You folks dont know what it means to queue for McD's
I had to queue 15mins to make my order, wait for them to prepare my food alongside the thousands that had ordered before me, then i had to queue to find a place to sit while surrounded by other people getting into each others personal space and being sat so close to them (even on a seperate table) that you could listen to and join in with their conversation without much effort.
I wanted to find a place to eat outside but my dad didnt want to parade around looking for somewhere to sit outside.
This place was the first Mc D's in Hong Kong to be doing gourmet burgers. But they also did other things like wraps & deserts like you would get in posh hotel. Its the only Mc D's in HK that does this and location wise its based in a posh shopping mall with a lot of local business, both retail & non-retail that would buy their lunch/dinner from this place.
If money is no issue then you could do something like this...
Im not sure how you would eat it but you could stack as many thick beef patties as you want in it so long as you got the money to pay for it. And yes - they build the burgers just like this. Nothing like the flatpacked burgers you get from the Mc D's in the UK.
I didnt like the seating arrangement, dad wanted to sit. So we sat down and i threw mine down and was done in 5mins and looking to leave. i didnt want to hang around. such a cramped space with people knocking against me everytime they walked past and listening in to other peoples conversations. No. Please...
Just let me out. Dad took a bit longer but wasnt enjoying the experience as much either.
waited for him to finish then we left and never went back there again

Roughly about £15 gets you a lot of gourmet burger compared to the UK. You could go to gourmet in the UK and the same thing would be about £20-23 for what we had.
But thats the thing with HK. Around 17,000 people per square mile. Some places are always going to be packed out like that.
As for eating Mc D's in the UK. Maybe once in a blue moon as a treat or a one off occasion with friends.
I personally perfer a nice chicken or lamb shish with some rice or salad from my local kebab shop. Gotta be shish though. Regular kebabs are quite fatty so the shish is the more healthier option so long as I dont dump a skip truck full of sauce on it.