Your favourite childhood toys

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Legendary Member
No particular favourites, but there were a few fads that were popular in my time..

Yoyo's, hoola hoops AND clackers (before they were banned)

I still have my old yo yo. Must be a collectors item. I entered a local competition in 1957(ish) but failed to win.


Legendary Member
The parachute was hit & miss as to if it would open, one of my Action Men used it in conjunction with the Parachute Regiment outfit, until it didn't open and was given a medical discharge due to losing a leg!

My pal's Action Man lost an arm in very similar circumstances.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I still have my old yo yo. Must be a collectors item. I entered a local competition in 1957(ish) but failed to win.

At school in the '80s'/'90s', there was a brief fad for yo - yos that were branded with logos for soft drinks.

I think I had a Coca Cola one (it was the first time I became aware of the old 'Enjoy' lettering on it), but there was also a Fanta and Sprite one that people had too.
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Did anybody here manage to solve the Rubix Cube.I certainly didn't, but a lad in school used to be able to solve them in around 3 minutes.The kids were queuing up in the playground handing there dinner money over to him to solve theirs..He must of a small fortune 😲
Did Kielkraft charge you extra for the ‘realistic diving action’?
”Bally Jerry, did a whoopsie, dickie birdied, in the Briny”. :-)

It might have gone up in flames in the end.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
We (my siblings and myself) had a thing called a 'Gadabout'.

It was a flat plastic steerable cart with seats built into it, that also doubled as a sledge when you took the wheels off.
It was red.

We loved it so much!


Does anyone remember these primative things from the seventies?

A plastic submarine that you placed a tablet, that from memory was a bit like a soluble aspirin, inside and dropped in the bath, and as the tablet dissolved the submarine would surface, hours of fun. 😂

And something else that never seemed to work very well, but was always on a young lad's Christmas list.



Legendary Member
Did anybody here manage to solve the Rubix Cube.I certainly didn't, but a lad in school used to be able to solve them in around 3 minutes.The kids were queuing up in the playground handing there dinner money over to him to solve theirs..He must of a small fortune 😲

I could do it when at school but i've forgotten how to manipulate the bottom row once the top two are done.

Scalextric undoubtedly my favorite and most played with toy. I still have it, but have run out of space to set it up, need to get a child to move out....


Heavy Metal Fan
Oh I forgot, ZOIDS were my favourite toys when I was 7ish. I got a big one for Christmas and played with it all the time, but didn't get any more as they were quite expensive.
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