Your least favourite film?

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gkerr4 said:
last man standing - bruce willis i think. Went to the cinema to see it where it was a case of last man sitting - as everyone was walking out. I hate walking out on a film but was seriously tempted with that one.

there is one other film that I loathe too - can't remember it's name though. Sci-fi thing there the ship is basically going to hell - awful, truly awful

in response to the OP though - I really like Happy Gilmour

Wasnt Event Horizon was it ?. I ilked the film, but it was lacking in some parts.

For me..
Dumb and Dumber
Bill and Ted films
Anything remotely assosiated with Cheech and Chong ;):biggrin:!:biggrin:


Legendary Member
The two films I've walked out of cinemas on are:-

The Delinquents ( we didn't even stay long enough for kylies breasts)

and Highlander 2 (we walked before we were kicked out) (Just!)


Star Trek: Nemesis was appalling, even for that franchise. The LoTR films were the most overrated toss of recent times, particularly the last one which just made my bum sore and not much else. Most of the time I just avoid the films I know will be crap, basically anything mainstream made in Hollywood, or unfortunately, most bigger budget British films.

Oh, and I loved Sideways. Witty, honest and human with great acting. But then Paul Giamatti is one of my favourite actors - American Splendor is brilliant.
Melvil said:
For me, it may well have been Pearl Harbour...that was pretty grim, I have to say. Although I accidentally caught an Adam Sandler film (Happy Gilmour, I think it was) that was absolute tosh!

How can you not like 'Happy Gilmour'!!!!!!!!!! I've seen this film dozens (yes, dozens) of times!!! It makes me smile just thinking about it!!

"I eat peices of sh_it like you for breakfast"

Happy Gilmour chortling "what? You eat peices of sh_it for breakfast?"

One of my favourite lines of all time!!


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
Cheddar George said:
"Raise the Titanic" now that was a bad film based on a not too bad book. Special effects were something else.

That film pretty much ended Lew Grade's career in films (he was one of the major backers). His take on it was something to the effect of "Raise the Titanic? It would have been cheaper to lower the Atlantic". ;)


New Member
I agree with Longers on Highlander 2, major disappointment after the first film.

Independence Day, what complete and utter trash. I would rather listen to the speaking clock for three hours than watch that nationalistic garbage again. ;)

For the record, I really like Happy Gilmore and Sideways.:biggrin:
Tetedelacourse said:
National Treasure.
The villain was called "Ian" ffs.
National Treasure is one of those films which is genuinely so awful that it's great. I had huge fun ticking off all the standard Fortean/Alt history stuff in it and that's before you start picking apart the 'Masons founded America and they were really great guys' guff. ;)
Have to agree with everyone who has posted that remakes are generally a very bad idea.

Any film with John Wayne (except perhaps "Who Killed Liberty Valance") really gets the red mist coming down.

Can't stand modern "horror" films - all gore and noise instead of suspense.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
The Sicilian

Based on the real-life character Salvatore Giuliano

The book:

Countless stories have been written but few are truly captivating. "The Sicilian" is one of these. Puzo has an unparalleled ability to describe the beautiful Sicilian landscape. He also examines the soul of each character with amazing precision. The end result is an intimate and powerful piece of work.

The film (1987):

A pretentious campy Godfather!

You can't be serious. This movie could have been great. It's got tragedy and struggle at its heart. The score is mournful and sufficiently mody. The direction and photography are at times beautiful and inspired. But the hard-boiled and wooden acting - combined with some of the most ridiculous dialouge - takes all seriousness right out of this over-achieving film. The only true hope within this waste of money is the always brilliant, John Turtorro. Watching him act one gets the idea that he knows the dialogue is ridiculous and acts up the campiness accordingly. Look out for a scene late in the film when he visits the cardinal to retrieve a message for Guliano. AS he walks back, he stumbles over a coffee table, in effect pulling the wind right out of the drama!


Legendary Member
I enjoyed the rambo films,BUT i hated the end when he did his patriotic bit,made me cringe ,it was one of those cushion in the face times.


New Member
Gregory's Girl - my husband loves it and will happily watch it EVERY time its on tv, I just cringe!;):thumbsdown:

Longers, I too walked out of Highlander 2 and never ventured in to see No.3. I do believe it was the curse of the Sequel!
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