Your day's wildlife

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Enjoyed a good view of a cuckoo being harried by meadow pipits on my lockdown walk in the Pentland Hills yesterday.
That reminds me... working in the garden yesterday, all the local crows converged together to mob a heron that was passing by. Felt rather sorry for the heron, as I see it pretty much daily flying between two bodies of water, so I don't know why the crows had decided to gang up on it.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Little and large....



Keep forgetting this thread.

Fox now visits my hedgehog den food station.
Got him her on the camera.

One day I'll sort out how to do a download :laugh:


A typical airfield creature, one we used to see regularly through our childhood, a hare this morning, loping along the edge of what was Alconbury Airbase
No drama, they're common enough i assume, its just most people, me included nowadays, arent really in the right environment to see them.


Gravitationally challenged member
Ruby throated humming bird. Didn't get a picture but it's at our humming bird feeder, so hoping it will come back.
Tricky chappies! Long time ago I used a whole 36 exposure 35mm film on a feeder in Ontario and ended up with one reasonably tolerable shot.


Legendary Member
We are on humming bird watch in the house. The feeder is attached to the window, and we've seen glimpses of it everyday since, but I've been afraid to scare it by bounding too close with the phone in my haste to get a picture... But I'm very optimistic sooner or later I'll get a picture! They are beautiful tiny birds.

Tricky chappies! Long time ago I used a whole 36 exposure 35mm film on a feeder in Ontario and ended up with one reasonably tolerable shot.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Watched a mouse attacking a fat ball that sits on the soil in a big pot contains a magnolia bush .

He had to climb up 4 other pots to get to the big one . All this whilst I was on a phone call to a customer :laugh:

Dave 123

Legendary Member
We are on humming bird watch in the house. The feeder is attached to the window, and we've seen glimpses of it everyday since, but I've been afraid to scare it by bounding too close with the phone in my haste to get a picture... But I'm very optimistic sooner or later I'll get a picture! They are beautiful tiny birds.

First time I saw one I couldn’t believe it!

Try a red tube with sugared water, see if you can hand tame one....
Flick of the Elbow

Flick of the Elbow

less than
SW Edinburgh
This woodpecker was hopping and taking very short flights along a bridleway this afternoon. I presume it was injured, but when I got too close it made its way into the bushes alongside the track where i lost sight of it
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That looks like a young one, perhaps not long fledged, which would explain why it didn’t have the ability to take off to escape potential danger. Hiding in the bushes is the best thing for it, hopefully it’s parents will be around to keep it fed, they usually are.
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