[QUOTE 3640083, member: 9609"]How many per sqaure foot did you base your calculations on ?
A rough and ready way to measure pond - calculate how much water per minute from hose pipe, then how long for hose to fill pond by a set height.
We have a very small pond in the front garden 7' diameter, and a few months ago I took a photo and managed to count 31 frogs on the surface (probably more under the water) - so I am guessing at least one per square foot.
It's around 100 sq.ft I'd guess - maybe a bit more; it's hard to work out due to the shape.
I came up with an average of 4/sq.ft. I think this might be a bit low tbh as in places there are probably 10-12 per linear foot around the perimeter of the pond and then there are the swimmers as per your pic which is hard to estimate. Christ knows how many are down below..
Whatever, there are lots and lots of them. Over the years we have stocked several other ponds in the village with 'our' frogs.
There's a whole bunch of Toads in there too although these tend be semi-submerged in the 'shallows' or ambling around in the surrounding undergrowth.