My weight is still coming off weekly, now down by 4 stone or 25 kilo. My muscle bulk is steadily increasing, 150 si ups and 150 press ups per day 6 days a week plus other bit is doing this. Anyway back on point, many are saying muscle weighs more than fat, so come on how much more?
How about this, what weighs the most a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
Maybe building muscle just hold the fat in place better.
I also read this fine article,
For a natural bodybuilder females can lay down 1/2 lb of dense muscle per month. A male 1 lb of muscle per month. These studies conclusively show factual data unless enhanced with supplementation. I am not talking about scale weight, or adopoise tissue. For more information on muscular
enhancement and major muscle growth, search this website for many muscle repair / testosterone boosters that can help you with the goal of muscular hypertrophy.
Sorry guys I would say if you are not losing weight then you are likely to be putting in more calories than you are using, not turning into the Hulk over night.
Here is another of my night time readings.
Summary: Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9
g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weight 1.06 kg and one liter of
fat would weight 0.9 kg. In other words, muscle is about 18% denses
than fat. This should not be confused with the "energy density" of
muscle and fat, which may be where you got the 3x figure that you
mention in your question."
Please remember I am a PDR instructor not a health expert, my only claim is that I have lost 25 kilo in the last 6 months.
How about this, what weighs the most a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
Maybe building muscle just hold the fat in place better.
I also read this fine article,
For a natural bodybuilder females can lay down 1/2 lb of dense muscle per month. A male 1 lb of muscle per month. These studies conclusively show factual data unless enhanced with supplementation. I am not talking about scale weight, or adopoise tissue. For more information on muscular

Sorry guys I would say if you are not losing weight then you are likely to be putting in more calories than you are using, not turning into the Hulk over night.
Here is another of my night time readings.
Summary: Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9
g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weight 1.06 kg and one liter of
fat would weight 0.9 kg. In other words, muscle is about 18% denses
than fat. This should not be confused with the "energy density" of
muscle and fat, which may be where you got the 3x figure that you
mention in your question."
Please remember I am a PDR instructor not a health expert, my only claim is that I have lost 25 kilo in the last 6 months.