Obviously an Aubergine
@Heltor Chasca sounds like me been searching for a slow hobby for years.You're so right about groups being mostly female. I use to go to Pilates class at the gym but it felt all wrong so no longer go. Someone set up an all male Pilates group near me as a safe place for men to talk about mens health and wellbeing. I'd go but he's priced out most inc me it's a shame as it's only accessible for ones who can afford high fees.
I'd love to try Yoga but not many classes round me guess it's youtube for me just need the time
@AlexS once you're ready and you really want to learn how to teach with community and social focus. It's not too many miles away from you Northern collage is the place to go it's teacher training like no other. They do basic though to PGCE. I did my PGCE at Northern I loved every minute such a magical place.
The only problem with learning this stuff from u tube is that you are not observed.
We often have structural imbalances in our bodies. Eg one shoulder stiffer than other, one leg extends more than the other, often an acquired habit.
Without someone to observe that this is happening, these problems stay the same, or are possibly worsened.
It 'feels' like you are stretching same amount each side, but visual evidence supplied to teacher shows otherwise
Hands in adjustment, and repeated 'show and tell' from a knowledgeable teacher is invaluable.
Not to say that utube can't support and encourage practice, but a real life class with a real life teacher is irreplaceable.
Shame your local men's class is so prohibitively expensive.. Otherwise it sounds like a great thing.