Your bike's name

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New Member
My Marin is called "The White Lightning" - because it's a pearly white colour, and much faster than the mountain bike on the road ;)


New Member
Pinarello, Giant and Kona. But they all get called $%@$**! thing when something happens out on the road


back and brave
My bikes have names... but only for my wife's sake so she knows which one I'm referring to.

There's 'Bedford bike' for my Aravis audax bike, 'fixed' for the fixed, 'Bianchi' for the bianchi, 'Robin's bike' for the old Avanti mtb my brother Robin gave me and 'mountain bike' for the Claude Butler mtb. It just saves confusion.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I'm tempted to say that only sad gits name their bikes but that would be offensive and controversial and I wouldn't want that;)
My regular commute is an old Bob Jackson touring bike with hammerite paint on a few sections where work has been done and a top-tube covered in insulating tape. I was having my forks replaced (steerer thread completely worn out) with carbon fiber ones and I rang the LBS to ask how it was going - young lad who works there covered the receiver (just) and shouted through to the workshop "How's the bodger coming??"

Hence forth my bike has been known as 'Bodger' - naturally my not so bodged Klein Pulse mountain bike has become known as 'Badger'....


New Member
Smokin Joe said:
I didn't want to look either, but I couldn't stop myself. It's like that awful desire to touch a plate after being told, "Careful, it's very hot".

Yesterday I stood in something I thought was dog sh*t, I knew it was dog sh*t, I could see it was dog shi*t, but I still had to smell it to make sure...Why?


Cycling in the sun
My Giant is Fergus - absolutely no idea why but it seemed to suit him. And the other bike has never fully settled on a name... I keep trying out new ones... latest version is Evie, and hubby's is called Ed. It just makes it easier when there are 4 26" bikes (2 mine, 1 hubby, 1 eldest daughter), to identify them (2 are identical except for the size and subsequent modifications to them).
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