds me of a village I used to live in, in Gloucestershire, near Stroud.
An elderly lady living in the village, told me that she had only once been as far as Cheltenham. Some one described some one else as a "new person" when that new person had lived there 15 years. :biggrin:

In Somerset you are always a newcomer. You can only say you are from Somerset if you were born here, otherwise you can say you live in Somerset and people regard you as an incomer.
I'm from near London originally and whenever I go back home I get a culture shock and have to sit down outside Victoria Station for five minutes to acclimatise.
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