Yorkshire V Worcestershire

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Heavy Metal Fan
I have never tried Henderson's relish so I'd have to be on the side of Worcestershire sauce. I have tried Lea&Perrins and Tesco's own brand; and decided the former is delicious and the latter disgusting


Leg End Member
No, not cricket!
There appears to be a bit of a battle happening re: Worcestershire Sauce and Henderson's Relish!!
Which side are you on @classic33 ? 🤔

~ Saucy Daily Mirror Linkie~
Whichever bright spark in marketing came up with the idea of slapping the name of another county on it deserves to be dipped in a 50-50 mix of the two.

As for which side, Yorkshire first and foremost all the time.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Whichever bright spark in marketing came up with the idea of slapping the name of another county on it deserves to be dipped in a 50-50 mix of the two.

As for which side, Yorkshire first and foremost all the time.

Surely they'll say 'Sithee' to him/her/them as they boot them out of the door!!


Legendary Member
Lea and Perrins for me. Henderson's is a South Yorkshire thing and while they are technically part of Yorkshire the rest of us try to gloss over that.

Rich coming from a West Yorkshire-er! :laugh:

I hadn't come across Henderson's before either, but also rarely been to Sheffield, although I do like Pulp and Reverend and the Makers.
W'ster sauce on cheese on toast or a bacon & fresh tomato sandwich is a thing of beauty though, so may give it a try if available in Hertfordshire.

Slightly different as its sliding towards brow sauce territory, but a mate introduced me to Oxford sauce recently in a sausage sandwich*. very very good.


*the sauce was added to the sandwich, we weren't both in the sandwich, it perhaps needs an Oxford Comma to clarify, or it may just be poor ordering!


When I was a kid we had Yorkshire Relish Thin (like Worcester), which was made by Goodall & Backhouse in Leeds, and Yorkshire Relish Thick (like HP/Daddies etc.). It would appear that it's now made in Ireland, and that there's a collector's market for antique YR bottles. It seems the Americans have a taste for YR Thick.

I hadn't heard of Henderson's until recently.
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Hendo's is a staple in our house. It was Vegan before vegan was a thing, there was even a comedy series on Radio 4 with the running gag about trying to smuggle Hendersons Relish past Yorkshire border control and down to the soft southern jessies in that London.
It's great added to mushrooms while cooking, ditto baked beans.
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