Your favourite Simpsons line?

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Not a one liner, so I apologise before hand; but, the bit where homer is on the polygraph and is being interviewed by Mulder and Scully.

Scully I think it is asks “this is a very simple lie detector test, we will ask you questions and you just answer truthfully yes or no. Do you understand?”

Homer answers “Yes” and the machine explodes.


Look for it on youtube to put a link in but it said that it had been removed!:ohmy:


Piemaster said:
"Release the hounds"

YES! Haha, brilliant.

I also like Bill Clinton talking to Lisa about the fact that her band didn't win a competition, until she complained, and they were allocated the win.
He says "And the moral of this story Lisa, is even at first if you don't succeed, just complain until people give in to what you want."



Home Counties
In the 3D Homer episode
Homer, faced with a gravity well: "Oh I wish I'd paid more attention to that wheelchair guy"
and later, Bart: "It was all going fine, then the universe kind of collapsed in on itself."
When lisa was babysitting Rod and Tod, their bedtime prayer went like this.

"Tank you god, for sending Lisa to save us from the butterfly you sent"
I ignored it for years and have only watched it recently with my kids. Every episode has a dozen cracking lines or little remarks.

In our house we now have "Flanders" food - anything that is over presented and fussy (like the cup of chocolate he made for Bart in the movie).
"That's Homer with his special chilli eating spoon. They say he carved it himself.........from a bigger spoon"
I've never seen a complete episode - seems I may have to make an effort to catch a couple. Problem is that even my 3x grandsons don't like it so I can't use them as an excuse.


Mexico City
Homer and Mr Burns are playing golf. Burns's ball ends up in a bunker. Smithers is caddying for Burns.
Burns: "Smithers, I think I'll need an open-face club, a sand-wedge"
Homer: "Mmmmmmm. Open faced club sandwich..."
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