do animals count calories or eat processed food? no. (well domestic pets are fed processed food and many are obese). do animals get fat? not really, unless nature determins that they need to, to survive.
cals in vs cals out? i'm about the same weight this last year and have no idea of cals in or out. if i ate about 100 cals over each day, that would be 36500 cals per yr. i should be 10 lbs heavier. how much is 100 cals over a day, not much i'd say, so ive been pretty lucky to get the cals in out numbers.
some food our bodies will convert to stored fat, some it wont. food timing, food combinations and hormones are the major factor. avoid processed sugary foods, unless you are needing them as part of your racing and training. during hard exercise your body will be happy to use it as fuel. off the bike, real food will make your less hungry, have fewer cravings and encourage fat loss, regardless of calories. your energy will increase and health improve.
eat butter eggs fish cheese meat yogurt oats fruits veg nuts seeds salads milk.
avoid sugar choclate crisps biscuits bread breakfast cereals (save porridge) fast food places alcohol fruit juice fizzy drinks sports drinks
an odd dip into the avoid list does no harm now and then.