Y'avin a good 'un..

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Speicher said:
So there's two days left in this week, one next week, and he is just going to twiddle his thumbs until January. ;)

I presume you have a Boss, or you could be your own Boss, but what on earth is going on there? Has he got no imagination whatsover? At the very least he could keep you supplied with drinks, etc, field your phone calls, so you just take the urgent/important ones, replinish the printer/photocopier, deliver things round the buiding for you if necessary.


All sorted - I now have a willing helper and all is calm. The birds are singing again. The sun is shining.

OK, so at least the first bit is true!

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Admin said:
Will there be enough for everyone in Cafe? :biggrin:

If not, just make sure you put some aside for me ... and I won't tell the others. :sad:
He's made a fair bit, including trailblazing a variant of the recipe which includes Golden Syrup (and looks like it won't set until Christmas 2009).

However I fear that any excess will be eaten by me, rather than shared around Café. The bulk of it is for relatives and friends.


beanzontoast said:
[rant]Nope - work is piling up. One colleague has just announced he has nothing left to do between now and January. Pretty fed up really! [/rant]

I had this position with a department of six yesterday. I reallocated work so everything was fair. Talk about daggers, but that's my job. It's your bosses job to do this too. Talk to him/her.
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