York CTC Rally - What Goes On?

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New Member
Disgruntled Goat said:
Yeah, the Ron Kitching Ride. What's that all about? I pay £15 for someone to give me a list a rough directions. I then ride through the NY Moors. No signage, no support, no refreshments. Just a list of rough directions. And people with beards and saddlebags. Great fun.

You're not going are you? Phfft!:wacko:


New Member
I've been to two York CTC Rallies and I enjoyed both. Like all hobbyist gatherings the rally attracts those who take the hobby too seriously, but on the whole I found the rallies to be fun, mildly informative and a pleasant way of having a few days away from home.
haggard rider said:
I have neither beard nor saddlebag and take great delight in repeatedly meeting the d**kheads who can't even follow rough directions. And if I remember rightly you get to ride some cracking hills, in some stunning scenery.

I can follow directions, I just wonder exactly what I'm paying £15 for.


Über Member
Disgruntled Goat said:
I can follow directions, I just wonder exactly what I'm paying £15 for.

As it says on the entry form "The ride raises vital funds for the CTC Charitable Trust."
I know where my money is going, but what am I getting for my money? Or is it wrong of me to expect the CTC to actually do something for their money?And before you say they work out a route - I can work my own routes out thank you so why don't I just go on my own customised ride, cut out the pretence and donate £15 to the CTC instead?


New Member
Arch said:
Last year someone tried to make me guess, which could have been a very very long process.... Still he then insisted on taking a pic to prove he'd met me!:biggrin:
That Patrick fellas a cad isnt he! :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Disgruntled Goat said:
I know where my money is going, but what am I getting for my money? Or is it wrong of me to expect the CTC to actually do something for their money?And before you say they work out a route - I can work my own routes out thank you so why don't I just go on my own customised ride, cut out the pretence and donate £15 to the CTC instead?

So don't sodding go on the orgainsed ride then!

What is it with people who can perfeectly well not do something, but feel the need to complain about it anyway?

I don't feel the need to fork out a fortune on M and S ready meals, but I don't whinge about the fact that some people do...
Arch said:
So don't sodding go on the orgainsed ride then!

What is it with people who can perfeectly well not do something, but feel the need to complain about it anyway?

I don't feel the need to fork out a fortune on M and S ready meals, but I don't whinge about the fact that some people do...

I did go on the ride. Or rather I paid £15 expecting there to be at least some signage. When I arrived and found out the true nature of the ride, then I frankly couldn't be arsed. It's a bit like buying a M&S ready meal and finding that you have simply bought a recipe and you have to provide the ingredients and make it yourself.

I guess I'm not part of the CTC Rally's target market. I'll go back again when I start to look like this:

The irony is that I actually bought a Carradice SPQ saddlebag last week:tongue:.
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