A red kite landed on our green gage tree yesterday. Earlier, a kestrel had landed briefly on the lawn (I don't normally see them land unless they are on a kill). To complete a day of interesting avian sightings, we watched a crow teach itself how to get access to our nut-feeder. I'll bet no-one else has seen a crow hang upside down ......albeit this involved lots of wing-flapping, and lasted only 10 or 15 seconds each time.
We now have 66 species on our list of birds seen in our garden, which, considering "pigeon, blue tit, blackbird, and pheasant" was the sum total after a the first year, is testament to the wildlife-friendly garden we've made from nothing, and the benefits of setting up lots of different feeders.
Now, can anyone tell me how to keep bloody mallards off the pond?