I hate incorrect usage of the reflexive pronoun. Sales people using words such as "yourself" when they mean "you". It's as if they're trying to sound more clever than they are...
Oh - that one really gets on my nerves. Almost every senior manager at work will end an email with:
"If you have any questions, please contact myself."
I have to resist the urge to go over and smash a keyboard over the offender's head when I read that. Still, for all they like to ponce around trying to be important, at least they're demonstrating how ignorant and thick they are to anyone clever enough to understand !
Ignorance of language is surely no different from ignorance about any subject, would you look down on someone who knows less about science than you? Dangerous game, because everyone you'll ever meet will know more than you about something'!
Something that I've noticed recently that is starting to grate (opps! Sorry someone), is people starting every sentence with "Obviously". Well if it is obvious there is no need to explain and if it isn't obvious you'll need to tell us why without saying obvious at the beginning.
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