Do cycle lanes impact your journey?
made me laugh (a hollow, sad laugh). Please do try and visit Leeds - cycle around for a bit, and (with a straight and serious face) tell me cycle lanes only have positive impacts on my journey.
They are (in very large part)
- not there when you need them;
- when you don't need them, they're there .... and grotesquely incompetently designed and implemented.
Add -
- any number of ****holes in four wheel vehicles who just haven't a clue.
Add again -
- road engineers who are constitutionally illiterate, and entirely unable to comprehend the basic, simple, monosyllabic English of the national standards for cycle lane design.
Hmmm - yes, cycle lanes
DO impact my journeys. Every damned day. But positively? Some (and only
some) of the newer ones make some attempt to live up to the standards. But, imho, the best use of any government funds devoted to improving cycling would be to torch virtually all cycle lanes as they are laid out at the moment.